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A Guy and His ? - Book Two



A Guy and His ? Book 2

By Pars001

Description: Book 2: A guy discovers a strange bottle and upon opening it, finds things quickly begin spiraling out of his control. A beautiful woman appears, then another, and another. They all wanted sex, and they all wanted him? Yowsa!

Tags: Consensual,Magic,Slavery,Lesbian,Heterosexual,Genie,Group Sex,First,Oral Sex,Masturbation,Workplace

Published: 2015-12-02

Size: ≈ 96,028 Words

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A Guy & His ? Book 2

by Pars001

©Copyright 2015 Pars001

Chapter 36 - Sadness

Inger flew to her mistress worried that she’d hurt herself, turning, she looked over at Jake and nodded herself. Staring at the Jinn council her mouth hung open, they had wanted the approval of a human? Had the world gone insane? Reaching out with her newly restored powers Inger had to see for herself just what was so special about ... about ... this human!

Again Inger’s mouth hung agape she could feel the layer upon layer of protection around the man. There was obviously a hell of a lot more to this man than met the eyes. Then there was the fact Akeesha was helping him, she hated all men! what was going on?

Jake had moved back to his Jinns when Akeesha started to growl while powering up. Jake could only sigh as he leaned down and whispered to her. Akeesha suddenly stood straight up and nodded to Jake thanking him. Again Inger was in shock what hold did this human male have on her lover? With a growl Inger started to power up as she advanced upon Jake.

“I do not know what hold you have on my Akeesha but you will release her now!” Inger was growling. Suddenly there were 4 Jinns between Inger and Jake each with a fierce look on their faces.

“You will not harm our master we all will die before we allow any harm to come to him!” Rashala was growling in the lead of the four.

“He has a hold on my Akeesha, release her then there will be no problem!” Inger growled back at Rashala.

“Rashala, Gen, Rosalinda, Sheeka stand down. Let me talk to her, please Akeesha join us?” Jake asked Akeesha who nodded almost in shock herself that Inger had reacted like this. Jake excused himself to the council and asked his Jinns to watch but nothing else, for now.

Stepping to another room all three sat as Jake started the conversation. “First I have no hold on Akeesha, she is not my Jinn, nor will I ask that of her. Second, she is free to leave when she wants as I make no claim to her.” Jake stated.

“My dear Inger it is true, Master Jake asks nothing of me nor has he. It is as he has said, the only reason I stay is because of my sister. Master Jake has many times shown concern for her and none for himself, twice risking his life for her. Master Jake is the first male I have ever felt deserves respect, I give him that freely.” Akeesha told a shocked Inger.

“So if I asked you to leave him and stay with me you would?” Inger asked her eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“Yes my love, I would to a point. I love you but I also love my sister; you knew that going into this with me. I made a pact, the first I have ever with Master Jake. As long as my sister and he love each other as they do, I will protect him.” Akeesha told an even more startled Inger, who had been watching Jake the whole time. She was even more shocked when Master Jake agreed with not some but ALL that Akeesha was saying.

“So if she were to leave say to come to me for a time, you would not be mad?” Inger asked of Jake.

“Mad? Why should I be mad? You two are obviously drawn to each other much as I am to the four Jinns I love with all my heart and life. True I would be sad that she was gone for a long time but mad? No; that I could not be.” Jake explained he just hoped that nothing happened he really didn’t want an all out war in the building.

Inger still wasn’t convinced, there was something different about Master Jake she just wasn’t sure what it was.

Suddenly there was a powerful surge of energy as Nyrae appeared. “Hello again Master Jake are you in need of assistance? Master instructed me to also keep a watch on you.” Touching her stomach she smiled, “neither of us want anything to happen to you.”

“Wait you are a Jinn also?” A shocked Inger stated. “You said your master, then Master Jake isn’t your master?”

Nyrae shook her head with a huge smile, “No he is the Ever Last Master, and the father of her.” A proud and glowing Nyrae said.

Inger’s mouth was hanging open the Ever Last Master!!! She had challenged the Ever Last Master?! By the Great Jinn! She could have been destroyed with just a word! She’d heard that the savior of the Jinn race was a total ass. Looking again closely at Master Jake, she still held that opinion in reserve just in case.

“He is also the father of my sister’s baby,” A proud Akeesha told Inger. “Master Jake didn’t want to hurt her. My sister nearly tore the clothes from his body when he finally relented.”

Inger still in shock started to calm, that’s when she felt the beginning of the sexual pull of Jake. “I do not want to incur the wrath of four powerful Jinns but I feel strong magic around Jake. His attraction to the opposite sex is extremely strong. How have you resisted Akeesha?” A sudden feeling staring to well up in Inger had her staring at Akeesha.

“It hasn’t been easy though,” Akeesha leaned over and deeply kissed Inger. Breaking the kiss Inger was panting staring at Akeesha’s lips. “I think it will be somewhat easier now.”

“I have things to attend to, enjoy yourself as long as you wish Akeesha, Inger it was an experience meeting you.” Jake told both of them as he got up to leave.

Inger bowed low to Jake shocking not only Akeesha but herself as well. “Thank you Master Jake, there will be no further aggressive moves against you.” With that Inger launched herself at Akeesha taking them both to the floor.

As Jake walked back into the front office area, Mary was just starting to move again as she pulled herself off the floor. Jake helped Mary to her feet then over to a couch that was nearby. Looking up Mary saw that it was Jake that was staring at her with concern. “Feeling better now?” Jake asked her.

