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Dog Island: A Canine Island Fantasy Romance

Rowan Betencourt


Dog Island

A Canine Island Fantasy Romance

Rowan Betencourt

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by Rowan Betencourt

This is a work of fiction. All characters contained herein are presumed to be 18 years of age or older, without exception. All acts described herein are between characters 18 years of age or older, without exception. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Author's Note

my book! Readers like you are why I’m able to do this, and I appreciate every single one of you.

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Chapter one

Chapter 1

She’d lived on the water all her life, had grown up listening to the roar of the surf, the sound of gulls calling in the distance. The ocean’s rhythm meant that the world was still turning, that everything would be alright—after her parents’ untimely death, she needed reminders like that. Keli’s only family, her entire world, froze in place and she almost didn’t survive it. As she passed into her twenties and slowly rebuilt her life one day at a time, Keli had only one comfort: that each new day had to be better than the ones that had already come and gone.

But when she woke up on a wet beach with clinging sand stuck inside her wetsuit and a headache ringing hard enough to drown out the surf, Keli had no comfort to cling to then. She also knew something was very, very wrong. She pushed up to all fours, spat out a mouthful of seawater, then followed it up by vomiting out the rest that she’d swallowed without realizing it—but where was she? And why had she swallowed so much salt water?

The storm. Right. That was it.

Wiping her mouth, spitting out more water and sand, Keli pushed up higher on hands and knees. The beach she was on looked unfamiliar, but the sailboat broken in pieces on the reef nearby definitely looked like hers: the bright sails and the script in red near the rudder that read Phoenix—that boat was hers, except most of it was missing.

She’d bought that boat from the settlement money after her parents’ death, resolved to teach herself to sail around the world. The last spot on her navigational chart had put the Phoenix several days from Wake Island, an isolated spot in the Pacific that was her first destination after departing from Hawaii. She didn’t know where she’d ended up, however—it wasn’t likely to be Wake, but there were thousands of islands in the area, most of them uninhabited.

“Hello?” she called, looking along the beach, trying to spot anyone. “Anybody there?!”

Only the surf and the seagulls answered her.

“Hello?! Anybody?!”

Still nothing.

Keli’s head was throbbing as she pushed to her feet and took stock of her current situation. She wasn’t injured, aside from a headache probably caused by dehydration, as well as an itchy wetsuit. She ignored them both for the time being and walked up from the surf to find somewhere out of the tropical heat—the sun beating down would only make her headache worse.

There were palm trees and tall green plants growing at the edge of the pearl-white sands, and she picked the thickest spot of shade she could find. Her headache lessened but didn’t go away as she enjoyed the small bit of relief from the blistering sun—eventually, the pain had faded considerably to just a faint buzzing behind one eye.

Unzipping the wet suit next, Keli peeled it off her arms and shoulders and down to her waist, checking herself for any other injuries, but all she found was an excessive amount of sand. Looking up and down the beach, she still didn’t spot anyone. Finally, Keli grit her teeth and unzipped her suit, peeling herself out of the whole thing. The sand scraped and itched something awful, and she hurried down to the surf with it. Her nudity left her tingling all over, like she was doing something illegal as she washed herself and her suit clean in the sea; she splashed and scrubbed the sand away as much as possible, also washing her breasts clean and rinsing between her legs. Illegal or not, nudity still felt good, better than she anticipated, like giving into some temptation she wasn’t supposed to think about.

Keli crouched down in the water, shaking and rinsing the suit as clean as she could. There was a printed patch on the arm with her identifying information; her eyes kept driving back to it, reading her name (Kelia Li), blood type (O), address (739 Kalaāua Avenue, Honolulu), and more back to herself. She forced herself to stay alert, not wanting to be spotted—but still, no one appeared. All the same, it felt like someone was watching her, a sensation she couldn’t explain. “Hello?!” she called again, clutching the suit to her chest in some poor show of modesty. For all her searching and looking, Keli began to feel more frustrated than foolish.

Pulling the suit back on, Keli tried to stay calm, to remember her training. It was her first attempt at sailing by herself, but an emergency beacon and GPS could be activated to alert the outside world something had gone awry—all she had to do was to find the unit back on her boat and activate it. If she was lucky, she’d find some emergency rations or water in the wreckage, too.

Keli lay down, closing her eyes. Her headache was still bothering her, and sand was already starting to get into her suit again. “Shit.” She growled the word aloud. Adventures were supposed to be grand things, free of little annoyances like itchy sand, headaches and wrecked sailboats. It was humiliating.

The sun wasn’t getting any cooler and the sand wasn’t getting any less itchy. Keli decided to brave the headache and stood up again, squinting into the sun as she looked down towards the water. A gust of wind blew in her face and she spotted a head of dark clouds on the horizon, rolling up with an alarming speed.

Another storm was coming.

“Shit!” Hurrying now, she ran for the water and jumped in, swimming hard away from the shore and towards the broken wreckage. The surf was rough and it took her longer to reach the wreck than it should have—by the time she was at the Phoenix, Keli was exhausted, shaking from the effort.

The sailboat was listing to one side and part of it was missing on account of crashing on the breakers because of the storm she’d survived before waking up. The radio, emergency batteries and GPS locator—they were all gone. And the storm clouds were almost on her: the seas were getting rough and the waves were coming over the sides of the broken boat, making it sway and shake atop the rocks it was precariously balanced upon.

