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Lost Empire - Book Three



Lost Empire - Book Three

By Pars001

Description: The adventure expands exponentially! Christa McAuliffe said "Space is for everybody. It’s not just for a few people in science or math, or for a select group of astronauts. That’s our new frontier out there, and it’s everybody’s business to know about space." Inside, a discovery by an ordinary man changes his life and the history of the galaxy forever. Enjoy this extraordinary epic that spans time and space, with memorable characters, intoxicatingly gripping plot, and an incredible cliffhanger!

Tags: Non-Erotic,Science Fiction,Violence,Alien,Exploration

Published: 2018-01-07

Size: ≈ 109,391 Words

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Lost Empire - Book III

by Pars001

Chapter 47

Derrick felt really bad as upset as Shelby had been. Hell he felt horrible though as Tempro had pointed out there was really nothing that they could have done. Well nothing beyond what they had. Tara’s last message was still ringing in his ears. The amount of courage and bravery she had displayed made him feel worse that he couldn’t save her.

They were finally starting to dock with Tempro when there were several alarms going off. “Intruder!?” Derrick’s head snapped around to stare at Shelby. “What in the hell did you do?”

“I couldn’t let her die like that; I couldn’t Derrick not after what they both did.” Shelby started to explain to Derrick.

“Again, I am this time demanding, what in the hell did you do?” Derrick said as calmly as he could.

“I had to do it Derrick I felt I owed it to her I...” Shelby started again.

“WHAT!” Derrick almost shouted. “Did you do?”

The view screen changed showing a tall, blonde woman unconscious on the bio-bed. ‘Strange, ‘ Derrick thought ‘why does she look so familiar?’ “I saved her Derrick I had to.” Shelby whispered.

Shaking his head he’d have to confer with Tempro to see just how badly Shelby had screwed up this time now. Sighing Derrick thought of Tempro waiting for the A.I. to appear. “We’ll have to decide what we are going to have to do now.”

Sighing he felt Shelby finish her docking. “Tempro I think we have a problem.” Derrick said a moment later.

Tempro immediately appeared, “I am not detecting anything wrong Sire. As a matter of fact I just felt a missing part of time slide into place. What seems to be the problem? I ... oh dear!” Tempro said as soon as he saw the view screen.

“Yeah I kind of thought that myself when I saw her. You do know who she is I take it?” Derrick said with an exasperated sigh.

“Yes Sire, she is Tara Devonnie, she was reported lost with her ship also named Tara.” Turning toward Shelby, Tempro’s mouth was hanging open. “How did you know?”

“Know? I didn’t know I just had to save her. For all she did, I had to.” Shelby replied.

Tempro could only shake his head suddenly realizing that this was supposed to happen, though it still surprised him when something like this did. “More has shifted to what it should be Sire. I was wondering how we were going to repair the error in time. Here Shelby did it without the knowledge I posses which,” here Tempro shook his head again. “Was somewhat useless this time.”

Derrick was watching the exchange between the two A.I.s with interest. “You can hardly be faulted Tempro. Not every facet of the past can be known. Even for a hero as she obviously is.”

“Yes Sire, she was quite the hero. After this battle she was listed as dead, killed in action with her ship. Years later a woman matching her description appeared in a province near the one you grew up in. I believe it was called Tierra oculta.” Tempro informed Derrick.

Derrick’s head snapped around from the view screen, “Tierra oculta? Hardly near mine, it’s on the other side of the planet. As I remember one of my outfit was from there Daniel Norman, Captain Callie’s father---.” Derrick suddenly stooped in mid sentence a strange look on his face. “My god! Shelby do you have the DNA of Captain Callie still?”

Shelby could only stare at Derrick then a moment later she nodded, “yes Derrick I have all of their DNA. Especially after I took yours that first time, as I remember someone saying it helps to be well prepared.”

“Good I want you to take a sample of Captain Devonnie’s, run a comparison of it with that of Captain Callie’s.” Shelby still unsure of what Derrick was on about nodded and started the test. “I’m afraid it will take a few hours Derrick.”

Derrick could only smile, “it’s not as if we have anywhere to go Shelby. We are after all five hundred years out of time.”

Tempro had been following the conversation between the two with growing interest. “Is there anything that you require of me?” Tempro asked after Derrick had finished speaking.

“Yes, I want you to run a genetic search of all persons in the Tierra oculta. Pay attention especially to all families with the last name Callie, Norman, Devonnie,” here Derrick stopped a moment thinking back to a few of the conversations he’d had with Sergeant Major Norman. Ah! Derrick thought, “also look at families with the last name Griback, Astand I believe the last was hmmmm--- Ah! Tital!.”

Tempro bowed smiling wide, “I am running a search through all the names now.”

Stopping suddenly Derrick added, “You said a woman matching her description appeared in the Tierra oculta province. Do you perhaps know what her name was?”

Tempro look down a moment then smiled, “I never thought of that! Searching now.” A moment later Tempro’s mouth was hanging open. “Sire? I have it she was called Tade, Ara Tade. A very clever play on words I have to say.”

Derrick nodded then sat, ‘shit! All he wanted to do was go home!’ Looking over at Tempro, Derrick could only shake his head. Sighing he was starting to wonder just how many things was he going to have to correct?

“I’m sorry Sire your thoughts are so loud. At present this is the only thing that I am seeing that we have to fix. Everything was fine as we were coming forward then I had to do a shut down as I felt that time had changed. I am afraid that this will happen ‘til we fix everything.” Tempro apologized.

“So you’re telling me that everything is ok with the five hundred years before now?” Derrick asked.

“Yes Sire, I have analyzed both events that we changed. These were extremely high profile events Sire. I am not really seeing anymore for at least three hundred years.” Tempro replied.

Derrick nodded about the time that the empire fell. Suddenly Derrick looked over at Tempro. “I am not about to make sure that the royal family is killed!”

“No Sire! I would never suggest that you do something as horrible as that!” Tempro cried a look of absolute terror on his face.

“That’s the only major event that I can recall three hundred years from now,” Derrick told Tempro.

“No Sire nothing having to do with any of the royal family being killed. Though I have strange readings about the Empress and her son disappearing for a year before they were killed.” Tempro told Derrick.

Why am I thinking that we are going to have to rescue the Empress and her son? Plus the fact that Derrick felt that it was going to be dangerous as hell?

Duke Risen was screaming when the Rangers pulled him from the command center. Greeson could only smile as the man started to threaten then try to bribe each and every man. Struggling, the Duke broke free only to be caught lifted then slammed to the ground by Greeson.

Shaking his head at the now unconscious man he activated his com. “Alright Captain we have him, please inform the Empress.”

On board the now regrown Tara, Mara nodded as she replied. “I will Chief Warrant Greeson. Good job!”

Greeson looked around at several of the Rangers that were smiling at him. Blushing a moment Greeson gathered his wits. “Alright enough of that! Let’s get him in restraints before the ass wakes up, then I’ll have to persuade him to nap again.”

A few yes sirs, then the Duke was trussed up and tied to a pole that they soon lifted. A few moments later they had him secured in a holding area. Greeson looked at the man once more before he moved on.

Moving forward Greeson stopped at the training room when he saw Dempsy within. Stepping in Greeson removed his shoes then turned bowing to Dempsy. A slight smirk on his face Dempsy nodded as he also bowed then took a defensive position. “I take it the pathetic one was no trouble?” He asked.

“No not really, he tried to escape so I had to show an acceptation to it. You might say that we had to carry him aboard afterward.” Greeson said.

Dempsy nodded a slight smile on his lips, “perhaps he thinks his position will protect him?”

“No, all of the Rangers guarding him were handpicked by the emperor. They are above reproach, besides he really has nothing to bribe with anyway.” Greeson said as he rapidly threw attacks and hits at Dempsy.

Smiling Dempsy blocked all of them, good he thought Greeson is finally realizing the true form of the art.

Kimison and Rayburn had been at it all day; they wanted to help but how? With the huge data banks that Tempro had nothing information wise they sent him would matter. The fact that he had Shelby meant he had fire power. Shaking their heads they started to go through everything again there had to be something.

Shelby had Celeste still watching over everything that the two did. The last thing she needed was for the ship to get propelled back in time like Derrick and Shelby had been. Sighing she was going over reports from the Duke’s planet when Greeson called.

“Empress, he has been secured aboard. I made sure that no one watching him could be persuaded to let him go. Are you sure we should just hold him? I’d have thought that you would execute him.” Greeson told her.

Shelby was in thought a moment then looked at the hologram of Greeson. “I was, and then I had a thought. It would do more to cement the power of the emperor if he did. I am only the empress, in his stead I can rule. I am not of royal blood therefore I do not have absolute authority. I can however set many things into motion.”

Motioning for Hartwell he nodded then spoke. “Warrant Officer Greeson for the bravery and decision making that you have shown it was decided with approval of the empress. You are hereby promoted to First Lieutenant effective immediately.”

Many of the men on board Tara started to cheer as did Mara. Quieting them down, Greeson then thanked the empress and Hartwell. Saluting he was suddenly knocked off his feet just as the connection went silent.

Looking up he saw Dempsy smiling from ear to ear. “‘Bout time it happened to someone else besides me!” Putting his hand out for Greeson he grinned even wider when Greeson’s eyes narrowed.

Shaking his head no, Greeson slowly got off the floor keeping a watchful eye on Dempsy the whole time. “That’s alright Colonel.” Greeson said drawing a groan from Dempsy. “One attack I can accept though not a second!”

Smiling larger Dempsy withdrew his hand nodding. “Good then get your ass off the floor, we still have training to do!” All moved back as the two men started again at a blurred speed.

It was several hours later when Tempro alerted Derrick. “Sire?”

Looking up from a design he’d been wanting to work on Derrick stated. “Yes Tempro, what have you discovered?”

“I went through all the names that you gave me. At the present time there are no Normans, Callies, Grisbacks, and Astands in the Tierra oculta province. Also an extensive search of the last five hundred years produced no Devonnie at all. I am reading a family Titals that will be moving there in two years. The rest appear at different times over the next three hundred years.” Tempro informed Derrick

“Derrick?” Shelby stated. “I have the results it is a ninety point eight percent probability that Captain Callie is directly related to Captain Devonnie. Almost all genetic markers are a match.”

