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Caitlyn & Erin on the Farm



Caitlyn & Erin on the Farm

By Mandurah

Description: A group of sexy teens on a farm for a week? Will romance bloom? Or is it more of an incestuous yet consensual affair? Either way, or perhaps both, there will be a plethora of sexual activity going to the extreme for your reading entertainment!

Tags: Teen, Consensual, Romance, Incest, Extreme, Older, Lesbian, Sex Toys

Published: 2022-10-27

Size: ≈ 23,206 Words

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Caitlyn & Erin on the Farm

by Mandurah

©Copyright 2022 by Mandurah

Chapter 1

It’s been a while since Erin and I saw each other after we became friends while on holiday at the Kurlinin Lakes resort. But we stayed in touch through texts and FaceTime.

This year, I was to spend a week during the summer school holidays with Erin and her mum on their farm in the central wheatbelt. Her dad was off playing bowls in a country competition. Her brother Lucas, who had popped my cherry, was on holiday with his girlfriend down south.

I had a two-and-a-half-hour train ride to Perth from Bunbury. Then, after meeting Erin and her mum at the train station, we had another two-hour car journey from Perth to their property in the Central Wheatbelt. Dowerin is the closest town, some fifteen kilometers from their homestead.

As the train pulled into the station, I saw Erin and her mum standing on the platform, waiting for me.

“Erin,” I squealed as I got off the train.

“Caitlyn, babe. It’s so good to see you again.”

We kissed and hugged and kissed some more, and after breaking the hug, I said, “You too, Lambchop.”


“Yeah, you live on a wheat and sheep farm, so I thought I would give you the nickname of Lambchop.”

“Like, aren’t you the smart one?”

“Yeah, babe.”

“Hey, that’s what I call you.”

“Too right, Lambchop.”

“Hello, Mrs H. So nice to see you again.” I leaned in and hugged Erin’s mum. “It’s so good of you to invite me for the week. Awesome, thank you.”

“Mrs H? I like that. It makes me sound like one of the girls, neat.”

“Hey Mum, you’re too old to use teen language like neat.”

“I’ll give you too old Lambchop. I’m sure I’ll give you two a run for your money this week.”

The three of us laughed before I grabbed my suitcase, packed full of all the clothes I wouldn’t need and a few I would, and off to the car.

Erin and I sat in the back seat, chatting as her mum drove. It was late afternoon when we arrived at the farm, and once out of the car, the three of us had a group hug, and Mrs H squeezed my bum. I looked at her, then did the same to hers. Oh, what a week this may be.

“Ok, Babe and Lambchop,” said Mrs H. Erin, and I laughed out loud.

“Mum, that’s what Caitlyn and I call each other, not you.”

“And why not? We can all have nicknames and have a fun week. Is there nothing to do on the farm once we’ve checked the pumps, filled the water tanks, ensured the bores are working, and fed the sheep each day?”

“No, summer is quiet on the farm. So what would you like Caitlyn and me to call you?”

“You can call me Hot Stuff.”

Erin and I laughed again at her suggestion.

“What! Don’t you think I’m Hot Stuff? Ok, what do you want to call me?”

Erin and I put our heads together so her mum couldn’t hear and whispered names to each other.

“We’ve thought of two other names. Toots, or Snuggles.”

“Well, I like Hot Stuff. Toots is ok, so I’ll answer to both Toots and Hot Stuff. Snuggles sounds like a damn cat. How’s that for you two cool teenagers?”

“Like, wow, awesome Toots,” Erin said, giggling as she did. I mean, what teenage girl calls her mum Toots or Hot Stuff?

“Neat, Hot Stuff,” I replied.

“Ok, you two, knock it off for now.”

We laughed again. “Yes, Toots, or is it Hot Stuff?” We both replied.

“Caitlyn, let’s go to the room I’ve made up for you.”

Hot Stuff led the way down the hall and stopped outside the door of what I guessed would be my room for the week. “Or would you like to stay with Erin in her room?” Mrs. H asked innocently, with a sly grin on her face. I suddenly realised what a week we could have together by being allowed to sleep with Erin.

Like, wow, how cool is that? Mrs H. Knew Erin and I had slept together when we were on holiday in Kurlinin. We had fallen asleep naked in each other’s arms and left the bedroom light on, only to find out Mrs H. had turned it off. Later, she spoke to us about being in bed with each other.

I looked at Erin, and she had a smile on her face. I knew the answer. “Yes, thank you, Mrs H.”

“That’s Hot Stuff to you, Babe.” Prompting even more laughter from all three of us.

We went to Erin’s room to find Toots had already prepared her room for me with guest towels and a few toiletries on the bed. Wow, what a hot and cool mum Erin has, I thought.

Erin helped me unpack my case, hanging a couple of dresses, skirts, and pants in the wardrobe and putting all my other stuff in the drawers.

Out in the country, you don’t get the cooling sea breeze we get at home in the late afternoon. We lived in Australind on the west coast, some three hundred kilometers south of here, and you could always rely on the cooling breeze. Shorts, tank tops, t-shirts, and tops were all I required.

Erin and I stayed in her room as Toots prepared tea, and I remembered, when on holiday two years ago, how upset Erin was that her figure hadn’t developed as quickly as mine. “Erin, would you like to compare boob sizes now that you have a good figure?”

“Yeah, God, I remember crying when I saw how good you looked. It looks like your figure hasn’t changed so much since, but your face looks more mature and attractive. I still think you look like a model, though.” Erin paused as if she was thinking, “Yeah, let’s check them out.”