Keli managed to procure a pack of plastic water bottles and a watertight pouch of MREs—Meals Ready to Eat, military-grade food that wasn’t particularly tasty but should help to keep her alive. Then she jumped back into the water and swam for the shore again, terrified of being caught in the open water when the storm arrived. She swam and swam and somehow managed to reach the beach just as the thunder began to crash and roar overhead.

Keli reached her shelter of the trees, which wasn’t much to speak of anyway, as the rains began to fall; in seconds, a strong gust of wind blew so hard the trees bent and swayed, leaving her exposed to the weather. Keli was ready to throw up again from how tired and cold she was, but she fought against that urge—losing fluids was a very bad idea. Carrying her precious supplies with her, she found an outcropping of stone at the base of a palm tree and collected some fronds to pull over herself to block out some of the rain, which was coming down in sheets by that time.

Then she collapsed and fell into an exhausted sleep.


When she woke up, the sun was bright and hot again. Keli didn’t know how much time had passed but she was hot, uncomfortable and itching from even more sand. Then she peeled off her wetsuit a second time and hung it on a branch to dry before going into the ocean to bathe herself. It felt so good to be nude and rinsed clean, and her discomfort seemed to have vanished as soon as she shed the constricting thing.

The first thing on the agenda was making a better shelter. Keli hadn’t seen another soul and she didn’t anticipate that changing anytime soon. It felt strange, standing and walking about in her bare skin—it still felt odd to feel heat on her bare back and the tropical breeze slide between her bare legs, caressing places never meant to be so exposed. Even so, she actually enjoyed the sun on her face and the hot sand between her toes. It felt good not to be troubled by an incessant itching her all over.

After several hours of hard work, Keli built herself a very basic shelter, leaning a pair of long limbs at the base of the palm tree, then covering those branches in more leaves as a very rudimentary roof, enough to keep the sun off and lessen the rain, at least. Then she returned to the beach to see what was left of her boat. When she got there, her stomach clenched: her sailboat was gone, the remaining pieces broken and swept away in the storm. It left a dark, agonizing knot in the pit of her tummy. Her latest report was made just after her departure, and there was no way to know who’d be looking for her or where they’d even start the search.

Well, Keli would just have to hold on until she was found and rescued. She had no other choice.

She broke out her meagre supplies back at her campsite, eating part of an MRE and allowing herself half a bottle of water. If she stretched them out, Keli could make her meals and water last two weeks, and by that time she might find other resources or ways to survive.

She never put her wetsuit back on, not even on the first night sleeping in her shelter under the stars. The thought of putting the thing back on made her stomach twist into knots and her palms go clammy. She caught glimpses of the thing hanging on its branch in the dark, swaying softly in the breeze—it lingered like a wraith on the edge of her vision, gray and menacing.

Keli finally buried it in the sand at the base of the tree, digging the hole quickly; such a fever had overtaken her that even touching the thing made her hands tremble. Even after it was interred within its shallow grave, she slept fitfully, waking up numerous times to look over at the tree and see if the suit had reappeared.

Her first night in Paradise was not a particularly restful one.


Keli was out collecting firewood the next day when she first spotted the dog. While gathering fallen branches, she tried to keep an eye out for predators or other dangers, but she grew tired of the constant need to be at full alert at all times. Every little noise or sound had her ready to jump as she expected the worst, of some stranger to appear in the trees and discover her, naked and helpless.

That was how the dog got so close without Keli noticing him. Straightening up with an armful of wood, she spotted him standing amidst the trees, watching her. The creature stood very still, as though wanting her to notice him.

She gasped and dropped her wood. “Oh god!” Keli blinked and rubbed her eyes to prove to herself it wasn’t her imagination. The dog had short fur, grayish-brown in color with one floppy ear and a darker patch over one eye. She knew nothing of dog breeds, but even though the dog didn’t seem aggressive or angry, he didn’t approach her, either.

They stared at one another for a long moment. “Hi boy! C’mere!” Keli crouched down, patted the sand, trying to coax the dog to come closer. It occurred to her then that calling to a strange dog probably wasn’t the smartest decision, but she hadn’t seen another living thing for days, except for birds and the trees, and they were all very poor company.

The dog watched her a moment longer, then he turned and ran off, vanishing into the shadows and the undergrowth.

Keli sat back on her bottom and sighed. She wanted to throw some of her firewood away in frustration. Instead, she forced herself to collect it all and headed back to her camp, heart falling with every step. She didn’t think that seeing another creature only for it to vanish would upset her so badly, but she felt bitter about it, even angry.

When the next evening arrived, she had fuel for a fire and built it up in a pit away from her shelter, dug deep into the sand. She soaked in its heat and hoped the light would keep predators away. Keli was still nervous that it still felt like someone was out there watching her, even if it might just be a dog. Meanwhile, she was naked and alone with no sign of rescue.

The sun was nearly gone. Keli was already hungry again but she ignored it, knowing she had to make her food stretch. The forest was alive with the calls of insects and nocturnal birds; the ocean roared and rolled as it always did, and likely always would. She was curled up into a ball in her little shelter watching the fire jump and dance, wishing she’d never gone to sea, never thought about exploring the world…when a pair of eyes flashed at her in the dark from the other side of the fire.

Keli sat up when she saw the patch-eyed dog again. It was leaning in towards the fire, ears perked up, looking on without any of the usual signs of anger she knew of: no laid-back ears, no tucked tail between his legs or bared teeth. He seemed as curious about her as she was of him.