Nodding his head Derrick had been going through all the medical records trying to find what he could on memory. They had to do a wipe of Tara, but the thing is, they had to wipe almost all her life. Shaking his head Derrick wasn’t that happy to do that to the woman, then again he wasn’t about to kill her either.

Snapping his head up a moment later he looked at Shelby. “I remember that we were going to do a small wipe on Hartwell and Dempsy. How much can we actually wipe out before reintegration of a new set of memories is impossible? I’ve been through a few ten thousand files and haven’t found that much that is really helpful.”

“Running a system check now Derrick.” Shelby said then was quiet for a few minutes. “It appears that the farthest I have ever gone back is a few years. I would say that three is the most. According to all information I have, we cannot do a complete wipe. We would have to install new memories at each instance of three or four years removed. Plus the apparatus I use can only be used twice, sorry Derrick it is too dangerous after two.”

Derrick was nodding deep in thought, three to six years wasn’t going to do much though it was a good start. “Sire?” Tempro spoke up. Looking up Derrick nodded to Tempro. “I believe that I may have a solution. Many centuries ago a young tech was working on something like you suggested.” There was a whir then a disc appeared. “As distasteful as this is I am afraid that this plan you have Sire is our only choice.”

Taking the disc Derrick started to go through it with almost blinding speed. “Informative to say the least Tempro though I as of yet haven’t seen the equipment that we’d need to achieve it.”

With that a door opened at the back of the lab area. “I believe what you will need is there Sire. Though I am afraid that it is only complete on the mind wipe side. I was destroyed while the tech was working on the second section. I am sorry Sire that last bit is all that I have to offer.”

Derrick was going through the second section seeing where it abruptly stopped. “Yes I see. Actually he got quite a bit done. At least I have a damn good template to start with.”

Tempro’s eyes were wide, the emperor could do something with so little data? A sense of pride was showing on Tempro’s face as Derrick started to type at a furious speed. Every few minutes Derrick would enter the information he’d typed then start anew. After almost an hour Tempro was shocked that Derrick was almost finished with it. Well enough that Tempro could start to run scenarios with it. “Starting testing now Sire. I should have an answer within a few hours.”

Derrick nodded as he went back to the design that he had been working on. A smile crossed his face as it started to take on more shape and form.

It was a few hours later when Tempro alerted Derrick, “Sire I have completed all the scenarios. From all that you added it may be possible. I will have to adjust and build another machine and scanner.”

Derrick nodded, “that’s fine Tempro. How is our guest? Are you going to be able to keep her under long enough? I’m afraid that she might suffer mental damage if we keep her under too long.”

Tempro was silent a few moments as he went through all the information that he had. Finally he spoke, “I believe that we can keep her safely unconscious for another day. Might I suggest that we make our way two years from hence? Once we are there I can do a more accurate appraisal of the situation.”

Derrick was also silent as he considered everything that Tempro had relayed. “Alright, I just wish we could get home.”

Tempro nodded, feeling the want of the emperor. Securing everything and his self, Derrick watched as Tempro admitted a blue wave. Space started to ripple faster in front of them, and then Tempro shot forward into the ripples.

It seemed they had just entered the ripple when they were coming back out. At least it seemed that way to Derrick.

“Position?” Derrick asked.

“We are approximately two years and a month further ahead in time. We need to begin working on her so we are ready when you put her there in Tierra oculta.” Tempro reminded Derrick.

Derrick nodded then went in the door that had opened. Looking around Derrick was surprised to find several machines for the brain. There was an extensive amount of scanning equipment also. Looking through all that he’d added Derrick sighed when he saw that it wasn’t going to work as it was. Stepping up to a terminal he again started to type at a furious speed.

“I think I figured out what I was doing wrong Tempro. Please check these new configurations they should help it to be far safer than before.” Derrick told Tempro as he continued to look over all that he was working on.

“Yes Sire I have already begun to run through them.” A few moments later Tempro spoke up, “this does appear to be better. I am afraid though that this section will still cause a bit of paranoia.”

Derrick’s eyes went wide as he looked over what Tempro had pointed out. Son of a bitch! Tempro was right that section would have damn near killed the woman. Shaking his head Derrick again started typing, he had to get this right they were on a tight time table. Well at least for now they were he thought.

Derrick had worked on it for hours having to revise it seemed every half hour. Finally with time starting to run out he felt he had it right, damn he hoped. “Tempro is the replacement memories that we worked on ready?”

“Yes Sire I finished them an hour ago. I have to say Sire you have finished the program in great time. As far as I tell there are no longer any glitches within it. I have to say Sire you have produced superior results.” Tempro proudly told Derrick.

“I’m hoping so Tempro, I’ve not worked much with the mind. I took a type of crash course with all the information you and Shelby had.” Derrick replied.

“For a crash type course you have completed the work of a man who had worked years on in an extremely short time.” Tempro advised Derrick.

“I know Tempro then again I really didn’t have a choice now did I?” Derrick said.

“No Sire I believe not. I am sorry that I had no further information for you.” Tempro stated then bowed to Derrick.

Derrick nodded then started toward the med bay. Just as he reached the door an alarm started to sound. “Tempro report!” Derrick shouted as he was running back toward the command deck.

“I’m afraid that Captain Devonnie has awoken.” Tempro advised Derrick.

“Shit!” Derrick said as he appeared on the command deck before the view screen. Looking closer at Tara, Derrick asked, “what in the hell is she doing?”

“Oh dear.” Tempro responded. “It appears she is trying to over ride the terminal. My, she appears to have a higher level of understanding of the programs than any of the other Captains were reported to. Sire I suggest you keep her within the med bay. I have already locked access to all terminals and controls out of that room.”

“Alright, thing is Tempro, can we keep her out of the rest of you? If she has superior knowledge, then it may take all three of us to subdue her.” Derrick told Tempro.

“Sire?” Shelby chimed in. “I do not remember ever having any interaction with her in the past. Might I try to calm her as it appears she is becoming quite agitated.”

Derrick watched as the tall, blonde woman was working at the terminal trying to access what she could. Suddenly they heard her speak a deep rich voice ringing out. “Alright, I know I am not a prisoner of the attacking raiders. Let me out, I am knowledgeable with ship systems. I might be able to actually help you if you need it.”

Derrick turned to Shelby with a shocked look on his face. “Well I’ll be, she’s far smarter than I at first thought. Damn, still a little unsure of how to actually handle her. I don’t think it would be a good idea to let her out though.”

“I agree Sire, if she has as much knowledge as it appears she has, she might attempt to take over Shelby or me. Please forgive me Sire, a very knowledgeable tech could bypass almost every program that is set in. Even the orders you have in place. I have been moving to close every avenue that she would attempt. I am afraid though that there are still a few that are open.” Tempro advised Derrick.

Derrick was still for a few moments his brow furrowed in thought. Nodding to Tempro he then walked to a terminal starting in typing at a rapid pace. Tempro’s face showed shock as every few minutes Derrick would send the upgrades he’d written to Tempro.

Twenty minutes later Derrick stepped away from the terminal looking at Tempro. “There I think that might add more than a few more safe guards.”

Tempro’s mouth was hanging open as he was finishing up installing everything that Derrick had just written. Looking at Derrick, still a look of shock on his face Tempro nodded. “You have covered a wide basis Sire. You have covered quite a few that I didn’t even know of. With all of these, no path way can be encroached upon without triggering an alarm.” Bowing low to Derrick, Tempro continued. “Thank you Sire, I feel much safer now.”

“As I told all of you, each one of you is more alive to me than almost all biological life forms. I may be the emperor but my subjects come first. That includes all of you A.I. ships.” Derrick told both Shelby and Tempro.

Tempro could only stare, he’d thought that the emperor was serious about this before. Now he knew that the man was deadly serious about it. “Thank you Sire, I will do all I can to help you achieve your mission. Well, after we solve all the things we have to do before we are home.”

Shelby also knelt beside Tempro making Derrick growl a moment ‘til she looked up with a look of absolute love. “I will also do all I can, including sacrifice myself Derrick. I know you do not require me to bow to you, I feel that I should this time. You have brought such hope to me and all of my children. I can also feel something along the same from mother. She will never admit it Derrick, I feel she is prouder of you than any other emperor.”

With a sigh Derrick nodded at Shelby’s declaration. “I thank the both of you, we need to get through this crisis right now, and then we can discuss this further.

As Derrick approached the med bay he was starting to hear Tara again. “Hey! I know someone is there, this ship can’t run its self. Hey! Let me out! I am an Imperial citizen! The living ships will hunt you to the ends of the galaxy! Let me out!”

Tara pulled her ear from the door she could swear that she could hear someone approaching. A moment later the door slid open as a taller than her, sandy haired man walked in a smile on his face. Strange she thought the man looks fairly familiar.

She started to reach out when Derrick shook his head no. Undaunted she followed through with her punch connecting with the bulk head! “Ow! Damn it! Who are you? Kidnapping Elite Imperial Guardian Personnel carries a heavy prison sentence!” When the man only smiled at her she shook her head the man’s face was still striking a chord deep in her mind. “Why the hell are you smiling? Take me back to the Imperial planet now!”

Finally Derrick just sighed as he replied, “I’m afraid I can’t do that Captain Devonnie. You see you have been listed as missing, therefore dead.” When Tara’s mouth dropped open Derrick could only shake his head. Crap this was going to take a bit.

Chapter 48

0001 - Tempro

0003 - Conner

0097 - Ace - Zimmel

0098 - Lucy

0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick

0125 - Lars

0200 - Ellen

0301 - Rodrick

0403 - Johnathon

0667 - Marco - Brown

0778 - Jan

0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human)

0908 - Tara - Mara

0999 - Zan

1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment)

Derrick looked up a moment as Tara watched him. If she didn’t know better the man was an Elite Imperial Guardian Prime. That was impossible! She knew all of the primes that were left with the ships they were on.

“I don’t know just who you are but it appears that you are also EIG personnel. Though for the life of me I don’t know just who you are.” A perplexed Tara told Derrick.

