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The Craving

Shady Lady Julie


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I had never been to 'The Last Stop' pub before but I knew the exterior layout from research I had done before I decided it was suitable for a meeting place. The pub was worse inside than the exterior suggested, with its run-down appearance and its dated and faded decorating, but it had a large car park where I could position my car perfectly should I need to get away in a hurry. The dark dingy interior was perfect for this clandestine meeting, with tables tucked away in corners, and I chose one carefully that gave me a clear view of the door. The locals mainly ignored me and after checking out the unfamiliar woman who had ventured into their local went back to their subdued conversations.


The landlord was wary of me at first wondering if I was perhaps a prostitute who had decided to venture into pastures new, though heaven only knows why a prostitute would think they could make money from this shithole. A flash of my wedding ring that I then quickly concealed nervously planted an idea in his brain that I was there to meet a secret lover and his thought was half true, but at the same time further from the truth than he could ever imagine. I still wore my wedding ring, not out of any sentimentality but found that it dissuaded some from being too adventurous with their approaches, and for others, it was a huge turn-on at the thought I was married.


As I sat there nervously waiting I knew what I was doing was wrong, immoral and downright illegal but the craving was too strong to resist. Like an addictive drug, once tasted you are hooked for life, and although you may stop for a while the craving never really goes away, it just dies down for a while. Then like a demon inside it grows and swells as it takes control of your brain demanding that you satisfy your desires and slake your unquenchable thirst.


As soon as he entered the pub I knew it was him, not just from his description of a tall man with a cap and a beard, that could have been half the pub, but from the pair of Great Danes that trotted on either side of him. One had a coat of silver-white that seemed to shimmer in the flickering light and the other was jet black, so black that his coat almost seemed to shine. He scanned the room and as his eyes reached me he stopped and smiled as he recognised me, not only from my description but from the light that burned in my eyes that were flicking between his two pets


He ignored me as he ordered a drink from the bar and then casually made his way over to my table in the corner before sitting down opposite, staying silent for a moment as he studied me.


"Your description doesn't do you justice."


I thought about his words as I recalled the ad I had placed on a very discrete notice board, '30 something woman in reasonable shape seeks canine companion for meet and more. Owner not to participate but the taking of discrete pictures open for discussion.'


I had got a few replies, most of which were either clearly not genuine or requesting pictures in advance, so probably were fake as well. Then I got a response that not only got my interest but caused my pulse to start racing.


'Genuine male with two fully intact trained Great Danes who work together as a pair. No owner involvement required but would want to make a discrete video of the encounter.'


I will tell you here and now, just reading that caused my pussy to flood as I thought of not one, but two dogs eager and willing to cover me, and I knew my fingers would not be enough as I started to pen my reply. Opening the bottom drawer of my desk I carefully removed 'Rex' the dog-shaped dildo I had purchased online after my husband had left me a few years before, knowing that it was going to get a good workout that evening. Placing the suction end on my leather chair I removed the last few items of clothing I had on and sank down gratefully onto it as I wrote back to him, trying to not sound too eager at his offer.


An exchange of emails led to discrete chats that progressed to video calls though neither one of us was prepared to show our faces. What he did show me were his two boys, and as he proudly gripped their dripping red cocks, waving them at the screen, I showed my appreciation by riding the dog dildo, giving him a close-up of me orgasming on it as he muttered words of encouragement. Slowly a level of trust had built, cumulating in this meeting, though I still had a few slight tinges of concern.


“Before we get started you said you wanted this,” said the man placing his passport on the table between us. I nodded and picking it up opened the picture page glancing between the picture and the man in front of me. "Sean Harlow," I said reading out loud his name, before removing my phone from my bag and clicking a picture. Then I attached it and sent a text message to a friend as I had pre-arranged before I came here. As I waited, turning the passport over and over in my hands, I studied his face. I would have put him in his mid-fifties and from the way he carried himself when he had entered the pub, a confident man in good shape. His brown eyes shone and his short beard was more than flecked with grey, as was his hair that was cut in a short crop, though it didn't make him look thuggish in any way. A sudden thought popped into my head that he was old enough to be my father, and considering what I was about to do I felt myself blushing. I was saved from embarrassing myself further by the ping from my phone showing the message was acknowledged. Handing his passport back to him I couldn't help a wry smile as I read my friend’s words.