“Hello there.” Keli hesitated but soon crawled out of her shelter on hands and knees, raising a hand towards the dog in invitation. “Where did you come from, boy…?”

The dog sniffed the air. He approached slowly, passing around to her side of the fire, but rather than sniff her offered hand, he came in close and around behind her, pushing his nose between her naked thighs, taking a strong sniff of her bared puss.

She gave a sound of surprise and crawled back. “H-hey! Stop!” Keli felt her stomach clench in fear and surprise, even reached out a hand to stop him. The dog jumped back, snarled and snapped at her, sharp teeth coming dangerously close to her hand.

“Shit! I’m sorry!” Keli froze, new fear replacing old as she stopped moving. When the dog returned to sniff between her thighs again, she grit her teeth and went hot all over. “I don’t believe this!” The dog seemed satisfied with whatever he’d found, and after settling back on his haunches, he licked his chops and looked at her. His eyes looked intelligent, not at all like other dogs she’d encountered in the past.

“You like what you smelled, boy?” Keli pushed back as well, resting her ass on her heels. “Just don’t ask me to take a sniff the same way… Where did you come from, anyway?”

He showed his tongue and began panting, as though smiling at her.

“Well, that’s not very helpful.” Keli scowled at him and shook her head. “If you’re around, that means you’ve got an owner somewhere, too.” She squinted at the dog, looking for the glint of a chain or collar in the firelight, but she didn’t see anything around his furry neck. “There is someone caring for you, isn’t there?”

The dog got to all fours and approached again. Keli held very still that time as he inserted his nose between her legs, breathing in deep as his cool nose pressed tight against her pussy. She whimpered and stiffened, then realized he was pushing himself right up against her side while raising his tail—he wanted her to smell him the same way, to greet him in the same fashion.

“Oh god, no.” Keli bit her lip, having nodesire to do any such thing. When she heard him growl, she winced and followed suit, breathing as soft and shallow as she could. He smelled like a dog should smell, she thought, dark and bitter. “How’s this?” she said, coughing before leaning away from him.

The beast growled again and snapped at the air, making Keli go still. He seemed to be very interested in her hindquarters, continuing to sniff at her flesh, pressing his nose into her mound, tipping his head from one side to the other.

“Aren’t you done?” she said, teeth on-edge. “This is so humiliat—”

The patch-eyed dog swiped a tongue across her snatch, licking her from clit to ass in one go. It made Keli’s eyes go wide and she gasped, trying to scramble away before he snarled louder in warning, freezing her in place again.

“D-don’t!” she whimpered, curling her fingers into the loose dirt. “Stop, please!”

The dog didn’t stop. Still growling, as though warning her against further struggling, he began to lick her pussy with an eager energy, tongue lapping away, bathing her in slippery, sticky fluid.

“Oh god! Oh shit, fuck, s-stop!” Keli was ready to die from embarrassment, but she was also fighting off the pleasure that came with it, of his writhing tongue passing across her mound and pussy, and soon was dipping into its hot, moist depths for an even better taste. As she bent her head to the ground, fingernails scraping through the dirt, her thighs shuddered and her cunt started to tighten and clench around the dog’s tongue—he started thrusting it inside of her, fucking her with it, touching places even her fingers on a lonely night hadn’t reached before. “Wh-what is even happening right now?! Stop! Please!”

Still, the dog ignored her pleas and cries, taking them as encouragement rather than disapproval. Keli didn’t dare to move, except his tongue was so quick and wet that her hips jerked and jumped on their own. Her pussy was so sensitive that she opened her eyes wide when she felt a familiar pressure building in her belly. “Oh my god, stop! Fucking stop! If you don’t, I’m gonna…! Gonna…! Gonna cum! Shitshitshit! Ohhhhhhhhh!”

An orgasm washed over her, making her back bend and her legs spread further apart. Her hungry pussy tightened down and squeezed, craving something thicker than just a thrusting tongue. Her clit swelled under the fast licking and sent hot, angry shocks into her belly and swaying breasts, making her nipples swell.

“Nomorenomorenomore!” she whimpered, her body twitching and shaking, cunny hole clenching. “Nice doggy! Nice doggy! Ni—!” Keli came again hard enough to see stars, and multicolored flashes of light burst in her vision. She loved the feeling of overwhelming pleasure that burned through like molten sand, clinging to her insides, but was frightened by how strong a feeling it was.

AHHHHHH!” Keli screamed in panic and pleasure, finally daring to make an attempt to escape, but the dog seemed to be ready for that: he gave an angry bark and jumped on her back, driving her to the sandy ground below. Some part of her knew instinctively of the danger she was in, of what the beast was planning. “No! No! Please, no! Help! Help me!

There was no one to hear her cries, no one to come to her aid. Her assailant began humping her upraised backside, his furry hips rubbing hard against her naked hips. His cock was hot and full, and Keli could feel it sliding across her thick snatch, christening her mound with its slippery, stinging heat, “No, stop that! G-get away!” she cried, already feeling her stomach flutter and her pulse quicken at what was coming. She tried moving her hips away from the thick canine cock, but on his third or fourth try, the tip of his shaft found the slippery access to her pussy and claimed it. “FUCK!” she screamed, both expletive and action together as the beast finally claimed her.

The horny dog whined and grunted at the same time, hugging his front paws tight to her hips, drawing angry scratches in her flesh. His heavy balls started pounding up against her swollen clit while her entire cunt was stuffed to the brim with doggy cock. Keli hardly had time to register what was happening before she was overwhelmed by the sights and sounds of being turned into this strange dog’s bitch. “Ahh! Ahh! So deep! Fuck! Oh, you fucker! Stop! God, please stop! Noooooooo!” The sound of his whining breath was constant beneath her wild, energetic shrieks that split the night air and were lost in the trees.