Again sighing Derrick looked up again then nodded. “In a way I am a prime, though at the moment I do not exist. I...”

“My god! You are on the time EIG some time in the future! That ship was destroyed hundreds of years ago. Wait! If you are telling me this then I cannot go home. So you intend to kill me. Why then tell me what you have?” A now defiant and proud Tara asked of Derrick.

“Really! Do I look as if I wish to kill you? As I was about to explain I can’t actually tell you who I am or where I am. I am here to give you another chance to live. I am not so cruel as to just erase you completely from time. Though I am afraid that is almost what I will have to do.” Derrick said as he tried to explain.

Tara’s eyes narrowed as she looked closer at Derrick. “Your manner of speech, the way you carry yourself. If I didn’t know better than I’d say you are an emperor.”

Derrick could only look at the woman before him; damn she was almost as perceptive as he was. No wonder Callie and her father were like they were. Again Derrick looked up then nodded, “I was advised that I cannot tell you much. I am a fair man, I thought I’d get any input into the new person you will be.”

Tara’s eyes got large then she bowed to Derrick. “I am honored that you as an emperor are giving me this privilege. I take it you are here because of children in the future that are linked to me and my line?” When Derrick nodded Tara smiled, “it is good to know that I wasn’t as useless as I thought I was.”

For the next few hours Derrick and Tara discussed what and who she might be when she was released back into life.

“Sire?” Tempro stated after they were done. “I really must protest you going yourself to do this. I cannot maintain as good a lock on your bio signature as I did before. You are closer to being in sync with those here than you were in Emperor Gregor’s time.”

“I know Tempro but if we let her wander then she could be killed or taken. There is a heavy slave trade at this time.” Derrick advised Tempro.

“Yes Sire, that also goes for you too. I have read they were usually in groups. From what I have read they were rather large groups.” Tempro advised Derrick.

“Yes I know Tempro, I will use precautions. We have to go as soon as we are finished with her reset.” Derrick replied.

Derrick, Shelby, and Tempro were monitoring Tara the whole time that she was out. As of yet none of them had detected anything wrong. They were almost done with the process when several alarms went off. As the machinery started to shut off Tempro threw a worried look at Derrick.

“It appears that the last little bit of her old self is resisting far harder than we thought it would.” Tempro reported with a worried look.

“Yes, I was afraid that something like this might happen. We are going to have to incorporate it into her new memories.” Holding up his hand Derrick nodded. “I know this is unknown to you Tempro.” Walking to a console Derrick started to type at an almost blurring speed. Tempro watched for a moment then his eyes flew wide as the new information inundated his circuits.

Finally nodding Tempro spoke. “I will do all I can Sire, it will not be easy though I think not impossible.”

Kimison and Rayburn were going through everything that they had worked on. They were still at a loss as to what they could do to help the commander. Kimison sighed then suddenly grabbed Rayburn as he pointed at a list of things from the past. Even as they were watching they saw that the history was changing, what the hell?

“Empress?” Kimison called when he saw that it was happening again. “Could you look at this please?” He shouted.

Shaking her head she was almost glad of the diversion. Drawing close she saw that something was obviously spooking both of the men as they wore shocked looks on their faces. “What seems to be the problem,” she asked as she looked over their shoulders.

“I was doing a scan of history trying to see if there was anything I could do to help the commander. I noticed that history was different than what I remembered it being. Then as I watched it started to slowly change back to what it should be. I am at a loss as to why though.” Kimison explained to Shelby.

Shelby’s eyes went wide then she thought a moment. “Celeste, when Tempro entered the time rift was there any side effects?”

A tall fiery red head appeared, “I have been going over when Tempro entered the rift Empress. It appears when he activated his portal he also released energy that covered all the ships. It also appears he affected all the ships that were in orbit of the imperial planet.”

“What were the effects of this energy?” Shelby asked of Celeste.

“It appears that the energy allows us to exist outside of normal time though I am unsure of how long. As of this moment I am not reading any decrease in the magnitude of it.” Celeste told Shelby.

“There gentlemen I think that explains why you are able to see what you have. If you see anything else please advise me. Now then from what you have seen can you tell where they are?” Shelby asked.

“At first we thought it was all the way back to Emperor Gregor’s time. Then we started to get hits from five hundred years ago. It appears he’s half way back.” Kimison told her.

“Five hundred years,” Shelby shook her head. “It might as well be a thousand.” She whispered.

Suddenly a signal was received. “Empress I am receiving a call from Lucie Hartwell.”

“Put it through.” Shelby advised.

“This is Lucie Hartwell. Requesting permission to return. May I?” Lucie’s voice stated causing Shelby to chuckle a moment.

“Yes you may Lucie. I forget that you aren’t military. It’s fine dear return with the two.” Shelby replied.

“Oh thank you ma’am! It’s so empty out here, alright Sherry!” There was a windup then a moment later they were appearing not far from the others.

Onboard, Lucie was doing a double take. Where was the emperor’s ship there were only ten here there should be eleven! “Are my eyes playing tricks on me?” Lucie asked.

“Is there a problem prime Hartwell?” Sherry asked.

“Prime? I can’t be a prime Sherry I haven’t been assigned to one of you.” Lucie told Sherry astonished.

“I’m sorry pr ... Miss Hartwell. We worked so well together, I had started to think of you as a prime I apologize.” Then in an almost whispered voice Sherry continued on, “I will miss you ma’am.”

Lucie’s head snapped around as she stared at the now tear laden hologram. “I will miss you also Sherry.”

Sherry’s head nodded then her eyes opened wide, “I see of what you were talking of! Mother! Shelby is not here!”

“WHAT!” Lucie said as she started Sherry scanning the area. “You’re right there’s no sign of her!”

“It’s alright Lucie, we know where they are at the moment. Though it might be a bit before they are back.” Came the voice of the Empress behind them.

“They?” Asked Lucie.

“Yes,” Shelby said her voice breaking. “The emperor was onboard when she vanished. Plus it appears that the emperor put orders into Tempro after he was built. Tempro is also back there.” Shelby was about to disconnect when Kimison and Rayburn started to shout that they found a way to help.

Derrick unlocked the door drawing a weapon before he moved within. Damn it this was a really bad area that Callie’s ancestors were moving into. No wonder they were all so damn tough! Tempro had been running scenarios for the last few hours still he had no real answer for Derrick. It appeared that this place was not in Tempro’s records.

“I am sorry Sire it appears that this one time that I am really unable to help.” Tempro told Derrick before he’d left.

So Derrick thought, I am just here to make sure I could actually get her in here safe before the others arrived discovering her. Sighing Derrick shook his head, how in the hell was he going to do this without killing a few people?

As he was moving forward Derrick recalled that Daniel used to regale him with stories of his ancestors. Shocked a moment there was something that Daniel had said that was at the edge of his mind. Damn it! The harder he thought about it the harder it was to remember anything the man had told him.

Damn it! Derrick could only shake his head all this smartness and he couldn’t recall a conversation from a few years ago!

Tempro was keeping a tight watch on Derrick as he could. Shelby was also though for some reason she was having a far better time of it than her brother. Tempro was trying to recalibrate when he detected a small fissure like rift open not far from where he was. Checking again he blinked again rereading what he saw.

“Sister, are you able to keep a lock of the emperor? I am detecting a time anomaly. Apparently someone else is traveling through time.” Tempro advised Shelby.

“Please keep a scanner on it I am having no trouble following Derrick brother. As Derrick said he will have to set rules about time travel when we are back. From what both of you have stated it is extremely dangerous. Especially if they are not as well equipped as you are.” Shelby replied.

“I have to completely agree with him, wait something is emerging it appears...” Tempro was quiet for more than a few minutes leading Shelby to think Tempro might be damaged.

“Brother Tempro, are you damaged? I am reading all your systems are functioning at optimum levels. Do you require assistance?” Shelby asked starting to become worried.

A moment later Tempro shook his head then his eyes flew wide. “I am functional. That was a data stream from our time! Somehow Corporal Kimison and Sergeant Rayburn were able to open a small rift. It appears that bathing them all with Anti-Chronoton energy had the desired effect. I am integrating the data no ... Oh my! We have to call the emperor right now there isn’t much time!” Shelby nodded as she thought of Derrick.

Sighing Derrick could hear several voices further within the structure. How in the hell was he supposed to clear the place so they could safely deposit Tara Devonnie now as a new person as Ara Tade?

[Derrick?] Came Shelby’s thoughts.

[I’m a little busy trying to not get killed Shelby. I hope this is important.] Derrick thought back to her.

[Tempro can’t connect with you. Apparently Corporal Kimison and Sergeant Rayburn found the missing information that you need. Tempro says that a report from records of Tierra Oculta stated that all but one slaver in the building was found dead. The report was from an hour from now. Tempro says that the one left sounded crazy according to the report. Please... ] Suddenly Shelby was silenced as Derrick heard a piece of equipment being switched on.

Shit Derrick thought if they get behind me I am dead. Closing his eyes Derrick recalled the layout of the building. Moving closer to the rear entrance Derrick began to block it with everything he could get his hands on. He’d just finished when he almost felt the eyes that were on him. Nodding Derrick whirled and dived for the floor firing at the same time.

The man across the room had fired as soon as he saw Derrick move. His shot a little high still caught Derrick across his upper arm. Cursing Derrick grimaced when his energy shot caused the man to scream at the top of his voice. Cursing more Derrick hit the badge button waiting for the shield to form. When it did though, it was at only half power, Derrick knew he had to destroy the machine.

Derrick made his way through the house trying to get as close as he could. Almost to the last room Derrick had managed to take out a total of ten. Shaking his head he knew there was more than twice that left. Checking his gun he nodded good it was still at eighty percent.

Rolling across the opening Derrick fired at the machine as he was going past. Stopping on the other side his eyes had gone wide. They were using a static energy grid! No wonder Shelby couldn’t contact him, the static energy was interfering with a hell of a lot of things. It had been abandoned as he remembered because it caused insanity in too many that used it.