Making a long sigh Mary nodded, “I am so sorry for worrying you and the others. Speaking of others, where is Inger,” Mary asked as she looked around the area.

Jake could only smile, “The last I saw her she was getting reacquainted with Akeesha.” Smirking a little, “well with Akeesha and various parts of her body. As I am sure Akeesha is also doing with Inger.”

Mary’s face quickly went from worry to downright horniness, “You know I think I need to reacquaint myself with your body again also. You my dear are a fucking machine, I mean it a machine that can fuck a girl to heaven. Care to try again or are you too tired?” Mary lay back on the floor in front of Jake as lewdly and open as she could. “Come on big boy come see if you can send me to heaven again!”

Jake shrugged who was he to deny someone a chance to go heaven again? Kissing his way down Mary’s chest Jake again lavished kisses and nips on and around her nipples plying both with softer suckles. Finished he slowly painstakingly worked his way to her navel lightly flicking his tongue near and in it causing Mary to jump then giggle a little.

Kissing lower Jake navigated through her pubic hair as close to her sex as he dared. Slowly he took in her heady aroma letting it fill his senses and nostrils. Finally unable to take his teasing Mary wrapped her legs around him and pulled his face into her vagina, screaming as his hot mouth made contact. Jake tasted her womanly juices hungrily lapping away as fast as he could.

Only a few minutes later Mary pulled him up as she was still sensitive from their first bout of sex. “Damn it Jake, no more! I need you in me!”

Jake moved up still teasingly kissing his way up, feeling Mary start to tremble from all that he was doing to her. Finally positioned at her opening he still teased her by barely entering her. Mary was having none of this as she again wrapped her legs around Jake’s waist and pulled him all the way in her. Screaming out her first orgasm she smiled thinking she could get used to this a few times every day.

Jake had met a few aggressive women, then he shook his head, hell they were related to Mary so, yeah it made sense. Trying to take his time with a woman like Mary was almost impossible. It seemed she wanted as many orgasms as fast as she could get them. A mere five minutes later Mary tensed up as another wave of pleasure washed over her.

Jake could feel Mary working her vagina muscles almost as if she were trying to massage his cock each time he slide forward. As he started to finally drive into her with more force, he could feel Mary’s muscles trying to keep up with his inward thrusts. Feeling the familiar tightening in his scrotum Jake knew with her extra muscle ministrations he wasn’t going to last as long as he’d like.

Jake could feel his orgasm building as he could hear Mary also building toward another. Groaning out Jake felt his seed as it started to flood Mary’s womb. Suddenly a thought hit Jake she had used her energy to bring Inger back, much the same way he brought the disembodied ones back. Oh shit both their energies together?

Mary felt Jake as he started to empty deep within her, his hot seed sending her over the edge. Panting Mary was shaking she’d been satisfied before but this was a first even for her! Sighing Mary stretched out as Jake lay beside her. Reaching over Mary grasp Jake’s semi-hard member.

“I think I am in love with your tools Jake!” Mary told him excited.

Jake could only stare at her like she was crazy. “What!? You can’t be serious!” An exasperated Jake told her.

“Oh I am deadly serious, I have never felt as fulfilled and satisfied as I am right now. Scratch that I haven’t been satisfied in a very long time. You my dear stud,” here Mary looked deep into his eyes. “Are just what the doctor ordered! Inger?”

Inger appeared with a satisfied smirk on her face. “Yes mistress, oh my! Mistress is looking far hotter than I thought she would.”

Mary smiled, “It’s called being fucked silly.” Looking over at Jake, Mary whispered, “you ought to give him a try, you might find that you like males as well as females. Hell I damn sure do! With the right man sex can go from pleasure to near heaven.”

Inger shook her head this was the second person to tell her this both of whom she held in high respect. Whispering to here self, “I might have to reevaluate Master Jake after all.”

Akeesha appeared behind Inger a wide smile on her face, “He is a different male than I was led to believe that they all were. I also had to reevaluate Master Jake.” Here Akeesha whispered lovingly into Inger’s ear, “If I ever wanted a child it would be Master Jake’s and his only.”

Inger whirled around and stared at Akeesha, she couldn’t believe what she’d just heard her lover say. Then again she thought as she looked at Jake, they’d had their most intense sex because of him. Yes she thought she would most definitely have to rethink Master Jake.

Jake said his good byes promising Mary he wouldn’t tell her father. Jake had to smile at that knowing that wiley old man he’d watched everything that had gone on. Then again Nyrae hadn’t said a thing to Inger, could it be that she wasn’t allowed? Hmmm interesting Jake thought as he filed it away for later.

Jake was almost half way home in a more deserted part of town when the latest attack came. As his truck left the road he was instantly on a hill side watching as the truck exploded. Damn it! Why in the hell does everyone hate my truck?

That was when he saw the same three of the deadly trio. Then he saw another three then six more Jinns as they also started to fire at him. Rashala and the others formed a line of defense as they started to fire back at the nine that were approaching. Within five minutes they had eliminated six of the nine.

Outraged the trio started to concentrate their fire all at Sheeka. Jake suddenly saw what was going and yelled for the others to protect Sheeka. Nuha saw her chance and fired directly at Jake, Sheeka seeing this intercepted the blast and started to fall from the sky.