Keli had never fucked a man so possessed the sheer amount of wild, unrestrained energy that this animal had. His thrusts were so fast, so constant she couldn’t hope to count them or to keep up with them. She could only try to withstand the thrusting, and so she pushed up higher onto all fours, looking up at the shadow from her bonfire: the dog with his tail tucked low and back legs thrusting so unbelievably quick, and her body underneath his, dominated and overpowered by his grater strength.

She couldn’t escape, couldn’t withstand it, couldn’t resist. All Keli had left was to take it…and even dare to enjoy it. “Oh fuck! F-fuck me…! Fuck me, fuck me!” She was too far gone for shame or embarrassment any longer. “Your cock, oh my god, WHY is it so good?! Shouldn’t feel this good! Fuck me, p-puppy, fuck me!” Keli still expected the dog’s owner to show up at any moment but they were going to have to drag the dog off of her—she’d surrendered to his lust and was lost in her own. “Don’t stop now, please don’t stop!”

He didn’t stop; the dog’s inhuman energy and stamina seemed to never end or slow down, leaving Keli with pleasure to spare until she was shrieking it into the night. “God! Fuck! I’m cumming! Cumming from a fucking dog! Ahh!” Her next climax left Keli making noises like she’d never made before. “Gah! I’m cumming more, doggy! Fuck me more, you fucker! Fuck Keli’s pussy! Fuck me more! Oh my gooooooood!”

It was sex like nothing she’d ever had before, leaving her drooling into the dirt while her cunny hole squished and slurped, being pounded by a piston so thick it felt less like a cock and more like a fist driving into her belly. “I love it, doggy! Fuck me more, doggy! Please don’t stop! Mmmm! Pound my pussy, give me more of your COCK, YESYESYES! Watch me, watch me cummmmmmmm!” Her orgasmic bliss was absolute, a repetitive cycle of her climax feeding off his brutal, bestial fucking of her tender body, which pushed her into another climax, and then another, and another, and ever on it went.

Then, something broke her reverie, some interruption of her pleasure that shot through her stomach and made her eyes open wide: something was beating against her cunt, something thick and painful, pounding her clit and swollen pussy lips over and over. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! What is happening, doggy, what are you DOING?! Ah! Oh god! Oh god!” It felt like a thick fist, a bulb of swollen flesh beating against the door of her cunny again and again, and she could feel her body weakening against it. “No-no-no-no-no-no! NO! NOOOO!

The dog’s knot forced its way in and slipped inside her pussy at last. Keli’s last scream turned into a wild, wordless cry of pleasure that echoed in the night, the sound of a girl overwhelmed by what was happening and also terrified of what she didn’t understand. That thick bulb began to grind against her G-spot and her scream became wild, a frantic braying as pleasure washed over her and filled her up. One orgasm became a second, then a third, and a fourth.

Her belly began to swell, slowly but gradually distending from the sheer amount of cum the dog was pumping into her. Keli barely comprehended that at the moment, turned into a blank, drooling fuck hole for the dog’s dick. Her eyes rolled back and she fell into the sand, body twitching violently, pussy squeezing and milking his glorious cock for every little bit of seed he could give.

Keli was dimly aware of herself, of drowning in one climax after another. Panicked sobs escaped her mouth, making her shake and tremble, jostling his cock even more, which only made her cum even harder. She felt the dog swing himself over her, dragging his leg across her back; looking back, her wide eyes saw him facing away from her, staring out into the night beyond the edge of the firelight as though readying himself for some other stranger to show up, but nobody ever did.

“Why? Why? Why?” she whimpered again and again; the words were mush in her mouth, the only sound she could make. She’d finally stopped screaming, but she couldn’t stop cumming, and black sparks blurred her vision every time the dog shifted or she tried to lift herself up. Doing so resulting in more pleasure that stole the strength from her limbs and changed her back into a shaking, orgasmic mess.

Keli felt so tired already, exhausted from their lovemaking and by everything that came from it. She tried to hold on, to not give in—it didn’t feel safe to collapse while still attached to the dick of a strange dog she didn’t know. But it was all too much to bear and darkness carried her off to a place where pleasure never stopped and she craved the feeling of a heavy, furry body on top of hers.

Chapter two

Chapter 2

a soaked, sweaty, sticky mess. She ached all over, especially her sore, abused cunt—not surprising, after what she’d gone through, but it would’ve been nice to have been prepared for what the dog had planned.

“Can’t believe this,” she groaned, rolling over. Her fire had died and sunlight was on the horizon, painting the sky red: more storms were coming, most likely.

What Keli didn’t expect was to roll over and find the patch-eyed dog curled up next to her. He grunted when she jostled him and raised his head, giving her a long look with those smart eyes before yawning and showing off his bright, white and yellow teeth.

“I hope you’re satisfied,” she said to him with a glower. Pushing up to her feet, filthy and grumbling to herself, Keli stomped through the sand towards the beach and the ocean to wash off. She heard the dog behind her but refused to look at him until she reached the surf and carefully washed herself clean, scooping out bits of thick cum from inside her sore snatch with a pair of fingers.

The dog sat in the sand and watched her in silence.