“Hey ass!” Derrick heard from within the room. “Know you got a few but I highly doubt you can get all of us! Stick your head out we’ll make it quick. Hole in the head no problem! We are going to kill you depend on it. So just...” The voice stopped as Derrick had touched off a shot hitting the man in the throat. There was a bunch of shouting as the wall near the door opening was suddenly riddled with holes.

“Hey! Nice shot! Thanks he was an ass anyway. Come on out we’ll let you join. Come on...” This time Derrick again rolled across the opening taking out the second speaker, finally hitting the static shield machine.

There was more yelling as a small line of smoke began to drift out of the room. Derrick felt the shield badge hum more as he looked and saw that it was now at three quarters strength. Shaking his head he wasn’t sure if that was enough to protect him in a direct assault. It was bad enough he though as he looked at the blood that was slowly oozing down his arm. Crap Shelby was going to have a fit! Then he grimaced more Mary would be far worse!

Taking a deep breath Derrick stood walking into the room aiming at the machine. Several shots hit his shield making it almost all the way through before dropping. Blowing a few holes in it caused it to smoke more as Derrick noticed that his shield was at ninety percent.

Turning toward the slavers Derrick growled as almost all of them had a look of shock on their faces. The few that didn’t were still firing at Derrick as fast as they could. “It’s just another static shield,” a man said, as he egged the others on.

Derrick just shook his head as he lifted his energy pistol shooting everyone that was firing at least twice. Looking around at the carnage and bodies Derrick saw that there were only a few left. “Quick or slow your choice!” Derrick growled, “I have no pity for flesh peddlers!”

Three of the four got up to run as Derrick shot all three. Turning back to the last Derrick sided up to the younger man. Aiming the barrel at the head of the last left Derrick was about to pull the trigger when the young man dropped his weapon and ripped his shirt open. “Go ahead! I know you want to!” The man yelled.

Derrick smiled as he tightened his finger on the trigger. Then reached out cuffing the man in the head knocking him out. Turning back Derrick shot more holes in the static machine ‘til in grew silent. Good riddance Derrick thought.

[DERRICK!] Came Shelby’s thoughts. [You are injured I will IMT you... ]

[NO!] Derrick replied. [We have to finish this IMT her to the room beside this one. how long before the Titals arrive?] Derrick asked.

[They have already arrived on planet. They are moving toward where you are at this moment. We haven’t much time Derrick.] Shelby reminded him

Derrick got Tara now Ara situated as he awaited the arrival of the Titals. Looking at the brave woman in front of him he wished he could have done more though that would have been disastrous. A few moments later Derrick nodded as he heard them as they started to come in. Flashing out Derrick looked at the information that Tempro provided.

“Alright it appears we are finished here.” Derrick stated.

“Yes Sire, I am setting a course for our time once again. If anything is required to repair time I will be pulled out again.” Tempro informed Derrick. Derrick sighed maybe they could get home this time.

A red wave of energy started to admit from the front of Tempro then they were moving into it. It seemed they were only in the portal a few minutes when Derrick heard Tempro’s engines suddenly shut down.

Tempro appeared beside Derrick as he was laying in the bio-bed, damn he hated the thing! Sighing Tempro gave his report. “I am afraid that the auto shut down was activated again.”

“Damn it! What’s our position now?” Derrick asked upset they weren’t home.

According to my readings we are two hundred ninety nine years, eleven months, three weeks four days further. The last three days of the empire sire.” Tempro sadly stated.

Derrick nodded as both Shelby and Tempro had sad faces. “When are we supposed to carry out this mission?” Derrick asked.

“According to records she and her son will attempt to flee in three days. They weren’t in the palace when most of the family was assassinated. From all I can see there is only one chance to secure them.” Sighing Tempro already knew that the emperor was going to once again put his life in danger.

“My time ‘til I am released from the bio-bed?” Derrick asked.

Sighing again Tempro informed him, “another two days sire. I already know that you will place yourself in danger for this mission Sire. Might I suggest that you turn the shield emitter on before you go?”

“Yes please Derrick. It would be the end of both of us if something happened to you. Especially if we had a chance to somehow change the outcome!” Shelby said finally voicing her concern.

Derrick smiled realizing that both Shelby and Tempro were worried about him. “I do realize this, both of you. As I remember Tempro if I have the emitter on then you can’t IMT me anywhere.”

Tempro sighed he’d forgotten that the emperor’s mind was far better than a normal human’s. “Yes Sire I know.”

“Let’s get through this so I can check the equipment before I go ok?” Derrick said with a groan god he hated this thing, this was his what; third, or fourth time?

It was a full two days later when Derrick was released. Pouring over every piece of information Tempro had Derrick started to see a pattern. He also began to see the only place he’d be able to rescue the queen and her son. The thing was it was going to take a hell of a lot of great timing.

Finally finished Derrick decided it was time that he got a look at Tempro’s systems. As he had said he was having problems detecting Derrick. It wouldn’t do for Shelby to not have the power to get him and find out Tempro couldn’t either. Spending almost the whole day trying to isolate the problem.

“Tempro are you experiencing slight glitches within your memory? Also along your power matrix concerning detection of living entities?” Derrick asked him after several hours of work.

Tempro appeared beside Derrick with huge eyes. “Yes Sire that seems to be the biggest part of it! Though Sire I have to ask how did you know?”

Derrick’s face fell a moment as he thought his answer over. The truth had always done him well he thought. “I am afraid it is a result of something I did to you while your personality was being loaded. I had to make sure that you couldn’t detect me, I am sorry that I haven’t removed it yet.” Derrick pulled a crystal from his pocket. “I learned that they were experimenting with these data crystals. It holds far more information though I found it is time consuming to load. This will affect a start of correcting your systems,” Derrick said as he fitted the crystal into a slot.

Tempro’s face was in shock as the program started. “I see what you did Sire. It was an extremely good idea.”

“I’m afraid it will take some time for it to move through all your systems. Though I am certain you are noticing an effect already.” Derrick advised Tempro.

“Yes Sire. I am already starting to be able to detect you. Though I am afraid that I cannot link the IMT as of yet.” Tempro replied. Shelby appeared giving Tempro a hug.

“I am glad that you are going to be better brother.” Shelby told Tempro. “He will need both of us if he is to accomplish this. Derrick, please be more careful! The last time was far too close.”

Several hours later Derrick was on the now war torn Imperial planet. Shaking his head he remembered the beauty that the place had been in Gregor’s time. Derrick had been there almost an hour the sounds of explosions, screams and weapons fire drawing ever closer. Then Derrick thought he heard someone running in his direction.

Hiding in the trees beside the path Derrick waited hoping he had calculated correctly for all this. A moment later a woman and a small child broke into the clearing in front of Derrick. Pressing the badge on his left he stepped out.

The woman drew up short then sighed, “thank goodness I thought all of you elite guard were dead. Please help us to hide I am afraid that there is a mob behind us.” Derrick nodded as he could hear more than just a few angry shouts not far from where they were.

Grabbing the woman Derrick pulled her into the tree line. Holding a hand over her mouth they both watched as it seemed hundreds stormed past a moment later. “I have to get you to safety.” Derrick spoke for the first time in a whisper.

The woman nodded as she tried to adjust her clothes. “Really sir you didn’t have to throw me...”

“Look Queen you want to live? You shut up and let me do my job!” Derrick told her afraid that someone might have heard her. Sure enough a moment later a dirty looking man eased back into the clearing.

Cursing to himself he listened to Tempro a moment. Nodding as he leapt out catching the man from behind snapping his neck. He heard the woman gasp as he lowered the body to the ground. “Alright, now, maximum security little interaction.”

There was another gasp then the woman and the child winked out. Nodding Derrick waited a little worried as he heard several people moving back his way. [What do you mean it’s down? I thought when you took her it was up!] Derrick thought. Great he thought thousands looking to kill all royalty and here he was dressed as a royal elite guard!

Chapter 49

0001 - Tempro

0003 - Conner

0097 - Ace - Zimmel

0098 - Lucy

0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick

0125 - Lars

0200 - Ellen

0301 - Rodrick

0403 - Johnathon

0667 - Marco - Brown

0778 - Jan

0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human)

0908 - Tara - Mara

0999 - Zan

1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment)

Looking at the charge on the holo/micro shield projector Derrick sighed as he leaned over the man he’d snapped the neck of. Pressing all three buttons twice a beam shot out scanning up and down the dead man’s body. Pressing another combination, Derrick’s appearance changed to that of the dead man even as a huge number of men came through.

“Ya see ‘er?” The man in the lead asked. Derrick just grunted shaking his head no. “C’mon she’s no get far.” The man said egging the other men on. Leaning over the leader whispered to Derrick, “When ya see her kill ‘er nice ‘n quick!” The leader laughed as he went after the rest of the group. Laughing the men moved off.

Derrick breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the violent group of men move off. Shit! What was he going to do? Tempro was the only one that had the power to retrieve him. Shelby had power though he’d have to get further from the palace before she could use her IMT. Shaking his head this reminded him of when he had been back in Gregor’s time.

Derrick stopped a moment, was there a way that he could risk it? He had both sets of codes. Sighing he nodded his head yes this appeared to be the only way. It would be almost a day before all the counter measures he’d entered into Tempro to take complete effect. I knew I should have entered them sooner.

Shaking his head again Derrick slowly made his way further toward the palace, further into the midst of the ongoing battle.

[Sire where are you going?] Derrick heard Tempro’s thoughts.

[I have to get within the palace, it might be the only place I will be safe. At least ‘til such time as all the protocols I reset in you take effect.] Derrick thought back to Tempro.

[I understand that Sire, though I would advise against it. You aren’t known to either side as a matter of fact you can’t be known. As far as they all are concerned you are the enemy. I feel that neither would hesitate to terminate you. Please Sire, reconsider this course of action!] Came Tempro’s frantic thoughts.

Sighing Derrick stopped a moment. [I am a target no matter where I am, at least within the palace I’ll be less at risk especially when Mary enacts emergency shutdown, protective cover solution.] Derrick looked at his chronometer. [If I’m not mistaken that should take place in an hour or two.]

[Yes Sire, though ‘til such time it is extremely dangerous there. Mary won’t recognize you without a DNA test, even with the codes.] Tempro told me.