‘Can’t say I fancy him myself, but no accounting for taste. Let me know how it goes, here if you need me or want me C xxx.’


As far as Caroline was concerned this was a guy I had hooked up with on Tinder, much to her disappointment. As a confirmed lesbian Caroline was always hoping to get me back into bed and carry on from where my ex-husband had caught us locked in mutual pussy licking. We had continued our fling for a while after my separation and eventual divorce, but in the end, it came to a stuttering halt. Not for any other reason than I still craved cock which no amount of fingers or toys could replace, though have to admit her tongue did run it very close. We stayed in contact and stayed friends and when I wasn't out with men. or picking up men, we would hook up with her spending the night trying to get into my knickers. On odd occasions, I would succumb as her fingers and tongue were a lot more enjoyable than spending an evening on my own.


I shared everything with Caroline as she became my closest confidant, well nearly everything, the one thing I never told her about was the dogs. What I did tell her about was my husband's drunken rages when he would try to fuck me, be unable to get an erection and then beat me blaming me for it all.


It had started with looking at dog porn online and reading racy stories about women with dogs that I found more and more alluring. I had even purchased 'Rex' the massive dog dildo as I was unable to have a pet in the small flat I now lived in. I sought out and found the underground forums where my desires were commonplace and from there it was a simple step to using the adverts placed on notice boards to hook up with owners. At first, my main worry was about the nutters out there, but the passport and text allayed most of those. Slowly my fears became more about having my secret life revealed as I still had a respectable job as an office manager in a local immigration law firm, so pictures were very much banned.


The first time was four years ago with an old man who claimed he wanted involvement but that amounted to little more than him wanking himself as his scruffy mongrel took my dog virginity in a lock-up garage. Despite it not being the biggest dog and the old mattress on a concrete floor not being the most romantic setting I was hooked. We carried on for another six months on a regular basis with his dog making up for what he lacked in size with pure enthusiasm and energy. Sadly, one day while looking forward to our weekly meeting, I read on the group notice board that he had passed away suddenly. The thought did cross my mind about asking the family if I could still borrow his dog but knew it was little more than a joke.


From there on it was a barren wasteland as many of the promising contacts turned out to be false or a waste of time, but on the odd occasion, I would get lucky, although sometimes having to travel a distance the end result was well worth it. Over the past three years, I had a variety of dogs and their owners despite always putting no owner involvement. The only reason I put that was it deterred the fakes, but once I got to know the owner I would often allow them to join in, although it was always after their dog had fucked me to heaven and back. With some of the larger dogs, I would be open for a while afterwards so this would sometimes mean anal or oral, neither of which worried me as I enjoyed both.


“So you know my name, what should I call you?” Sean said dragging me back to reality.


I thought for a moment then with a smile I said, "Mary... you can call me Mary as in Mary Poppins."


His eyes sparkled with amusement as he studied me, repeating the name under his breath I had given him.


"Well, Mary Poppins. how are we feeling?"


My head was spinning with lust as I switched my gaze between the two magnificent beasts that were both regarding me with growing interest. I suspected that some of their interest would have been caused by catching my scent which I knew must be very strong. I could feel the dampness between my thighs as I shifted in the seat and tried to find my voice, but just a squeak came out. Taking a sip of the glass of water I replied in a quiet voice.


“Eager... very eager.”


He smiled and nodded and then leant forward and whispered in a low tone, “The boys haven’t covered a bitch in a year so they are equally eager,” then leaning back in his chair laughed loudly as he ruffled their heads with either hand, “aren’t you boys?”