“Why did you do that?” she asked, scowling. “I mean…sure, part of me liked it…but you took me completely by surprise, y’know?!”

The dog watched and waited.

Keli finished her washing and stood up. Reluctant but knowing it has to be done, she walked right up to the beast and crouched down in front of him, sinking onto her knees. He picked up his head but otherwise stayed still, watching, waiting. “Either you’re going to let me touch you…or you won’t.” Cautiously, carefully, Keli reached out with one hand and touched the dog on his head, rubbing between his ears.

He stiffened at first, but soon relaxed.

“I think I’ll call you…Patch.”

The now-named Patch tilted his head slightly, but he didn’t object or argue.

“C’mon Patch,” she said, pushing to her feet again. “Or don’t…but hopefully you will.” Keli headed back for her little campsite, looking to see if the dog would follow. When he did, she breathed a little easier, relieved that he’d decided to stay with her for a time. Whether he was domesticated or a wild animal in this place, she didn’t for a second think of him as being tame—no tame beast could’ve fucked her as hard as he had last night.

Keli was already used to her own nudity by then. She had her drinking water and food, but she couldn’t stay in that place for long—she needed some source of fresh water and, preferably, some way to catch some of the birds or other game animals that might be on the island. She carefully opened her first bottle, taking several sips, then she poured a little into her hand and offered it. “Thirsty, Patch?”

The dog sniffed her palm and then took several long, heavy licks of her offering. She poured more and he drank more, several times, before she recapped the bottle again.

“See, that wasn’t so bad.” Picking up her precious cargo, Keli got her bearings first, then gave her companion a look. “I have to find more water.” She hoped he would stay with her, but steeled her heart for if the beast ran off again.

Keli started walking just as the sun broke over the horizon, and as it did, thunder rumbled and roared far in the distance. Storms were becoming a regular thing over that island, so all Keli could do was hope to find better shelter and a source of water to restore her depleting stock.

To her relief, Patch followed.


They walked until sometime around Midday—the thunder continued to roar from somewhere far off, but the sun was king at that moment and it’s heat was oppressive even beneath the shadows of the trees. Keli had stopped trying to wipe the sweat away and endured it, licking her lips clean, savoring the cool breezes whenever they came.

Patch was good company, sometimes running ahead for this purpose or that one, sometimes sticking close. It felt like he was leading her, steering her away from the shoreline and into the deeper jungle.

“I think it’s smarter to keep the beach close,” she told him. Patch never talked back, but if Keli didn’t hear something to break up the monotony of the waves and the shivering trees, she’d go crazy.

Patch stopped to look at her, gave a sniff, then padded deeper into the trees again.

It was their first standoff, of a sort, and Keli had to decide what to do. She pondered for a moment, then started back towards the direction of the shore where the sounds of the surf were louder.

Patch turned and barked at her.

“I already told you what I was doing!” As she contained walking, the dog turned around and hurried back towards her, growling in protest. He even blocked her path, raising his hackles, baring his teeth.

Keli immediately stopped. “You really don’t want me to go that way, do you?”

They stared each other down for a long moment, then Keli raised her empty hand in surrender, knowing he wouldn’t understand, and took several steps back. “Okay Patch…we’ll do it your way. Happy now?” There was a cold spot at the base of her spine when she saw how angry he was, and it only faded when he seemed to realize she was following his unspoken orders. Then he started out ahead again, keeping a brisk pace. As she followed Patch to keep up with him, it occurred to Keli that she’d never taken orders from a dog before.

That pace wasn’t one Keli could match for long, though. She did her best, but finally a thick patch of dark shade caught her eye under a twisted pair of palm trees. “Wait! Wait, Patch!” She stumbled over to the trees and sank to her knees, panting hard, coated with sweat. “God, dog. You…you gotta give me a break!”

Keli rolled to her back. The grass there was thick and soft, sweet-smelling, as suitable a bed as she could’ve hoped for. She set her foot and water aside and caught her breath, eyes closed, limbs outstretched. It felt good to lie still, to listen to the breeze and birds overhead. For a moment, all was still and calm, and Keli listened to the stillness with a faint smile on her face.

Then she heard the familiar sound of Patch’s panting and sniffing, felt a tickling of whiskers across her thigh. Keli opened her eyes and raised her head, saw the beast staring down at her while his nose drifted ever closer to the apex of her opened legs.

“Patch, no.” Keli bit her lip and started to sit up, reaching out with a hand to his muzzle away. As he had the night before, he bared his teeth and growled in disapproval, making her freeze before she could reach him.

“You… You can’t be serious! Again?!” While the dog seemed to exhibit intelligence, or at least awareness beyond what she’d seen from other animals before, this went far beyond that. But Patch did exactly what she expected next as he started to lap at her sweaty, swollen cunt, swiping his warm tongue across her sweaty flesh, scraping hard across her clit. What she didn’t expect was for him to look her in the eye as he did it.

“Mmmmmmmm!” Keli arched her back, taking a shuddering breath through flared nostrils. “Fuck, dog! Y-you’re not…not supposed to want this!” She curled her fingers tight in the grassy bed she was lying on, and with a whimper, reluctantly opened her legs wider.

Patch pushed closer and began to lick harder, faster, again slipping his tongue deep inside her. The dog laid down on the ground and pushed up closer, pressing his cool nose right against her clit, thrusting his tongue into her moist cunny hole, fucking her fast and deep with it.