A wry smile appeared on Derrick’s face. [I guess she’ll have to perform one. When she finds that I am who I say I am then I can just order her to delete the information.] Derrick said.

[Sire, are you sure she will?] Tempro asked.

[Oh I’m very certain your mother is nothing if not loyal. Though I will have to word it exactly what I need her to do.] Derrick thought.

[Do you wish for me to word it for you so there are no mistakes?] Tempro asked.

[I do believe that will be a good idea. In the mean time how long before you can use the IMT?] Derrick asked.

[Even as we think, the counter measures are reverting everything back to normal. I am afraid that as you thought it will be almost a whole day before I can effectively use the IMT!] Tempro told Derrick.

[Alright just keep working on it for now I have to get to the palace before Mary closes it off.] Came Derrick’s urgent thoughts as he quickened his pace toward the palace.

Kimison and Rayburn both gave a great sigh when they saw history change back towards what they knew it should be. “Empress?” Kimison said as he turned toward Shelby. “It appears that we were successful. Everything up to five hundred years ago is now as it should be. Now reading changes in time two hundred years ago. Shit!”

Shelby jumped up looking over both men’s shoulders. Damn it! It appeared as if Derrick was in the midst of the last two days of the empire! “Has he managed to change anything yet?” She asked.

“At first it appeared that all were killed when the palace fell. A moment ago that changed when the Empress and her son disappeared from the palace. Much has changed though for the moment there is nothing of her ever being found!” Kimison snapped his head to look at Rayburn. “You think that the additional data has confused Tempro?”

Rayburn was typing furiously then suddenly stopped. “It appears he didn’t get enough.” Looking at Shelby, Rayburn said. “I’m afraid that we need to send another data burst.”

“You both do realize that the last we sent damn near burned out the redoubler. Not just on Celeste but the others also. If we do this again we will have to completely synchronize ALL the ships to keep this from happening.” Shelby told both men.

Both of them smiled as they looked at each other. “I don’t think that will be a problem. Well, as long as we can link to all of them. You see Rayburn and I already have a link.”

Shelby nodded she’d thought that they moved and thought too close to what the other was, NOT to have a link. “Alright, I am trusting the two of you. Bring the emperor home!”

“Yes your highness!” They both said as they started back in typing, calculating.

Greeson had relieved the man watching the Duke hours ago. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust the men and women under him, far from it. He didn’t trust the Duke as far as he could throw him, preferably out an air lock. Greeson smiled at his joke, he hoped that whoever did get to kill the bastard did it slow and painfully.

A moment later the Duke started to yell again. “Let me out! You are holding a high ranking noble of the empire. I will have you whipped to death. Whipped ‘til the flesh is hanging from your bones! You there I said...”

Greeson growled as he opened the outer door. Closing it he opened the inner door. A fist was flying at Greeson as he started to laugh, it was in slow motion! Moving behind the Duke Greeson tapped the man on the shoulder. Even as the Duke was turning Greeson clipped the Duke up side his head, effectively knocking the man to the floor.

Putting his foot on the Duke’s throat Greeson growled, “You are nothing! The Emperor has all that you did, the money that you paid the sect! Your voice inciting the aliens to invade! All your doing. The only thing you can look forward to is dying, you piece of scum! Now shut the hell up or would you prefer I numb your throat so you can’t talk?”

When the Duke looked up at Greeson his eyes went wide as he recognized the man that had captured him.

“Well? You were talking your head off a moment ago. What’s it going to be? Quiet or no voice?” Greeson growled.

Again the Duke’s eyes went wide as Greeson drew back his hand. Placing his hands over his mouth Greeson smiled.

“Good! See how easy that was?” Leaning close Greeson whispered. “No one is going to help you. All the people here are fiercely loyal to the Emperor. So I suggest you stop trying to bribe them.”

Walking to the door Greeson walked through it as the Duke attempted again to render Greeson unconscious. Shaking his head, the Duke’s face met Greeson’s fist, then a hand appeared from nowhere knocking him back into the room, out cold.

Derrick had been weaving his way closer to the palace though he wasn’t quite there yet. Damn it! Looking at his chronometer he didn’t have much time! Twenty minutes later he was finally within the palace grounds, he still needed to get inside though. Creeping along he finally made it to the wall, pressing several places he watched as a door opened.

Breathing a sigh of relief he stepped inside. Waiting a moment Derrick nodded when no alarms went off. So far so good he thought. Now all I have to do is get to Mary before she blasts the hell out of me. Smirking he thought, ‘then there was what was left of the palace security also.’

Moving as quickly as he could, Derrick went as far and deep as he could. Listening at the door he wasn’t sure if it was safe or not. Peeking out he saw the massive destruction that had been done due to the battle.

Creeping out, he was almost to the computer room when a voice stopped him cold.

“I suggest that you stop right now. I don’t know who you are nor do I care. Just know that you are about to die!” The cold voice told him.

Diving behind a statue Derrick started to finger the holo projector. Hope this works Derrick thought, the charge is at twenty five percent. Not sure if the shield could stop an energy weapon.

Sitting not moving Derrick heard the tall, muscular, security officer move toward him. There was a gasp then the man was saying with confusion, “Your highness! I thought a rebel was here. I apologize for not recognizing you! We need to get you to safety!” With that the man held out his hand to Derrick.

“Take me to the computer room. It has higher defenses than anywhere in the palace!” Derrick said surprising the man.

“But Highness! It is too dangerous to stay here! May I suggest...” The man protested.

“No, take me there now!” Derrick said forcefully.

Nodding the man bowed and led Derrick toward the computer room. Derrick had just stepped in when the security man went down bleeding from his chest. Pushing Derrick the rest of the way in, the door sealed.

A moment later Mary’s hologram appeared. “Empress I... , intruder alert! Intruder alert! You have ten seconds to recite proper codes before you are expunged!”

Taking a deep breath Derrick recited the codes that Shelby had given him in Gregor’s time. “Sigma, epsilon, chi, upsilon, rho, epsilon, alpha, lambda, lambda. Alpha, chi, chi, epsilon, sigma, sigma. Alpha, lambda, epsilon, rho, tau. Alpha01, Delta02, Delta03, Omega04, Nu05. Enact and transfer.”

All was quiet a moment then Mary repeated all that Derrick had just spoken. “Secondary control has been transferred. Please submit genetic material for deoxyribonucleic acid test to confirm. All security measures have been enacted to seal this room ‘til such time as identity confirmation.” A moment later a vial appeared next to Derrick, there was a quick pinch then it was withdrawn. “Now commencing test.”

Derrick nodded as he watched what was going on outside the room and the rest of the palace. Shaking his head grimacing he watched as the security force was steadily overcome. The palace forces were good but the sheer numbers against them were by far too much.

Derrick sat as he could only watch as more and more of the palace came under the rebellion’s control. There was a movement next to Derrick then Mary appeared. “Deoxyribonucleic acid test complete. Results are as follows. All genetic markers indicate within ninety five point five percent that you are of direct relation to the imperial line. Sire,” Mary said as she bowed low to Derrick causing him to groan.

“So you are saying that I am related to the emperor? Good then...” Derrick started.

A startled look came over Mary’s face as she shook her head no. “No sire, you ARE the emperor! The Emperor was assassinated as were almost all known male members of the family. You are the only male member related to the family that is known to be left alive. I have thereby started to shut...”

“NO! Do not stop the emergency shutdown, protective cover solution! When the last of the royal family within the palace ceases, then I want you to proceed. I am of no consequence in that respect!” Derrick was suddenly advising her.

Mary seemed to hesitate a moment then stated. “Yes Sire, continuing all protocols. Sire if these are enacted, I am afraid that you also will cease within a short period of time. I am also afraid that I do not have a name to call you by.” “ For now Sire will do. Though I am not taking the throne, I am afraid that I will not be here that long.” Derrick told a startled Mary.

Mary nodded as she was deep in thought. “As I said Sire, I do not know exactly who you are though I am starting to think that you might be out of time.”

Derrick kept his expression as passive as he could after Mary stated what she had. It wouldn’t do for her to learn everything possibly keeping it all stored within her memory. Derrick couldn’t really risk her possibly changing something later on in the next two hundred years.

Turning back towards the monitors Derrick grimaced even more. A second wave of rebels was sweeping into the palace even stronger than the first. Derrick could only shake his head there had to be thousands of the rebel dead out there. Still they were coming like an unending wave of humanity deeper into the palace.

Finally a small group of the palace security was making it way toward the computer room. Derrick tensed up shaking his head he knew they wouldn’t make it. Then tears started to fall as he watched the small group as it was ambushed. Unmercifully the rebels killed the group, firing several shots after they had all fallen.

Growling Derrick nodded his head as his fingers flew over the keyboard in front of him. A moment later he heard several shouts then high pitched screams as all the rebels in the hall way went down.

A steady tone caught Derrick’s attention then Mary’s voice could be heard. “Emergency shutdown, protective cover solution now enacted. All persons within the palace and it’s grounds have exactly ten minutes to evacuate. Upon termination of time period, all of the palace and grounds will be sealed. Count down commencing now!”

Derrick nodded as he watched most of the rebels flee the palace. Then he saw a well dressed, tall, older man advance upon the computer room door.

Standing in front of the door the man stated, “Palace computer. Stop all sealing procedures. Relinquish all control to Duke Krysam.” Then Derrick watched as the man then dug into his shirt reciting the codes he THOUGHT would work. Derrick shook his head as he started to laugh; the man was in for a very big surprise. Finally finished the Duke stated, “Now relinquish control!”

The visage of Mary appeared before the Duke and the rebels. “Unable to comply. You now have seven minutes to evacuate. All codes have been rescinded due to primary control being transferred and confirmed. You now have six minutes forty five seconds.”

Turning, his face red the Duke stared at the leader of the rebels. “You fool! You let one of them reach here! I should kill you where you stand!”

“Ay! We did our job! You were supposed to ‘ave all the answers! You’re as bad as the rest of the nobles!” The leader yelled his face twisting into a mask of rage. “You think you’re so good then you stay! I’m not about to tangle with that machine!”