“NO!!!!!” Jake screamed as he ran toward her falling body. “NO!!!!!!!!!!! Nuha laughed evilly as she powered up for a killing blow at Jake. Jake barely managed to catch Sheeka as she landed on him. Pissed as hell Jake screamed out again. This time the sky darkened as dark, very dark clouds moved in. Huge bolts of lightning started to strike all around the trio. A huge wind started to whip up buffering the trio around in the air. Still smiling evilly Nuha was about to release a titanic bolt of ancient magic when a huge bolt of lightning struck her.

Burned beyond recognition, it was Nuha’s turn as she started to fall. Both her sister’s were suddenly scared at the amount of power that was charged in the air. Grabbing Nuha they all flashed out. Jake held Sheeka close, why? She was to be a mother soon the baby was far more important than he was! Why?

In the softest of whispers Sheeka told him as tears fell from her eyes, “I am sorry I failed you Master, I am so sorry. Please forgive me.”

“There is nothing to forgive you for my dear Sheeka. Please don’t talk.” Reaching in his shirt he rubbed the Talisman ‘til Trully appeared.

“Master Jake we need to take her home, now!” Trully said as Jake nodded and they were all in the bedroom.

Trully started to examine Sheeka, then sadly came out to tell Jake. “I’m so sorry Master Jake the ... there’s nothing I can do. I asked the doctor and even both of us together don’t have enough power.” Tears were starting to flow from Trully’s eyes.

A moment later Akeesha appeared weak and pale, walking to Jake she slapped the hell out of him. Jake picked himself off the floor nodding to Akeesha. “You promised to protect her! To protect all of us! If she dies you die!”

“I know there’s nothing I can do, I am as you said a useless human. A useless human who loved an incredible woman, your sister. I know you hate me, I deserve all your hate, please get it out.”

Akeesha could only stare at the pitiful excuse for a man. Raising her hand she started to power up then suddenly fell to the floor. Falling to the floor Jake could only hold Akeesha; tears falling freely down his face. Cradling her body close, Jake arose with her, walking to the couch he placed her body there. All his Jinns came to him holding him close, each also shedding tears unashamed, kissing each Jake thought well, It won’t be long now.

Chapter 37 - Sheeka

Jake was still holding Akeesha each of his Jinns gathered around them both. Nothing but the sound of great weeping and sobbing could be heard within the room. There was another huge rush of energy as Nyrae and Inger both appeared. Inger flew to Akeesha tears starting to fall from her eyes.

“Why? Why is she dying? If she dies Master Jake I promise you that I will make you suffer!” Inger was growling out at Jake.

“I am going to die soon one way or another Inger. The bond I have with my Jinns will kill me when she dies. I am afraid it will kill them also. I just wish that Sheeka wasn’t hurt so badly.” Jake stated fresh tears falling from his eyes.

All 3 of his Jinns were suddenly looking at the doorway with shocked looks. “Master Jake?” Gen started.

“I know; I am sorry Gen and the rest of you. I have been such an unworthy master to all of you. I more than deserve the slow death I know that is coming.” Jake said unable to see, the thought of them dying because of him, made him wish that when he died they would remain alive.

There was a gong sound then a titanic sounding fanfare. The Jinn council appeared; shock apparent on all their faces. The wish that Master Jake had made was unheard of. Then Rasmir smiled another part of the legend was coming to pass. This show of unconditional love for all four of his Jinns, plus the fact that he was willing to die so they could live was.

Jake heard the council gasp and stood walking to them. “Great council of the Jinns.” Jake started. “I humble myself before you that you please help my Jinns to live when I die. I love them all and the death of one is too much.”

Jake fell to the floor awaiting the death blow he knew was coming. Suddenly the room got quiet, well Jake thought this is it.

Suddenly a low and quiet voice wafted over his ears, “My dear, dear loving Master. I am not dead my love.”

Looking up, Jake saw Sheeka bathed in a golden light, his mouth hanging open he could only stare. Finally finding his voice Jake could hardly get the words out. “I ... I saw you fall, I held you, felt your heart stop as did your breathing. I am confused, happy yes, but very confused.”

“Perhaps I can help you father.” Came a voice from the air. “The wisdom and courage that you have shown along with the unconditional love. These things that you have for mother and the others. I now know as do the others love, YOUR love is a magic far more powerful than anything those evil ones could produce. Mother will be fine soon but you and they have much to do before all of us are born.”

Jake watched as Sheeka smiled and lovingly touched her stomach. Just as suddenly as it started Sheeka was asleep laying down on the couch near her sister.

Jake was still in shock he couldn’t say a word even if he wanted to, a crooked smile on his lips. ‘Wisdom and courage? Him? Hell and here I thought I was a coward, ‘ Jake thought drawing a gasp from Gen.

“Master Jake! You dear Master are no coward! You went to Sheeka even when the deadly trio was about to destroy you. You care more for us than you do for yourself. You are the kindest and gentlest master the world has ever seen. I am sorry Master but you are far from a coward!” Gen said with her arms crossed, a look of anger in her eyes.

Jake was shocked for a moment, he was just now starting to get used to praise. The words that Gen had spoken were taking quite a bit to sink in. He didn’t feel like any type of hero, he had just done what he thought was right. Besides he still was to blame for Sheeka getting hurt.

“I will acknowledge that I am no coward but I am still to blame for her getting hurt. I promised all of you that I would protect you as much as possible. That means not putting you in the position of being able to get hurt I...” Jake was saying when he was interrupted again.