I swear the two dogs knew exactly what he was talking about as they looked at him, and then me, with their tongues hanging out and their tails banging the floor like a pair of drummers in perfect synchronisation. The speed of the thumping on the floor perfectly matched the beating of my heart which I was sure would burst at any moment.


"Well if you are ready then there is no time like the present, shall we go?"


He stood, and as I followed suit, for a moment my legs buckled and felt weak with anticipation at what was about to happen very soon. Following him to his van he put the pair of Danes into the back and held open the door to the passenger seat.


"Unless of course, you would prefer to travel in the back with Ronnie and Reggie and get the party started early."


His offer actually tempted me greatly and the thought of speeding through the streets while being humped in the back of a van made my already wet pussy start to get even wetter.


"I will drop you back here to collect your car later after we have finished the business. As agreed they will fuck you in turn while I film. You understand that once they start I will not be able to stop them until they have had their fill."


I couldn't help myself as I put my hand under my skirt and started to rub myself as he spoke, the thought of the Danes taking turns with me was driving me wild.


He ignored me totally, keeping his eyes on the road as he went on, "You can wear a mask as agreed and you will have to trust me that I will give you a copy of the video to do what you want with it. I will be keeping my copy for my personal use only and have no intention of posting it or sharing it."


To be honest, I couldn't care less about the video, what I wanted was the two times 12 inches of angry red cock pounding me senseless one after the other. The thoughts running through my head were now so vivid I had to slip a finger inside and couldn't help the little moan that escaped my lips. I had already decided in my head that he was suitable 'joining in' material and still touching myself brazenly I panted, "You can have me as well if you want as long as it's afterwards."


On hearing my words he turned his head slightly and could see what I was doing, causing him to whistle in appreciation.


"You really are craving it, aren't you? Perhaps you should have travelled in the back after all. As far as joining in, we will see as since I lost my wife a year ago I haven't touched another woman but the boys still need to satisfy their needs. Not long to wait." As I reflected on his words he turned into an unmade country lane that was just wide enough to take the van, before he turned again through an open gate. "We are here now."


I looked up and could see we had arrived at what looked like an old static caravan that was tucked away behind a clump of trees making it hardly visible from the country lane we had just bounced along, let alone from the main road.


"I like to call this my studio. I don't live here but do all my filming here and it's very discrete so you can let rip with any emotions you have."


As I got out of the car I could see that outside of the caravan there was like a clearing, not cultivated enough to be a garden but tidy enough not to be a glade. It was still afternoon and the sun was low but hadn't fully set so there was plenty of light.


"Is there enough light for you to film me outside?" I found myself saying in a croaky voice.


"Sure, if that's your thing," then he paused before continuing, "why not, the boys will fuck you anywhere."


He opened the back of the van and the two Great Danes leapt out, their senses heightened as they had caught full nostrils of my arousal from the front seat as we had driven to this spot. The pair started nudging their noses under my skirt, one from the front and the other behind as they sniffed closer to the source. As they sniffed I had already pulled my top over my head and unfastened my bra to let my 36B breasts hang free and thrown the two garments back into the seat of the van. These were joined by the wrap-around skirt leaving me in just a brief pair of soaked cotton panties. As I leant into the van to find the mask in the small bag I had bought with me and I felt a sharp tug followed by a ripping sound as one of the dogs hooked his teeth into my panties and tore them away. In my position of half-leaning into the van, it had caused me to naturally stick my ass out, which was when one of the heavy dogs stuck his head between my thighs causing them to open. The moan of pleasure I let out was loud in my own ears as the long pink tongue rasped across my pussy and slobbered at my juices. I managed to pull the half-mask over the top of my head concealing my eyes and nose but leaving my mouth free before dropping to all fours beside the van.



That was a preview of The Craving. To read the rest purchase the book.

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