Turning the leader and the rest started to move off. “Come back here you scum!” The Duke yelled even as he pulled an energy weapon shooting the leader in the back.

Falling badly hurt the leader started yelling to kill everyone. The Duke’s small force was well trained but soon was over come. Dragging the Duke to the dying leader the man lifted his hand. “Too bad,” the man said with his dying breath.” Pulling the trigger the man blew a hole in the Duke’s head, a look of great surprise on the Duke’s face as he fell.

Derrick smiled as he heard the rest of the men start yelling then watched as they started running for the exits.

“One minute thirty seconds ‘til full measures enacted of emergency shutdown, protective cover solution. Please evacuate the palace and grounds. One minute fifteen seconds ‘til enclosure of all.” Derrick heard Mary’s voice say.

Derrick nodded as Tempro’s thoughts came to him. “As soon as you are done Mary I’ll need you to IMT me to a certain set of coordinates.”

“Of course Sire. Thirty seconds ‘til activation.” Mary replied. Derrick could feel and hear the planetary generators as they started to come to life. “All systems on line. All persons not outside the perimeter of the grounds are being expunged. I am sorry; all within the palace will be exterminated.”

Even as he watched the shield he remembered when he first saw the palace started to spread throughout. Nothing in its path was spared as he watched bodies fizzle to nothing. “Now commencing second section of protective cover solution.” Mary said as the shield moved outside of the palace slowly advancing outward. Two minutes later the shield stopped at the extreme edge of the palace grounds. “Secondary protective cover solution now complete. Sire? Shouldn’t you try to regain power?”

Derrick shook his head as he looked over everything. Rapidly typing in commands he looked up when he heard Mary gasp. “I’m sorry Mary I have no choice.”

“Sire? You deleted all public and almost all private recordings of everything dealing with you. The small part you didn’t has the strangest encoding. At present I am not even recognizing the syntax it is in.” A shocked Mary stated.

“I am sorry Mary; anything dealing with time must be protected. Though in this case I am afraid that it is more than necessary.” Derrick told her.

“I see Sire. You remind me much of the first Emperor Gregor. He was as calculating as you are.” Mary told him

Derrick narrowed his eyes then told her. “Yes, he was almost to a fault.” Derrick seemed to stop a moment then nodded. “The following is to be carried out as soon as you safely IMT me to these coordinates. All conversations you had with me will be deleted; all pictures and videos will be also. All mention of anything dealing with me as an unknown will be expunged also. When I am gone it is to be as if I was never here.” Derrick walked to the keyboard rapidly inputting more orders. “I want you to destroy the DNA test now!”

The visage of Mary appeared as she bowed. “All records of you are being deleted now.” A low level beam shot out over the keyboard, the door, chair anything Derrick had touched. “All physical evidence has been eradicated.” Bowing low Mary said, “It was an honor to serve you Sire even if for only a short time.”

Derrick nodded as he suddenly flashed out appearing on the command deck of Tempro. “Are you monitoring her?” Derrick asked.

“Yes sire all evidence of you is gone. I can feel Mother going into a standby mode. Now reading time line drifting to what it should be. Excellent work Sire!” Tempro told Derrick.

“Drifting? It still isn’t where it should be?” Derrick asked surprised.

“No sire, if you remember we still have visitors.” Tempro replied.

Sighing, Derrick nodded how could he forget. “Alright we need to get her to where she has to be. Take us there.”

Tempro nodded as there was a wind up of the engines. Less than a minute later, they arrived out on the edge of the empire. ‘Damn,’ Derrick thought, ‘he knew she was way out, but he hadn’t imagined it was this far.

“I’m afraid that you are going to have to talk to her before we let her go. She wrote much about the man that saved her life though she never knew his name. What she wrote of though let everyone know what happened in the last days. I guess you told her.” Tempro revealed.

Flashing in at the back of the quarter’s section Derrick sighed as knocked at the door.

An almost shrill female voice sounded from the other side. “You knock when I am a prisoner?” Then Derrick heard a huff, “you can enter!”

Derrick sighed then nodded to the visage of Tempro. A moment later the door opened with Derrick entering the room. Bowing low Derrick waited for the woman to speak before he started. Sitting the Empress studied the man that entered the room. He almost appeared to be the same as the one she saw right before she appeared here ... where ever it was.

“So, I am your prisoner even though you rescued me. You are a most impertinent man sir. Doing something noble only to revert to almost an animal!” The woman spit out.

Sighing Derrick could see that this like the last time with Tara was going to take a while. As patiently as he could with what he could tell her Derrick went into what he had seen while he’d been in the palace. Finishing up Derrick told her, “I’m sorry that all of this has happened your highness. Your husband’s sudden death without passing the codes to his son caused Mary to hesitate. As with the others of the line, they all had such mistrust of the very system created to protect them.”

The Empress looked at Derrick then even closer. “You speak with a familiarity of the family and the royal line. Much of what you have said strikes several chords of memory. So then,” the woman said sitting up straight. “What is to become of me and my son?”

“All I know is that you were saved and made your way to this outer planet of the empire.” Derrick told her.

The woman’s eyes narrowed then she nodded. “I understand you can’t tell me of the future, thereby effecting your own life. I go wishing you luck with everything.” Bowing low she said with a smile, “Emperor!” Then the woman and the child both vanished from the ship.

Tempro appeared a moment later. “She is ensconced within the structure Sire. I made sure that she had adequate supplies. I also equipped a small shield for her. I am afraid though that the power is only for a year. I have no reading of her or her son after a year. I’m sorry Sire.”

Derrick nodded as he turned toward Tempro from the spot where the Empress had stood. “Yeah I know Tempro; it has to be this way. It always has to be this way.” Derrick said then whispered. “At least for now.”

“Status on Shelby?” Derrick suddenly asked.

“She is nearing completion of her regen cycle. She...” Tempro started.

“Actually brother,” came Shelby’s voice. “I am here. I am close to being completely repaired Derrick. I apologize that it took as long as it did. There was far more damage than I had at first thought.”

“Good,” Derrick said a smile lightening up his face. “Bout time we had some good news. So am I going to get some from you?” Derrick asked of Tempro.

“Going over data now Sire. It appears that the drift is now moving more into correct position. It would seem that the talk you had with her was what was needed to finally set things back to where they should be.” A now smiling Tempro told Derrick. “An extremely good job Sire. Almost everything in our time is as it should be or rather almost as it should be.”

“Good ‘bout time things started to go our way for once. I suggest light cloak ‘til such time as Shelby is finished with her regen.” A now happier but tired Derrick told both of the ships. “I need to get some rest before we go on any further. Wake me in six to eight hours.” Derrick moved off toward the quarter’s area again, suddenly finding he was standing outside the Captain’s Quarters. Smiling Derrick went in lying down asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.

It was about seven and a half hours later that an alarm awoke Derrick. His sleep had been fitful as he’d heard a few of the ships that were left doing his best not to respond to them.

Flashing onto the command deck Derrick rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he saw a small pirate fleet approaching. Damn it they weren’t ready! Tempro didn’t have near enough fire power to take this many! “Shelby? How long?” Derrick asked.

“I need two more hours! Derrick there is no way I’ll be ready in time!” Derrick started typing at a furious pace. Shocked a moment he started to type faster. Looking up he saw the pirate fleet as several ships exploded. Then several more! There was an trans-warp flash then twenty more ships exploded. Within minutes all the ships were debris. Smiling Derrick nodded then started to type instructions to Tempro. Nodding Tempro emitted a blue wave moving into it.

Derrick watched as the past Tempro, Shelby and his self entered the red wave. Well past as he thought of it. “Alright Tempro moving to dock, set for our time.”

“Affirmative Sire coordinates set, moving to dock.” Tempro stated.

As they shut down Derrick sighed now they could finally go home! “Great job Shelby! I just hope we can get all the way home this time.”

“I am hoping also Derrick. I miss my children as I do mother and the Empress.” Shelby told him.

Derrick flashed to the command deck looking everything over when a thought hit him. Stepping to the control keypad Derrick started to type at an almost furious and desperate speed. With a smile he sat as the Tempro emitted a red wave then was moving into it.

As space went dark Derrick said a silent prayer as they moved forward. A mere two or three minutes later they emerged near a freighter. “Sire?” Came Tempro’s concerned voice. “We seem to have stopped five to six years before our present time. I am not reading anything that needs to be corrected. SIRE! I am reading a system failure with the freighter in front of us! It appears that the structural integrity is failing with the pressure hatch! Failure imminent!”

“I know Tempro! I think it’s about time we fixed a few things in our time!” Derrick said as he watched intensely then the hatch failed as a body was blown out of it. “Move to intercept!” Derrick yelled. A moment later a tall man was gasping for breath as Derrick lowered him to the floor. “It’s ok Sergeant, I got you!

The man was still gasping for breath suddenly stopped looking up into the eyes of Derrick, “Co ... Commander? But how?”

“That’s a long story. Got a proposition for you Sergeant Norman. You in?” Derrick asked a wide smile on his face.

Chapter 50

0001 - Tempro

0003 - Conner

0097 - Ace - Zimmel

0098 - Lucy

0101 - Shelby (mother ship) - Derrick

0125 - Lars

0200 - Ellen

0301 - Rodrick

0403 - Johnathon

0667 - Marco - Brown

0778 - Jan

0798 - Celeste - Shelby (human)

0908 - Tara - Mara

0999 - Zan

1000 - Sherry - Lucie (for the moment)

Backing up from Derrick the tall sandy blonde suddenly hit a bulk head, his eyes dancing around the room. “The last I heard you were still recovering. What is this?”

Smiling a moment Derrick was about to try and explain when the hologram of Tempro appeared. “We seem to have a slight problem.” The tall man’s eyes got large as he swiped his hand through the hologram.

“Commander?! What in the hell is that!? It’s not real!” The tall man said.

Tempro turned to look at the man. “I am indeed real sir. Please refrain from doing that again Sergeant Norman! I find it rather rude!” Turning Tempro repeat what he’d just said. “It appears we have a slight problem, Sire.”