“Mm! Ahhh! Oh god, Patch! Why?! Why are you doing this to me?” Keli sobbed in frustration and pleasure while conflicted desires fought to control her. Even so, she started to push her hips towards him, offering up her pussy willingly, even gladly—if her furry lover wanted her, she couldn’t and wouldn’t refuse him. “Nnngh! God! Fuck! So good! It’s so good, puppy! Eat my cunny, eat me up!”

Patch began to assault her clit next, like he knew exactly what to do to drive her wild as quickly as possible. It made Keli cry out, arching her back higher, thrusting her breasts towards the hot sky overhead; her nipples were throbbing and she grabbed onto them, squeezing her breasts tight in her hands. “Yes! Yes!Like that! Mmmmmmmm!” Keli’s climax roared in her belly and out of her mouth with a shriek that she kept trapped through clenched teeth. “Yes! Eat my little clit! Lick me, baby, lick me up!

Whether the dog understood her praises or not, he kept up his licking and kept Keli on her orgasmic high while she rocked her hips and moaned, letting the whole jungle hear her pleasure. She nearly sobbed when he slowed and finally stopped. “Noooooo! M-more! I want more!”

Patch gave a huff and rolled to one side, panting from the heat. He didn’t lick her more like she wanted, but still kept looking at her, watching her, weighing her with those piercing brown eyes.

Keli was still on her blissful high, wanting what the dog now seemed unwilling to give. But she looked down between his legs, saw his furry sheath down between his legs—he wasn’t hard, didn’t seem interested in mounting her again. But she was very, very interested in him.

Keli didn’t bother asking, or speaking, or wasting her time on anything but action. Before common sense could interject and ruin her high, Keli kept her head low and spun around, reaching a hand to slide down his belly, brushing her fingers across his sheath and his furry testicles; when he didn’t growl or jerk away, she opened her mouth and swirled her tongue over the tip of him, gently probing and caressing him, tasting his flesh for the first time.

The taste was difficult to describe: earthy, dark, bitter and strong. It slid across her tongue and made Keli moan as she opened her mouth wider, suckling on more of his flesh while stroking the base with her fingers, wanting that thick, long meat that he’d pummeled and pounded her cunt with so wonderfully. It had to be there, it had to.

“Oh! There it is,” Keli said with a long smile—the sheath was beginning to swell and from it emerged the slick, hot shaft she wanted. Patch gave a low, soft whine as she took it into her mouth, gently sucking on it, teasing the sensitive flesh near the base.

The dog made a low growl and laid his head down on the ground—a soft complaint, but he didn’t try to stop her. Keli moaned around his thickening shaft, bobbing her head up and down to please him—she wanted to please him, wanted to give him even the faintest taste of how much she desired more. It urged her in to move faster, stroking his thick balls in her hand, tongue swirling around the hot shaft in her mouth.

That cock swelled and grew more and more, making her jaw ache, but Keli wasn’t about to stop now. She moaned louder and harder, pushing up to her knees to fuck his doggy dick with her mouth, feeling it pressed against the back of her throat as she gagged on it, slurping and shaking with her own lust. Pulling her mouth off, she jacked his growing shaft in one hand, coughing, catching her breath. “Is my mouth good, Patch? You like the feel of a human girl’s tongue for a change?” She laughed, her voice sounding husky and soft as she watched his knot start to swell up before her eyes. “And this is what it looks like up close… Mmmm, now I understand. This is what felt so good last night when you fucked my little kitty and drove me crazy.”

Dragging her tongue along the underside of the growth of hard flesh, Keli wiped the sweat out of her eyes and pressed greedy kisses all over the bright red shaft, adoring it, worshipping it, giving it all of the attention and desire she had. “You gonna fuck me with it again, lover? Make me scream? Pound my little pussy and turn me back into your bitch?”

Patch’s growl sounded more like a moan as she kept stroking him, fucking his cock with her slender fingers. Keli moaned back, opening her mouth wide to suck on him again, but now her fingers kept jacking, kept stroking, working the tender nerves and throbbing muscle. She wanted that dick inside her so bad, but she had more than one way to please him—that was what kept her going, kept her tongue moving, kept her head bobbing up and down. His knot was so large by then that her hands couldn’t fit all the way around it, and he growled louder every time she touched it.

She tasted his seed for the first time, thick and hot, shooting across her tongue and right down her throat. Keli moaned in a loud voice, drinking his seed greedily, savoring the taste of it while knowing she’d never be able to drink it all down. Instead, she pulled her mouth off him and kept stroking him, watching it flex and twitch wildly in her hands. “Mm! Cum for me, Patch, cum! Good boy! Such a good, good boy!” Thick jets of the stuff sprayed and spilled onto the grass and sandy earth, spilling over her fingers and falling across her belly.

The dog was whining again, back legs shaking now, ears pulled back as he continued to climax. She watched in awe at just how much cum he released as it pooled on the ground, remembering how she’d swelled with it—Keli had enjoyed it even more than she’d expected to, being tied to a beast as her belly became swollen and heavy, as though his attempts to breed her had any chance of success.

Patch’s climax lasted much longer than she expected until it became just a repetitive pulsing, his cock flexing in her fingers while more sperm spilled on the ground. Finally the dog’s whine turned into something louder and he pushed to all fours, pulling away to move a few steps distant before lowering his head to lick himself clean.

Keli was breathing hard and slow, unable to tear her eyes away from him. She wanted to get close to him, to soothe the dog or even to apologize—her lust was the reason for his discomfort, after all. Not knowing what to do, she tried to approach on all fours, staying close to the ground.