“All this as you say is true father, though we both know that any of these four would also lay down their lives for you. Father, just accept the fact that your love for each other is far more powerful than anything they can send at you. I must go father, be well I will see you soon.” With that the voice was gone Jake sitting there staring at all four of his Jinns.

‘Damn, ‘ Jake thought, ‘I wish Akeesha had heard all of that, that way she might not want to kill me when she awoke.’ There was a groaning from the couch then Akeesha’s eyes opened. Shakily she got to her feet and walked to Jake.

“I did hear all that was said. I still warn you Master Jake protect her or I will die ending your life!” Again she drew back to slap him only to fall forward into Jake’s arms.

Looking over at Inger Jake said, “Inger help me get her to the couch, I am afraid she is weak and needs to rest. Are you allowed to stay and watch over her?”

Inger’s eyes flew wide as she helped Jake get her to the couch. Just who was this human male who cared more for Jinns than his own life?

“Yes I am Master Jake. I always listen for my mistress’s voice. Master Jake, may I ask a question?” Inger tentatively asked of Jake. When he only nodded she continued. “I noticed that you didn’t defend yourself against Akeesha. May I ask why?”

Jake took a deep sigh then opened his mouth, “What she said was true, I did promise to protect them all. I feel I failed in that respect. It was well within her right to punish me. Besides I told her to take her anger out on me. I felt I more than deserved it.”

Inger eyes were even wider at his words. A male who actually accepted responsibility for his actions? Shaking her head she thought she needed to study this man more. If all he said was true than he truly was a rare male in the world.

Jake walked over to Trully who was again examining Sheeka, a wide smile on her face. “Will she be alright Trully? I was so scared when I saw her start to fall. I thought I had lost her and the baby, all I could think was why? Her child is far more important than I am, as is she.” This last part Jake said almost in a whisper.

“Yes Master Jake she is fine, as is the child she carries. Master Jake I have a question for you, please answer truthfully.” Jake nodded at Trully. “You say that you love all your Jinns as you have proven time and again.”

Again Jake nodded staring at Trully a little confused. “Of course I love all of them how could I not? They are the kindest sweetest women I have ever met.”

“Ok, then answer me this. Isn’t it quite possible that they could also love you to the point that you are everything to them?” Trully said her smile growing when she saw a sudden light appear in Jake’s eyes.

“I thought they felt compelled ... to act as they do ... but they never ... how could I?” Jake stuttered out feeling even more confused than before.

Trully just shook her head, “Master Jake for one as wise and courageous as you are, you really know nothing of love do you?”

Jake hung his head his face red as he blushed, how sweet Trully thought he really is blushing! Looking over at the still present Jinn council Trully nodded at all of them. Suddenly they all were also smiling widely.

Patting his arm softly Trully whispered to him, “It’s alright Master Jake, we all have to learn at one time or another. The same is also true for Jinns; we are a lot like humans as we also have to learn love. Don’t worry; you learn more as you go.” With that Trully walked to the council leaving a red faced and almost completely confused Jake in her wake.

Jake watched as Trully talked to the council a few minutes then turned bowed to him and was gone. The entire council all had startled looks on their faces. Jake shook his head to clear it and walked over to Rasmir.

“Rasmir I am afraid that we may need a different strategy. I can’t risk their lives like this anymore. I am not as concerned for me as much as I am about them. Sheeka is going to be a mother soon, I cannot, WILL NOT put her in danger like that anymore.” Jake told the older man.

“Master Jake as I am sure my sister told you, they love you far too much to NOT get involved.” Smiling widely Rasmir added, “I am also sure that you have noticed that you and they are almost untouchable. From what I saw it took an extremely powerful amount of magic to try and hurt Sheeka. That type of magic is almost unknown to all but a few.” Rasmir placed an arm around Jake to steady the still confused man. “You are a very lucky man Master Jake, to know the equal love of four Jinns and to return that love as fiercely as you do.”

Jake could only nod his head this was a little much for him even with all he’d seen already.

Thousands of miles away, Nuha was struggling to survive, barely clinging to life. The pain was far beyond anything she’d ever felt. Fatin and Abla were doing their best to keep Nuha alive but they felt they were losing the fight. Suddenly Fatin became angry, how dare that asshole of a human male hurt her treasured sister! Abla had to back away as the increasing power of her sister was actually starting to push her back.

Abla’s eyes grew wide as she watched Fatin’s power increase and as Nuha was finally starting to breathe better. Screaming Fatin said, “I’ll kill him! I’ll kill him! No one hurts my sister, my family! NO ONE!”

Nuha was finally starting to be recognizable as the massive amount of power flowed from Fatin to her. Finally an hour later Fatin collapsed on the floor at the feet of Nuha who arose and caressed her sister’s face. “Don’t worry my dear sister.” Nuha told Fatin’s still form. “We will exact a most horrific revenge upon this man and his ... pets!”

Abla gasp as Nuha stood naked in front of her. “Sister the mark upon your back!”

Nuha rushed to a mirror and stared at the lightening shaped mark all the way down her back. “Ha! A small price to pay for all that I have gained!” Nuha laughed evilly as sparks erupted from her fingertips. “Yes a small price indeed. That idiot has provided me the power to finally extinguish his pitiful existence!” With that Nuha released a bolt of lightning at the nearest wall effectively blowing a hole in it.