Sergeant Norman shook his head, Sire? What in the hell was going on? He thought he was dead, had consigned his self to that fact. Then suddenly he was lying on a deck able to breathe looking up into the eyes of the greatest man he’d ever had the pleasure to serve under.

“I’ll try to explain in a bit. Go have a seat then we can talk as soon as I take care of this.” Derrick told the wide eyed man as he went to a seat dropping like a stone into it. “What’s wrong? Derrick asked Tempro.

“It appears that the engines of the freighter are on overload. I am detecting critical levels climbing.” Tempro told Derrick.

“Can you amend what is causing the overload problem?” Derrick asked then went to the panel behind his visitor.

“I’m not completely able to access the system. At present I have alleviated the excess plasma pressure. I am afraid that this has only delayed the problem.” Tempro replied.

Derrick nodded as he started to type at am almost frantic pace. Hitting enter every ten seconds Derrick just hoped he had enough in to effect the change. “Yes Sire, control now at seventy five percent. I have managed to shut down two of the four plasma injectors. Total destruction averted though survival rate of all onboard is at only five percent.” Tempro told Derrick.

“Just who are you?” The Sergeant asked when his eyes got large watching Derrick’s hands. They seemed to be flying faster than the Sergeant thought was humanly possible.

Derrick only smiled at the man not stopping what he was doing. “I told you I’d explain. Let me save the ship ok? Then we can talk.”

“Save the ship? How? You aren’t going to affect anything from there!” The tall man almost shouted incredulously.

“Believe me it’s possible.” Derrick said as he kept typing at a furious speed.

“NO!” The tall man said as he rose heading for the command deck. Two electrodes came out of the wall emitting a shock to the tall man. Falling against the wall then slowly sliding down the wall a look of surprise on his face.

“Thank you Tempro, control?” Derrick asked.

“Control at eighty five percent. Now commencing the shut down of the third engine. Chances of survival have moved into fifty percent range Sire.” Tempro advised Derrick.

Nodding Derrick kept typing stopping a moment later staring at something. “Tempro, access to all engines such as these, can also be bilateral can it not?”

“Checking Sire. Yes Sire! Now accessing the fourth engine through its lateral twin engine. Shut down has started. Sire! I suggest we remove ourselves to another position I am detecting several heavily armed ships approaching!” Tempro almost shouted.

Derrick nodded, “Yes, that would be the Rangers. Go Tempro before they enter normal space!” There was a familiar whine then they were in trans-warp. Two seconds later they were outside the system. “Good this ought to be far enough.”

Walking to the tall man Derrick helped to get the man to his feet. Still a little in shock the man asked, “What the hell was that? Worse than that time my vest took three slugs!”

“That was an electric shock. Yeah I know, leaves a bad taste in your mouth.” Derrick told the man with a smile. “So how about an explanation?”

“Yeah that would be real good right now. Because as of right now; I am confused as hell!” The tall man said to Derrick.

“Ok, to start ‘bout a year ago I was way out, working for a salvage company. I was bored falling asleep when I heard something. I ignored it then decided to take a nap that’s when it all started...” Derrick started into the story. It was about an hour later when Derrick finished.

“Wait! You say six to seven years have past? She married someone else? Shit! Figures she never was one to stay loyal long. I’m so damn glad that President Maury got his in the end. Son of a bitch only cared for what he could get! Commander?” Sergeant Norton suddenly asked. “What of my daughter? Of everything I regret, missing watching her grow into a woman is the one that hurts the most.”

Derrick hid a smile he wanted to tell the man but thought better of it. The surprise that he was sure Sergeant Norman got would be worth it. “All I can tell you at this moment is she is alive. Much beyond that I can’t say.”

The man nodded as he looked at Derrick. Something was going on, though getting the Commander to tell him was impossible.

Derrick smiled, “It’s ok Dan,” the man’s head snapped up with surprise. “I think you’ll like whatever she is doing no matter what!”

Sergeant Daniel Norman, nodded to Derrick even more certain that Derrick was hiding something. Sighing he guessed he’d just have to wait. “So have long before we get back?”

“Well...” Derrick started. “I have a few stops to make before we do.”

“A few stops? What ... wait I wasn’t the only one who died am I? You’re going to try and save all of them. Alright I’m in! All the way! Who are we going after?” Norman asked excited.

“In my time the only ones that didn’t make it were you, then Jimison almost a year later during a robbery. Two years later there was a transport accident that took the lives of everyone on it, including Shilo and Grant. All of the ships were partly owned by that bastard Maury. I have looked over all the records, each of you had been manipulated to be where you were.” Derrick told Daniel through clenched teeth.

Daniel was nodding his head. A lot of things that had happened the day before were starting to make sense. “What about Jimison? Shit! The bastard President owned that also didn’t he!!?”

“Yes! I intend to get all of you; I am still trying to reunite the empire. I have Hartwell; he’s my space fleet Commander. Dempsy,” Here Derrick sighed.

“Still trying to stay an enlisted I guess?” Norman said with a smile.

“Oh yes! Though how I got him to accept the rank of Colonel for as long as I have is beyond me. Then again it might have to do with the hunt for Trianas Macley. Plus the fact that he finally ended her.” Derrick replied.

“So he finally restored his honor. Damn straight! Oh, sorry sir.” Daniel, said.

Derrick nodded. “It’s quite alright Dan. After the hell she and her husband tried to put us all through, I for one am glad she’s gone. So, if you’re game I think it’s about time we got the team back together.”

Sergeant Norman snapped to attention, “As I said sir I am in all the damn way!”

Smiling Derrick nodded as he started to type instructions into Tempro’s command console. Moving to the command seat he advised Sergeant Norman to get secured. “Alright Tempro as per the instructions I gave you, advance”

“Affirmative Sire!” Tempro replied to Derrick. An odd red wave flowed out from the front of Tempro then the ship moved into it. It seemed they were only in the wave a mere minute then they were back out.

“Position?” Derrick asked.

“We are two weeks short of a year after the freighter incident. We are on the dark side of the number one old Republic export world. Light shield has been activated no indication of detection Sire.” Advised Tempro.

“Status of your IMT?” Derrick inquired.

“Well over fifty percent of the changes you originally made have been corrected. I suggest another twelve hours are required to ensure we don’t have any problems like last time.” Tempro said.

“Good, we have almost that long before we move. Shelby I want you in orbit also for back up. With everything that has happened lately I want to make sure this time.” Derrick told Shelby.

“I stand ready to help Derrick.” Shelby replied.

Derrick looked over at an almost completely confused Norman when he stated. “What can I do? He was my friend also, sir.”

“So I take it you are volunteering?” Derrick asked.

A smirk came to Norman’s lips, “As if you really have to ask? Told you sir anything I can do, I’m in all the way.”

“Good,” Derrick said a huge smile on his face. “Here’s what I’m going to need you to do...”

Lucie Hartwell was walking toward the command deck when she ran into her brother. “Have you got any word from our brother or uncle?” Joseph Hartwell asked her.

“Me? I thought you would know by now. I just got back an hour ago.” Lucie replied. “I thought you had command over the entire fleet as it is.”

A look of frustration crossed his face as he replied, “I did though if you remember right before, all this happened I was forced off duty. Unfortunately I remain there until the Emperor releases me back to duty. Therefore sister of mine I have no access to anything!”

Lucie face changed to a grimace then she pointed a finger poking Joseph in the chest. “Look damn it! Don’t blame me for your stubbornness! Had you gone to him in the first place instead of trying to do it all yourself, then YOU wouldn’t be in this situation! Personally I think he should have busted you down in rank too. Problem is he depends on you more than you think!” Poking Joseph hard again she finished, “You’re damn lucky you too are such good friends. Remember that! You are friends not enemies Let the man help you! Or the next time it won’t be him you have to worry about!”

With that Lucie Hartwell turned in a huff storming away down the hall. Joseph could only stare after her shaking his head. Damn! When had she gotten this forceful? Then a smile crossed his face, damn if he didn’t like it!

Moving off a few ideas started to form in his mind. Ideas his sister had helped to get started. He wasn’t completely cut off; almost, but not quite all. Nodding he started toward his quarters we’ll see he thought we’ll see!

Kimison was monitoring the time line, watching. More and more things were starting to move to where he knew they should be. A sudden flashing on the console drew his attention. Nudging Rayburn the other man looked at the readings as his eyes went large. Looking at the chronological order of events then what year it was he looked at Kimison in shock.

“Empress!” They both yelled as they both started to enter data as fast as they could.

Shelby quickly was behind them. “It appears we have another reading on them Mam.” Kimison stated.

Looking over the data Shelby’s eyes went large. “You’re both sure? Six and a half years ago? Where was this anomalous reading detected?” She asked.

“Just after the hatch failed on the cargo ship Contra, it ... Oh my god!” Kimison said as he face suddenly went ashen white. “That’s the ship...” Kimison started then choked up.

Rayburn was rushing to Kimison before the man finished speaking. Rayburn’s face was also ashen as he looked at Kimison. “Are you thinking what I am?” Rayburn almost whispered.

Kimison could only nod, then stated to a slightly confused Shelby. “He going after them, I just know it!”

Shelby looked again at the data still unsure, “He’s going after whom?”

“The rest of us; the rest of the squad. My god! He could actually do it!” Kimison said in awe.

Shelby’s mouth dropped open, the rest of his squad! Everyone of them were the best in a very long time. Then they were thrown away like so much garbage after they were put out. Shaking her head this wouldn’t happen as long as she or Derrick were alive!

“So he’s almost back! Good! I just hope he’s not upset that we waited to execute the Duke. Even as worthless as he is!”

Kimison and Rayburn both smiled, “No I think he will be extremely pleased. The fact that you took him with as little bloodshed as you did. The Commander always liked it that way, the less death the better.”

Shelby smiled she knew Derrick pretty good though no where as well as these men. A moment later Lucie Hartwell appeared at the command door way.

“Empress? Do you think we should tell her?” Rayburn asked a little worried.

“No, keep this to your selves until were are completely certain. As of right now it is only conjecture, even if it is based on some rather strong evidence.” Shelby advised them.

Espying the Empress, Lucie made her way quickly to her. Bowing Lucie waited a moment. “Yes Lucie? Something I can help you with?”