“Was it too much, Patch? I’m sorry, boy.” She reached out to him. “I just got carried away, and…and you looked so good lying there.” Her pussy ached and her belly was a tight knot of worry and desire. Patch was looking at her, but he hasn’t started growling or retreating yet, so Keli got all the way up next to him without any violent reaction at all.

Not knowing what she was doing, going on instinct, she kept her head down while gently stroking him, sliding her hand through his short fur. Keeping her head below his seemed to help, and he didn’t struggle or snap at her for touching him.

“I can be a good girl, too,” she said with a tiny smile. “Is this okay, boy? Just like this?” The answer appeared to be an affirmative one, for Patch lay back down again and didn’t struggle at her touch. It was as close to a truce as Keli could hope for, and her smile held as they lay there together on the ground, touching, keeping physical contact.

Keli liked Patch. He was too aggressive at the start, but now he didn’t seem to mind being touched and something about his demeanor made her think he really was looking out for her. It was heartwarming, in its own way, to realize he wanted to watch out for her at all, and she was glad he was with her.


Patch seemed ready to move on again some time after that. Keli drank the other half of her first water bottle to replace what she’d sweat out that day and ate the other half of her first MRE, burying the small container it came in afterwards. The storm she’d been waiting for never materialized but she carried the empty water bottle anyhow just in case it started to rain.

The trees all seemed to blur together. The landscape had changed to gentle, rolling hills. She finally decided to stop after what she guessed must’ve been several hours. “Patch!” She shouted his name and waved a hand over her head. “I’m stopping here,” she said—not because she expected him to understand, but because she liked talking to the dog. She was glad for his presence, for his company—it certainly beat being alone. It was impossible to guess how far they’d traveled, but Keli was glad she didn’t have to travel alone.

Like the previous night, Keli spent time looking for the best choice of shelter and built a similar lean-to of long branches and thick leaves in case of more rain. Like the previous night, she built a small fire pit and collected wood for a fire, which she started by rubbing sticks together and lighting a small pile of dried leaves and rubbish she’d plucked from the jungle floor. All of this Patch watched with a detached curiosity, lying under the shade of the shelter as evening came on.

Then, like the previous night, Keli offered herself to her companion, though not in the same way. She didn’t make him claim her body or force himself on her, but went under the shade of their shelter on all fours, staying low to the ground. She heard more thunder rumbling in the distance as she turned around, presenting her ass to him, thighs spread, cunny already moist and eager. “Here I am, boy,” she said softly, looking back at him. “Do you want me again? Want to taste me? To—oh!” Patch cut her off as he rolled up to all fours in a quick, fluid motion and lunged forward, covering her with his large body. He wasn’t ready to take her yet, but his haunches were rocking, rubbing himself against her, grinding their loins together.

“Oh, Patch!” Keli moaned and rocked her hips to his, bouncing her ass under him, spreading her knees and legs open wider. “I-I don’t know what’s happening but I don’t care! I want you inside me again! Want your hot pecker in my pussy! Mess me up, boy! Make me your bitch again!” Her head fell forward and her hips kept rocking, kept moving, desperate for the feeling only he could provide her.

Keli was lost and alone at the far end of the world. Whether she was ever found or not, at least she had Patch, a companion to stave off her loneliness. If he wanted her body, she’d give it to him again and again, and gladly, every time.

She could feel his cock starting to slide between her thighs, swelling, straining, trying to find her willing pussy. Keli groaned and thrust a hand between her legs, reaching backwards blindly to find him. “Mm! Here! Here boy! I want you! I need you inside me!” Her fingertips pushed him up higher, and then he found the mark and pushed inside her soaked, aching cunny. “Yes! Oh yes! Fuck me! Fuck me, puppy, fuck my kitty up!”

Patch hugged his front legs tight around her once more as their fucking started again. To him, it might’ve been the same instincts as always, the same motions, the same sounds. To Keli, his whining pants and her lustful cries were like music. “Fuck, god, I missed this! I missed fucking a dog! But it’s so good! I love your cock, boy! Fuck! Me! Fuck! Me! Mmmmm!”

The thunder grew louder, as though to drown out her screams. Wind whistled and blew over their shelter, but in the dark there was nothing beyond his heavy panting and his furry body driving against hers. His thick sac was swinging hard against her clit and now, as a willing partner to her four-legged lover, Keli savored the feeling of his pounding as it quickly pushed her over the edge. “Yes! Cumming boy! I’m cumming!” Her first climax was violent and hot and her ass bucked up against him. She groaned again, rumbling in her chest as her cunt clamped down on his cock, squeezing as tight as she ever had.

The storm promised since that morning finally broke, letting loose a torrent of heavy rain over the island. It came in sheets and waves of warm water, soaking the ground. Keli’s fire never stood a chance and it was doused in moments, leaving them covered in water and shadow. But inside the little shelter, almost no rain penetrated it and she was covered by a warm, writhing blanket of heat, hot flesh and fur.

“Fuck me, lover, fuck me! I love it! Love it! Mm! Mmmm!” Keli’s voice was hoarse and helpless as her forehead fell to the ground. All she could do was withstand his hard thrusting as tears and lingering sweat slid down her face. “I r-really am just a little bitch now! Please don’t stop fucking me! Y-you can fuck me whenever you want! Just! Don’t! Stop! Yes! Yes!” His knot was beginning to swell again and now Keli knew what to expect, what to wait for. Her sloppy pussy was already soaked and ready for him, and it meant it wasn’t likely to take long for him to tie with her.