Abla smiled this was it seemed, a melding of the ancient power and the natural power of a storm. The Ever Last Master didn’t stand a chance!

Jake awoke that night having fallen asleep on the floor near both Akeesha and Sheeka. Though his mind was filled with terrible dreams, Jake still managed to get a little sleep. Looking over at the couch he could see that Akeesha was awake drinking from a cup that Inger was holding for her. Trying to not make a sound Jake turned his eyes toward Sheeka. A moment later her eyes also opened, Jake arose and hurriedly got her something to drink.

Sheeka awoke confused, where in the world was she? This was Master Jake’s abode but ... then she saw her sister and Inger. A moment later Jake appeared with a cup for her, oh by the great Jinn that water was so good! In a very horse voice she told Jake, “Thank you master but you do not have to do this I am...”

“No, this is nothing to repay you, though I do have an idea that I hope you don’t find too much?” Jake told a now very confused Sheeka, an idea? What was master talking about? Drinking her fill she thanked Jake then laid back down falling asleep almost immediately.

Jake smiled he hoped that she was strong enough to take what he had in mind. Then again Jake thought as his face twisted up in a moment of concentration, he hoped that he could also.

The next morning Jake called all his Jinns into the as he called it common room. Also calling the council and Juno, Jake thought he had enough to witness this. He’d already contacted Trully to find out if Sheeka was strong enough to withstand what he had in mind. Trully assured him that she was far stronger than she appeared.

“Thank you all for coming here today, what has happened over the last week or so has me thinking. Sheeka has done many brave and honorable things for me; at first I thought it was just her trying to trick me. I then found that she, as well as I, have developed feelings for each other.” Jake walked to a small alcove set in the wall in it were two bottles, Sheeka’s and Rosalinda’s.

Gen, Rosalinda and finally Rashala all smiled hugely. They could see what their master was about to do, they wholeheartedly agreed with his decision. Sheeka could only stare had she done something wrong? Akeesha was also glaring at Jake though as she had discovered the man was full of surprises.

“I have decided that you have done far more for me than I can for you.” Jake said as Sheeka bowed her head, she loved her master enough to endure the pain that being in her bottle would produce. Once there she would think of all that she had done wrong and correct them when he let her out again. With tears in her eyes she awaited his words of imprisonment.

“I find that I cannot live with the constant fear of your bottle hanging over you. I cannot live with that same fear hanging over our first child. I therefore before all those present, I wish for you to no longer be a slave to that bottle and be free to love and live!” Jake told her.

Like Rashala before her, Sheeka almost didn’t hear Jake, then with a shock she FELT the words. “I will ... you ... release me?” A wide, happy smile lit up her face, “I hear and obey my Master, it is as you wish!”

There was a deafening boom then another gong sound, Sheeka’s bottle started to shake and vibrate then exploded and was gone. Sheeka arose and threw herself into Jake’s arms kissing him passionately. “Thank you dear Master,” she whispered in his ear. On the other side of the room Rosalinda sighed one day she too would be free. She knew she had to prove still that she was no longer evil, though just having the chance to be near Jake was almost reward enough.

A shadowy figure had watched much of what had gone on, so they thought, Dreama was still a slave to her bottle. Bah! This new name of hers was garbage! Soon the figure thought, Dreama would be free of that selfish human. They would make sure of it that was for sure!

Chapter 38 - Rosalinda

After Jake had released Sheeka, he immediately walked over to Rosalinda tenderly kissing her. Holding her extremely close Jake whispered in her ear, “I haven’t forgotten about you my dear Rosalinda. I have felt you trying with every fiber of your being; you are so close my love. Please keep at it, please.”

Rosalinda’s eyes grew wide as she looked at the retreating back of Jake. Then the tears started to flow, he hadn’t forgotten about her! He still loved her then again she thought she’d know that instantly.

Gen stood off to the side, she’d felt and heard everything. Their master truly was unique Gen had never heard in her life nor seen anyone in history that was even close to their master. Heaving a contented sigh she decided that she’d just fallen even in more in love with Master Jake.

The council all gasp staring at Jake’s Jinn’s, by the great Jinn they were all glowing! Jake whirled around suddenly frightened at what he saw. It seemed almost every time one of them had a glow like this bad things happened! Running to Gen Jake could see something strange happening to her, hell to all of them except Rosalinda? Calling Trully Jake began to worry that they were in deep trouble.

Trully appeared a little unhappy, though when she saw what was going on that immediately changed. “When did this start Master Jake?” Trully asked of him.

“Only a few moments ago, right after I released Sheeka. Are they alright? I am seeing strange things on and around them. Am I going to lose them?” Jake was talking a mile a minute this had to be the worst that he’d been afraid since Gen almost faded on him. Tears were already starting to fall from his eyes as he stared at them.

“Master Jake!” Came a voice from behind them. Inger had backed away from Akeesha it also appeared she was also glowing, though no where as bad as the other three.

Now truly afraid Jake turned back to Trully as he reached out and touched her. At first nothing happened then Trully’s eyes began to grow wider and wider. “By the great Jinn!” Jake heard her say in whispered tones. “I haven’t seen this in well over 3,000 years! Never in my life did I think I would ever see the amount of absolute love that is showing at this moment, again!”

Jake started to reach out to touch Gen when Juno yelled out, “No wait! Not yet Jake!” Suddenly the next thing he knew Jake was flying through the air through the wall and a few other things. Oh shit Jake thought with them immobile like that he was screwed. Suddenly he was slowing to a stop, looking around Jake thought he could feel Rosalinda.