There was no hesitation this time. Off came our tops and bras, and we stood side by side, each looking at the other’s boobs in the mirror. “What size are you, Lambchop?”

“34b, and still expanding,” Erin laughingly replied.

“They look good. Can I touch them?”

“Babe, you don’t have to ask. Like, we’re gonna be sharing a bed tonight. What do you think we’ll do? Go to sleep? Sometimes, Caitlyn, you still surprise me.”

“It’s polite to ask first. Erin, you have a beautiful figure. You look great. Boobs, bum, hips. Everything is perfect. I told you, you had nothing to worry about.” Then stroked her boobs as I spoke, and Erin’s nipples became hard. I bent down and kissed them before sucking them alternately into my mouth.

“Thanks for the compliments. Caitlyn, I’ve missed you. That feels nice, so good, Mmmmmm.”

Erin put one hand behind my head, holding me against her boob. I tweaked her nipple with my right hand as my left moved down to her shorts and undid the button. I pushed her shorts down and rubbed her pussy through her panties before slipping my hand inside the waistband, pushing them down.

I sucked and pinched her nipples. “Yes, babe, yes,” Erin moaned as I rubbed up and down her labia, her pussy rapidly becoming wet. Not breaking contact, we shuffled our way to the bed and fell onto it. I pulled Erin’s shorts and panties off her ankles, got between her legs, and began fingering her and licking her clit. “Mmmm, mmmm, so, so nice,” Erin murmured.

I curled my fingers back and stroked her g-spot, continuing for a while, before Erin thrust her hips into my face as she held my head against her pussy, filling my mouth with her tasty girly juice. “I’m cumming, I’m cumming. Oh, how I’ve missed this,” she cried. I frantically licked her clit while pleasuring her G-spot. “Yes, yes, yes.” Erin’s orgasm made her curl up into the fetal position.

“Babe, that was wicked. You’re like, so gonna get it after tea.”

“I hope so, Lambchop. We don’t want to waste a double bed, do we?” I laughed.

Erin put on her panties, shorts, and top, but no bra. I had my shorts and panties on and followed suit by only putting my top on. Then, we wandered into the kitchen to see what ‘Hot Stuff’ was making for tea.

As we walked down the hallway, we could hear Donna Summer’s Hot Stuff playing on the sound system, and when we turned into the kitchen, Toots was bopping along with the music, swinging her hips, knees flexing as she sang along.

“Hey, Great song, Hot Stuff. It must be your theme song. So that’s why you told us to call you Hot Stuff.” I said.

“Haha, yeah, it’s one of my favourite songs and it is just like me. Hot Stuff.”

“But not so good on the dancing,” Erin chipped in before asking, “What’s for tea?”

“Would you like some help, Hot Stuff?” I asked.

“Like, what have you two babes been up to? If I need to ask?” Hot Stuff asked but continued looking down at what she was doing.

“Mum, you don’t need to ask. I’m sure you know what we’ve been doing,” Erin teasingly replied.

Hot Stuff turned around to face us. My nipples were hard and poking out through my top. I was excited and turned on after getting Erin off, but I hadn’t cum, nowhere near it. Erin’s face was flushed as she looked at her mum.

Hot Stuff looked me up and down, licked her lips, and then smiled at me. “Wow, girls, you have had a good time, haven’t you? Hard protruding nipples on one and a flushed face on the other.” I noticed Hot Stuff rubbing her crotch on an open cupboard door. Mrs H is horny, and we’re turning her on. I suddenly thought I bet she wanted to join in.

“Mrs H, is there anything I can do to help?” I asked again.

“Babe, It’s Toots or Hot Stuff to you. And no, nothing at the moment. Thank you for asking.” But the look in her eyes said otherwise as Mrs H continued to stare at my protruding nipples.

A short while later. “Ok, girls, tea is ready. Come and help me carry it out onto the verandah.”

Toots had made a baked potato dish, garden salad, and a selection of cold meats, including roasted chicken legs and garlic bread.

After only spending a few hours on the farm, I thought Erin’s mum was so cool and laid back. Wow, It’s almost as if she was reliving her teen years with two sixteen-year-olds looking up to her. Oh wow, this week is going to be so hot, awesome, wicked, and neat. All rolled into one.

After tea, we cleaned up together and put the dishes into the dishwasher, taking care of themselves. As we sat outside chatting, enjoying the cool air drifting in from the desert, Hot Stuff said, “Ok, girls, you’re up at 5.30am tomorrow. Out into the paddocks to check that the water pumps are working, the tanks are full, and then spread some feed for the sheep. Don’t stay up too late, will you? I’m going to bed now. See you in the morning.”

After Hot Stuff had gone to her bedroom, I asked, “Erin, what are we going to do? Are we going to bed to play or sleep?”

“Babe, I think we should get some sleep tonight knowing what’s in front of you tomorrow. I’m going to tease you and leave you legless with what I have planned. I’m going to knock your socks, sorry, panties, off.”

“Hey, Lambchop, that’s not fair. I’m going to be awake all night thinking about what you have planned.”

“Come on babe, let’s go to bed, and I’ll cuddle you as you go to sleep, and you can dream away thinking about tomorrow.”

We walked together holding hands, and after entering Erin’s room, we slowly undressed each other, feeling the other’s boobs, before getting into bed naked. We laid on our side and kissed each other softly, little hen peck kisses, until Erin’s hand found its way down to my pussy.


That was a preview of Caitlyn & Erin on the Farm. To read the rest purchase the book.

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