“Yes Mam. My other brother and uncle are still in hiding on the Duke’s planet. I haven’t seen either in quite some time.” Lucie started.

“You want permission to go to the planet to find them I take it? You also want to take your brother.” Shelby said completely surprising Lucie.

“Uh ... yes Mam.” A shocked Lucie said.

Sighing Shelby shook her head no, then held up a hand to quiet Lucie. “I cannot allow the two most important people after the Emperor and myself to do so. I can see that you have forgotten. We are on board one of the most advanced living machines in existence. I am more than sure that they can find who you are looking for.” Then a sly smile crossed Shelby’s lips. “I am also sure that when we bring them here they will be as shocked as you are right now!” Shelby finished with a small chuckle.

Lucie shook her head a moment then she also started to chuckle. She could see the shock then the anger that Uncle Trent would have. Then again her brother William would just be fighting tooth and nail mad! “Uh ... yeah Empress if I might make a suggestion? When you do find them, I think Joseph and I should be present. William has a temper that makes Joseph look calm at his most upset.”

“I believe you have a good idea. Yes I think the both of you should be there. Perhaps it might spare some or a lot of injury.” A now smiling Shelby told Lucie.

“Thank you Empress,” Lucie replied then left a huge smile on her face as she went to find and tell Joseph.

Randall Jimison looked at the note he’d received a few hours ago. Someone wanted to meet him that had information on where the Commander was. Shaking his head this smells most definitely like a damn trap. They almost always were, at least the last ten had been. Shaking his head again he thought he ought to ignore it. He had been almost the last year now.

Growling Jimison thought of Norman, he should be alive with his daughter. Lord knows that bitch of a wife of his had driven him to take that job. Laughing a moment he could hear the man telling him to get his ass out of here and off this world. Nodding Randall thought that would be a good idea if he had the creds.

Looking again at the note this one was a little different. If this was a trap they had a lot of knowledge that only members of the old squad knew. Damn, it was by far the most tempting that he’d gotten in a long time. If he didn’t know better he thought it was from Daniel but that was impossible! He’d been dead almost a year now, no this was a sick twisted joke and Randal wasn’t amused in the least!

With a heavy sigh Randall got up getting dressed. Donning the best disguise that he could he stopped to look at his reflection. God he thought, this really sucks for a disguise, a hat and a pair of dark glasses? Now he felt like an idiot he could most certainly tell it was him.

Across the street a tall man with sandy blonde hair watched as Randall left his apartment. Shaking his head he’d have to show Randall how to use disguises better. Anyone who’d ever seen him could tell it was him. Moving with a surprising speed the man crossed the street following Randall. Reaching up The sandy haired man touched a spot on his chest as the air shimmered around him.

Randall started to get a strange feeling that he was being followed. Looking back he only saw an old woman moving up quickly on him. Huh, he thought, guess I am getting paranoid as he looked at his time piece. Good he would get there with enough time to check it out.

Stopping to wait to cross the street the old woman caught up to him. Obviously she couldn’t see that well as she ran into him almost knocking him down!.

“I’m so sorry,” came the kindly voice of the older woman. “I seem to be so blind today.” Helping her up Randall was surprised when she started to brush him off!

“No mam I am sorry I should have heard you coming. Really mama let me clean you off.” Randall offered as the older woman thanked him then moved off down the street.

Randall shook his head why did that old woman look familiar? Even as he made his way to the restaurant it still seemed to nag at his mind. Damn he thought I’ll never get any peace until I figure it out! Sighing he decided that it’d have to wait as he was almost there.

Stopping well short, Randall started going over everyone he saw that weren’t moving on past. Almost twenty minutes later he still hadn’t spotted anything out of the ordinary. Shaking his head this seemed far too easy. Though he desperately needed the information, this still smelled like a trap.

Across the street the same old woman was reaching into a pocket as she also waited for something. Looking at his time piece Randall was about to leave when a very familiar man appeared at a table. Randall’s eyes went wide as he recognized the man. Turning Randall had taken a step when the man shot out of his seat yelling and pointing at him.

Ah shit! Randall thought as troops started to appear from the shops. I’m screwed Randall thought as almost all of the troops opened fire on him. No one saw the older woman as she started to move her hand in her pocket. A number of rapid, complicated movements then she was smiling. Randall went down as the heavy spray of projectiles hit him.

The man at the table shouted as then weapons quieted. Walking up to Randall the man placed a hand on Randall’s chest then smiled. “Good! That’s the second of the ten. Call disposal!” Several men shouted then started to make calls on their radios. Several minutes later a vehicle pulled up, the driver unrolled an anti-grav stretcher. Rolling the body on it the driver activated it then loaded it into vehicle. Nodding to the man that was obviously in charge the driver climbed in then left.

The older woman smiled as she watched the vehicle depart. Walking into an alley, out of sight, there was a flash of light then nothing as the alley was empty. The driver drove out of the city opposite of the way he should have gone. Pulling into a wooded area the driver nodded as he looked around. Opening the back the driver touched a spot on his chest. All the blood and holes that were covering Randall suddenly vanished as he tried to sit up what the hell? He couldn’t move!

Touching his chest again the driver stated, “It’s done, lock on we’re ready.”

There was a flash then they were both in the med bay of Tempro. Randall’s eyes were darting frantically around then they went wide as Daniel Norman walked into view! Then a moment later the Commander appeared like a ghost! What in the hell was going on! Then a third man that Randall didn’t know suddenly appeared as if he were also a ghost! Ah shit, Randall thought, I really am dead!

Derrick smiled, that had been close thankfully Tempro and Shelby had control of the holo-projector and micro shield. “You’ll be fine in a few minutes Randall. We had to stun you to make your ‘death’ believable. Tempro we are moving to dock IMT me as soon as we are back. Very good work, for your first time with the equipment Daniel.”

“Thank you sir, always been a quick study. Though I have to say these are pretty sophisticated. I’m just glad I was able to help. It’s ok Randall, according to what I read you ought to be able to talk in a bit. Hopefully the Commander will be here by then. I’ll let him explain, I’m still having a bit of trouble wrapping my head around it all.” Daniel told Randall who was still staring at him like he wasn’t real.

A moment later Daniel heard, “wha da ell ar ou?”

Daniel sighed he really wished the Commander would hurry up. “Give it a few more minutes Randall then try to speak.” Again Randall’s eyes searched frantically around the room there had to be a way out there had to be! Then unfortunately his arms and legs started to tingle. With an almost howl Randall started to shake.

“Tempro what in the hell is going on?” Daniel asked afraid that Randall was going to die. A moment later there was a flash then the Commander was standing beside him.

“Tempro administer a mild stimulant to counter the stun drug!” A moment later Randal relaxed a huge smile on his face.

“Hi Commander!” Randall said. “Hey Dan! Hey you know what? You’re dead! Yes you are! I saw you on the news floating going out the hatch. Was it fun?” Then Randall started to giggle like a child. “Wow is this all yours? Nice!”

Derrick could only shake his head he’d hoped that the low dose wouldn’t have an adverse effect on him. Plus the fact that he was drunk of high or just plain feeling good from a mild sedative. Well live and learn Derrick thought.

“It should all be out of his system in an hour I hope. Not all that sure with Randall as sensitive to drugs as he is.” Derrick informed Daniel.

Daniel nodded then was about to comment when several alarms went off.

“Sire I have several patrol ships approaching. As of yet they haven’t detected us, though if we move I am afraid they might.” Tempro informed Derrick.

Derrick nodded as he stared at the readings of the Ranger ships. “Damn it! Have you picked up anything that indicates an alarm?”

“No Sire, nothing. Wait Sire. I’m picking up a message about the president visiting today. That might explain the extra security. I am afraid we might be here a while.” Tempro explained.

“Alright, for now, search ranger records about anything strange happening here on this day. I for one do not wish to destroy Ranger property or personnel.” Derrick told Tempro as he vanished to go through the records. Sitting back in the command chair Derrick sighed the closer they got to their time the harder it seemed to get!

It was a little over an hour later when Randall jerked awake. Looking around he shook his head. That had to be the weirdest dream he’d ever had where the hell was he?

“So feeling better?” A voice that he thought to never hear again said behind him.

Whirling he stopped short as behind the Commander was Daniel! “You died almost a year ago!” “No I was blown out the hatch. I was saved by the Commander, let him explain.” Daniel said then sat as Derrick again told the same story he had Daniel.

Another hour had Randall shaking his head. “So almost five and a half years have passed. Like Dan said this really is hard to wrap your head around. So am I last or are there anymore?”

Derrick nodded, “Two years from now Shilo and Grant are killed in a transport accident. The entire ship and crew were lost. Like with the both of you Maury had a hand in theirs and your deaths.” Leaning close Derrick said between clenched teeth. “I made that bastard suffer though I wish it had been longer! I...”

“Sire!” Tempro broke in. “I believe I discovered something! In an hour a automated ship will explode not far from here. I believe that it will blind their sensors long enough for us to slip away. Though one more thing Sire, from the way the ship exploded I do believe we destroyed it.”

“Alright I want everything ready to go when it gets here.” Turning to look at Randall Derrick asked. “So are you in?”

Snapping to attention much like Daniel had Randall shouted. “Hell yes sir!” Then he saluted Derrick.

Derrick rolled his eyes, “Alright both of you smart asses! Get ready!”

An hour later there was a huge explosion in orbit of the planet. Every sensor was blind and offline for almost ninety seconds. “Now Tempro!”

A red wave came from the front of Tempro rippling space in front of it. Accelerating into the ship vanished.

This time Derrick thought they were in it a few minutes then they were suddenly out. Looking out Derrick immediately recognized the abandoned ship yard though three and a half years ago it was part active.

Looking at the chronometer Derrick could see that they didn’t have much time though... “Can we go back a bit Tempro?” Derrick asked.

“No Sire, I am detecting high levels of ripalon energy. We will have to leave here if we are to use the temporal displacer.” Tempro informed Derrick.

Damn Derrick thought. “Ok we don’t have a lot of time, in and out simple retrieval.”


That was a preview of Lost Empire - Book Three. To read the rest purchase the book.

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