“Thank you Rosalinda.” Jake said to the spot behind him.

“I could not allow you to be hurt dear Master, I haven’t the power I used to, but I can still help the one I love.” Rosalinda was actually blushing? Damn Jake thought she looks sexy as hell like that. These thoughts of course made Rosalinda blush even more.

“Uh ... Master Jake?” Rosalinda asked tentatively. “Do you really find me that sexy dear Master?”

Jake could only smile; did he find her that sexy? Hell they ALL were more sexy than he thought he’d ever see a woman be. The amazing thing is they all wanted him! Him a complete nobody! Shaking his head he wondered what he had done right to be as lucky as he was. Looking around Jake saw that they were many miles from the house. Jake wished he was back at the house but nothing happened!

Looking at Rosalinda he saw that she was suddenly what appeared to be at war with herself inside. Even as he watched her hair dulled a bit as well as her body becoming more compact.

“NO! Get out of my head!” Jake heard her scream then, then she seemed to be grappling with an invisible enemy. Terrified she looked straight at Jake, “I love you so much Master Jake I am so sorry.” Tears were starting to pour from her eyes as she waved her hand and Jake was back in his house.

“Rosalinda NO!” Jake was screaming then he felt as if a part of his heart was ripped from his chest. “Unable to rise Juno rushed to Jake helping him to the couch. All he could hear Jake saying was, “no, no omg! Please let her be ok. She feels so far away, OMG! It hurts so bad AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Jake suddenly screamed.

Trully and the entire council were in further shock when Gen, Rashala, and Sheeka all started to move toward him. Trully had seen this before; she’d expected at least a few hours before they could move! Suddenly an eerie voice made up several voices, spoke to Jake.

“Dear Master Jake the pain is passing. We see what and who has taken her, we four are sorry that you have to feel this pain. We are retrieving her now.”

There was a crackling of energy then a resounding boom as Rosalinda appeared with a much older man than Jake.

“Bah! What trickery is this?” Turning the older man saw the Jinn council and pointed a stubby finger at them. “You have no right to recall me here! This Jinn is mine by the law! I have laid claim to her.”

Rasmir looked at the old man in shock then smirked. “Be still Jankean, it was not us. You may lay claim to the FORMER Jinn called Dreama but you have no such claim to the new Jinn Rosalinda!”

“Bah! There is no Jinn Rosalinda! This is Dreama and she is mine! Let’s go you bitch!” When Rosalinda refused to move the old man’s eyes grew huge. “You refuse to obey you bitch!” The man had raised his hand to strike the Jinn in the face when he found he couldn’t move his arm.

“I don’t think so you old bastard!” Jake said as he wrenched the man’s arm back then the man to the floor.

“You dare to stop a rightful master from commanding his Jinn! You will die for this, Dreama ... AAAAAAAA!” the old man screamed.

Suddenly the voice made of several voices spoke. “We all know that you used a forbidden magic to bring back PART of Dreama. We also know that under the law we cannot interfere. Master Jake though has as strong and valid a claim as you do. Therefore under the law as Jake’s Jinns, we and he call for a combat to determine who gets which Jinn!”

The old man opened his mouth to complain, “I proclaim that his claim is false, I demand...”

Rasmir was about to say something when the council leader spoke up, “YOU DEMAND! You forget yourself little human! You are speaking of the Ever Last Master! Already he has restored almost 100 Jinns to life. That includes part of the Jinn Royalty! I am sure they would not take all that kindly to your words about this master!”

“BAH! Under the law I lay first and only claim to Dreama. There is no Jinn called by that garbage of a name! Now decide on my claim or I will ask for a...” The old man was saying.

“We are sorry to disappoint you, Rosalinda is alive and well. She gains strength even as we talk!” the voice said.

Suddenly Dreama looked at Jake and screamed. “Help me Master Jake! I love you master!”

“I love you deeply Rosalinda!” Jake shouted back.

“Bah! So I was mistaken but she is dying so soon my claim is all there will be!” The old man spit at Jake.

Jake had been going through all the information he gotten over the last few months. Suddenly Jake’s eyes grew wide and a bright smile lit up his face as he turned and smiled at his three Jinns still bathed in the glow.

“I see, Jankean, I, as Rosalinda’s master call for the combat!” The old man stopped dead in his tracks and started to smile as he started to raise his hand in the direction of Rosalinda.

Jake quickly grabbed the man’s hand forcefully yanking the large ring off the man’s hand (almost the old man’s finger also).

“NO! What are you doing! That is a family crest and heirloom!” The old man howled as he tried to retrieve the ring from Jake.

Jake walked over to Rasmir and handed the ring to him. A hiss escaped Rasmir’s lips then the rest of the council when he showed it around. “So Jankean,” the leader finally said after talking to the others. The magic is gone sealed away so that you can no longer kill Jake’s Jinn. Master Jake, you realize that Dreama could still win then you would be without Rosalinda.”

Jake nodded, “I have faith and love in Rosalinda, even as I did when she was still Dreama but she was mine. I know that one of them must die, I also would like to see this bottle this man has in order to lay a claim to her.!” Jake said as he suddenly remembered something he’d seen.