The beast continued to pound his female, hugging her tight, driving forward without stopping or slowing down. Keli clenched up with a gasp and a grimace when his knot started pounding her little cunt, and she let it out with a wail of pleasure when he forced it inside her. “GOD! THERE IT IS AGAIN! OHHHHHHHHH! YES! FUCK YES!” Her next climax was instantaneous as his swollen dick pushed hard on her G-spot, grinding in deep against her tender nerves.

Keli shrieked into the rainy darkness, as loud as any fucked bitch could. She was helpless to resist his wonderful cock now and already knew she’d always offer herself to him at the first opportunity, like the dog-slut she was turning into. Patch fit her cunny hole so well, so perfectly—it felt like her pussy was made for a dog’s cock.

“Mmm… Ahhh… Oh god! Oh god, Patch! Oh my god, you’re…you’re cumming again! You are!” Keli pressed her hand against her lower tummy, eyes closed, certain she could feel herself starting to swell again. “Fuck… Fuuuuuuuck…! There’s so fucking much!” He’d only just started, but she knew how much cum Patch could put out and it made her shudder with the anticipation of her heavy, swollen belly.

Patch whined and started to pull away, but Keli grabbed his front legs. “No! No, Patch, no please!” She whimpered and trembled under him with the start of her latest orgasm as it stole her breath away. But, desperate, she held onto him anyway. “S-stay! Stay…with me!” Her body jerked and shuddered while her pussy, stuffed full of puppy-dick, milked her lover for every little bit of his seed.

Keli turned her head and bared her neck at him, her hair pulled back, her face turned down into the dirt. “I-I’m yours, Patch,” she whimpered, half-lost in her orgasmic delirium, knowing he likely didn’t understand, but she said it anyway. “Yours! I’ll s-suck you off every morning and fuck you every night! Just don’t pull away from me!”

Whether Patch knew or cared about her fears of loneliness was impossible to say, but he finally relented and lay down atop her prone body, letting out a heavy sigh as he bore her to the ground and onto her belly. Keli grunted at the extra weight but she closed her eyes and spread out her knees wider to take the load of his weight and accommodate for her growing, heavy belly, licking her lips as her pleasure lingered on and on—rising high with her next orgasm, then fading back down to a constant, humming delight.

The storm continued and the rain fell over their heads, but in that tiny den Keli felt more protected and cared for than she had for a long, long time. Their lovemaking continued through the night, the timeless motion of bodies locked together, of rocking hips, of his heavy cock and her tight, stuffed cunny, as minutes and even hours passed them by.


When Keli woke the next morning, the air around her felt different. Her body felt different. Even her nudity felt different. That night had changed her, leaving her exhausted and worn out, but…now she was hotter, sexier, better. Like emerging from a chrysalis, she’d been reborn.

Patch had stayed with her the whole night, fucking her frothing pussy with steady, deep thrusts while his knot kept them tied together. Two, three times and more they made love, the dog savoring his little human lover and every cry she made. The dog never seemed to stop cumming, and Keli had lost count of her hard, heavy screams that she called into the night when he tied with her, sounding like a beast herself. Her belly was full beyond anything she’d thought possible and she wailed with delight as his seed spurted and flowed around his knot and her pierced pussy lipsto spill into the sand, just before he’d fill her womb with even more of it. Sex had never approached anything like what Keli experienced that night. She was addicted to it now.

Keli’s body was slow to react to the orders her mind tried to give it. She finally managed to turn, to push herself to hands and knees, then to stumble out of their hideaway and towards a nearby tree to relieve herself. Part of her wanted to wash herself clean, but she wouldn’t waste her drinking water on such a thing. She needed a bath, but until that was possible, she’s have to tolerate the smell of herself. Besides: she smelled like Patch now, and that wasn’t a bad thing at all.

Once she’d gone and cleaned herself as best she could, Keli hurried back to their makeshift den—some irrational piece of her didn’t want to be apart from the dog for even a second, so as not to risk him leaving again. When she saw him still resting on his side in the sand, Keli was excited, even deliriously happy.

Sinking to her knees, she crawled in with Patch, lay down next to him. Nuzzling her face to his furry side, she pushed her face up to his back legs, pressing more adoring kisses to his sheath, cupping his balls and sliding her tongue over them. “Wake up, my boy,” she said softly, in between kisses. “Wake up, my strong, wonderful boy.”

Patch shifted once and let out a hard breath, raising his head but otherwise laying still. He was surprised, it seemed to her.

“I promised I’d suck you every morning if you wanted.” Keli sucked on his dark sheath, wanting him, needing him again. She pushed closer to him, raising one leg to bare her pussy for him, showing herself off. “You fucked meall night, Patch. It was so fucking good… I hope every night’s as good as last night.”

Patch’s cock was faster to respond to her mouth that time, as though remembering what was to come. Keli let it slide into her mouth and sucked on the remnants of his pleasure and hers, slurping noisily, greedily. She couldn’t ever hope to give him any amount kg pleasure like what he’d given to her, but she’d do her best all the same.

The dog was sniffing at her open pussy, taking in his handiwork. Keli let his cock go with a little laugh and stroked with one hand as she looked down at him. “Do I smell nice, boy? My pussy smell like you now? I hope it does.” She hummed and licked her lips. “Maybe I’ll always smell like you now.”


That was a preview of Dog Island: A Canine Island Fantasy Romance. To read the rest purchase the book.

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