“It is here!” The old man shouted producing a box full of shattered bottle parts. Jake walked up to the old man waiting to see what the man would do. The simple fact that he felt nothing from any of the pieces let Jake know the man was lying. These are all that is left of her bottle that was smashed as it started to fall into the abyss. I was also in that abyss but I caught the bottle as it fell. I climbed out and the bottle shattered.”

Jake smirked he’d heard some real whoppers in his life but this man really sucked at trying to sell a lie! Walking to the back of the bedroom Jake passed his hand over the wall, making a small alcove appear. Smiling Jake took the bottle and walked back to the old man.

“Jankean, you have to be the worst liar I have ever heard! This,” Here he held bottle just out of reach of Jankean. “This is Rosalinda’s bottle.”

Jankean smiled evilly and lunged at Jake grabbing the bottle from Jake. Dancing around the old man stopped and pointed a stubby finger at Jake. “Kill him Dreama kill him now! You are mine forever!” Here the old man started to laugh evilly. Just as suddenly the old man stopped, staring at Jake holding a bottle that looked remarkably like the one he had! Lunging this time Jake stood back and watched the man hit the floor.

“It’s over, you son of a bitch!” Jake roared at the man. Withdrawing another ring the man pointed it at Jake, “if I can’t have her then neither shall you!” A bolt of enormous energy shot out of the ring at Jake. At first nothing happened, then Jake felt it starting to eat its way through the protection toward him.

Jake was trying to get out of the way but the bolt followed him no matter which way he went. Shit! I am screwed, and then he smiled and started to walk toward the man.

“HA! That won’t work I hold the ring and no one can remove it when it’s active! Neither will I be hurt by it while I wear it! Good bye Ever Last Master. Pathetic.” The old man said then began to laugh again.

Suddenly Jake felt the protection of his Jinns increase smiling the ring couldn’t last a long time could it? Looking at all three of them Jake was suddenly scared as they were straining to hold what they were doing. Great Jake thought killed by an old toothless pervert!

Jake was almost to the man when he saw a movement out of the corner of his eye. Then suddenly there was a body, no wait two bodies? Between him and the old man. The old man suddenly started to scream as did all of the council hell practically all of those that were present. Then suddenly Jake was slammed against the far wall by a body flying into him.

Looking at Juno the man had thrown himself at Jake to knock him clear, knocking himself out in the process. Jake arose and saw Rosalinda and Dreama the first time he’d seen her. “NO!” Jake screamed as he started to run full speed toward the Jinns.

(No master Jake please do not. Finally I get to do something for the one who loves me. I have been so afraid; I have grown so much since I met you. I am just sorry that I will never be able to carry your child. Please master! Please don’t cry! You have freed me!” I thank you so much!”

Jake didn’t give a shit if anyone saw, she deserved a chance like Sheeka had gotten! His anger higher than he’d ever felt the tempest that was forming soon the sky darker than anyone had ever seen.

His voice suddenly deeper, his anger to a fever pitch Jake walked to the old man, “When they die you die as slowly as I can kill you. I will have you screaming in pain every second, yet I will not let you die! I may have no power but I know those who do and I swear that you will never see this world again!”

When the old man laughed at him, Jake growled and felt his anger rise even higher! Everyone had taken cover fearful that when this power was released they might be in the way.

Jake heard a scream then saw Rosalinda falling; growling Jake saw at least seven strikes of lighting hit the old man where he WAS standing. There was a flash then a voice from the ring spoke, “You Jankean have broken the contract that we made I therefore declare YOU ARE MINE!”

Jankean was screaming as a hand made of energy came out of the ring grabbing him as he tried to make his escape. “NO!” The old man screamed as the hand was giving chase. “You can still have her! She is there take her!”

“You fool Jankean! You tried to take that which was not yours to lay claim to. You have dishonored me even further!” With that the hand finally snatched the old man screaming as he was drawn into the ring, then all was quiet.

Jake turned and was about to pick up Rosalinda’s body when there was a shimmering next to her. To his amazement the small chested and darker red headed Dreama appeared next to her! Taking a deep calming breath, Jake refused anyone’s help as he got both of their bodies off the floor. Putting his head to both their chests more tears started to flow from his eyes.

For a few minutes he refused to move, his grief consuming him totally. Finally standing Jake walked to the council who were finally out of hiding.

Bowing very low, Jake looked each in the eyes as he addressed them. “G ... G ... Great Jinn c ... c ... council. I am afraid that I am at an end. The bond was far too strong to deny. I wish...” here Jake shook his head no even for them that was impossible.

“Please Master Jake what is this wish?” The leader of the council asked.

“I am sorry it is a foolish fantasy, one that is silly sounding as it is to wish for. I know that the dead cannot be restored, not by a Jinn.” Jake sadly said already he could feel the energy leaving his body god he felt tired.

“Please Master Jake tell us.” Rasmir urged.

“I just wish that I could have freed her before this happened.” Jake stated as fresh tears started to fall.

“I think that may still be possible though it might hurt quite a bit.” Came a familiar female voice behind him. Huh? What the hell Jake thought as he started to turn.

Chapter 39 - Physical

Jake turned slowly hearing the familiar female voice behind him. Finally he was face to face with a beautiful, wide eyed, dark haired Amira. “What do you mean it still may be possible? A shocked Jake told the royal princess.

Bowing low to Jake she stated, “For all that you have done Master Jake, anything that me and my brothers can do for you wouldn’t be enough. We of the Jinn realm owe the Ever Last Master so much. The fact that our power can help you fills our hearts with great joy!” Leaning close Amira whispered, “I would still love to have you filling me Master Jake!” Jake blushed then nodded.

Rasmir came up and bowed low to both Jake and Amira, “You should listen Master Jake. We of the council are powerful true, but royal Jinns have power that we do not possess.”

Amira and both her brothers who had also appeared began to nod yes. “The thing I do not understand is how were they separated? I thought that Dreama was Rosalinda.” Jake asked feeling more confused.

“Jankean used an old, forbidden dark magic. The power to create and destroy is well within the capabilities of it. The only thing is there is usually a great price to pay. I am afraid that there may be a great price this time as well.” Amira told Jake as she looked over both of the Jinns that were very near to death. Slapping her hands together Amira stated, “Brothers let us begin, Master Jake as I said there will be quite a bit of pain involved more than you have experienced before. Are you sure you wish to continue?”

Jake looked at both Rosalinda and Dreama and could only nod yes. Amira glanced at the council who were all in shock. Another part of the legend! Sadly they thought the war was supposed to start again very soon also.

“As you did with the doctor and Trully touch one of us then look at both of them. With the ability you have we should have a plan of attack within moments. Please hurry Master Jake there isn’t much time!” Both Aahil and Aalee urged him.

Touching Amira on the arm Jake looked at both of the dying Jinns, all three of the royal Jinns hissed when they saw the dark magic. “It was as you said brothers they are both covered with it this may take longer than we thought.” Amira said to which both her brothers nodded. Jake felt the massive energy begin to flow from them through him as usual at first it wasn’t really much. After A few minutes however Jake began to feel as if there were thousands of ants crawling all over him.

It was half an hour later when Jake saw that Rosalinda was almost clear though Dreama was still very bad. Finally moving over to Dreama Jake was praying that he could make it, the amount of power they were using was starting to take a toll on him, but he knew he had to keep going. Rasmir and the council had Rosalinda out of the way as the three royal Jinns poured power through Jake into Dreama.

Maybe ten minutes into it Jake yelled that something was wrong, Dreama wasn’t getting better. For a moment the three upped their power but still nothing happened. Suddenly Jake heard a voice in his head. (Please Master Jake let me go. I wasn’t supposed to be like this; I and Rosalinda were always one. Without her I cannot survive as neither can she. Please have them put us back together before it is too late already I can feel Rosalinda starting to close off.)

Jake looked in shock at Dreama then nodded. Explaining what he’d heard the three royal Jinns agreed as it was the only thing that made sense as to why Dreama wouldn’t heal. Placing a hand over both of the Jinns Jake watched as the Royal Jinns poured even MORE power into fusing the two separate personalities together.

Jake was gritting his teeth when he realized that Amira was right. This was by far more painful than before but he had to keep going. Even as he watched both of the Jinns started to move closer together. They were finally starting to become one. The problem was Jake’s entire body was on fire but he refused to let go. He had to save Rosalinda without her he was most certainly dead. He looked at her face a face that he loved as much as the others and suddenly found strength from deep inside.

Amira’s mouth dropped open! What was this powerful magic she and her brothers were feeling!? Try as she might she couldn’t seem to put her finger on it, suddenly she realized it was love! An even wider smile spread across her face this was rare indeed she hadn’t felt a love like this since Gen’s sister... ! “We cannot fail my brothers, Master Jake has provided us a strong path let us not disappoint him!” With that Jake felt the power change it still hurt like hell but it changed.

Finally over two hours after they had started the Royals stopped, Jake looked at Amira. “Is it done?” He asked a little unsteady on almost numb feet and legs.

“Yes Master Jake,” Amira said as she motioned for her brothers to hold Jake. “She should be fine now.”

Jake smiled then touched Rosalinda’s face whispering, “I did all I could, I tried, I am sorry that you had to go.” Tears were starting to fall from his eyes onto Rosalinda’s face.

A voice filled his head, (Thank you Master Jake you were the only one that ever cared about me. I go knowing that I was finally wanted and loved.)

Suddenly another voice shouted, (NO! Join with me! We need each other please Dreama you and I are a part of each other!)

There was a deep sigh then, (I will try Rosalinda, but if I cannot, you have to let me go.)

Jake felt the struggle within Rosalinda as the dying personality was trying to fuse with Rosalinda.

Jake could only stare, a sadness washing over him though he really didn’t know Dreama per se he did know Rosalinda. To him they were almost the same.

I wish that they both could survive Jake thought, though they can’t be apart.

Though he hadn’t moved much, Jake knew he wasn’t going to get very far. “Princess Amira,” Jake started when he turned slowly to look at her. “I wish to thank you, though you weren’t able to save both of them. I will remember your request and do my best to fulfill it as soon as possible.”

Amira suddenly gained an even larger smile as she again bowed to Jake. Jake still uncomfortable bowed to Amira drawing a round of gasps from those in the room. “Master Jake you do not have to bow to me.”

Here Jake smiled at the dark haired, slender woman remembering her words. “Princess Amira, I only give you the respect that you deserve.” A sly wry smile crept upon her lips again.

“Thank you Master Jake for one who is human you do us great honor. Again we of the Jinn Realm owe you, the Ever Last Master so much.” Here Amira handed Jake another talisman shaped like a key. “This Master Jake, will call me to your side within a few seconds.” Reaching over Amira gave Jake a passionate kiss that shocked both of them.


That was a preview of A Guy and His ? - Book Two. To read the rest purchase the book.

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