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Marie the Pinay Slut Wife

Joe White


Marie the Pinay Slut Wife

By Desert Nights

Description: Marie is a married Filipina working as a housemaid in Dubai. She has always been faithful to her husband, but a chance encounter gives her the opportunity to fulfill one of her hidden fantasies. And her life will never be the same again.

Published: 2024-02-28

Size: ≈ 44,212 Words

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Chapter 1

Marie was a Filipina who had worked in Dubai for several years as a nanny and housemaid for a rich local family. Her main task was to look after the older girl who was 15 when she started working there. Now this daughter, Noora, was 18 and she had applied to study in a college in UK. Her parents were liberal, so they agreed that Noora could study there on two conditions. The first condition was that she had to study in a smaller city and not in London because there were too many temptations there, and also too many Arab boys. The second condition was that she had to take Marie with her to cook and look after her. Of course, Noora agreed immediately to the conditions and started her search for a college in UK. Finally, she discovered that there was a course she liked in Nottingham, in the middle of England. Noora and her father travelled to Nottingham to register her for her course and to find an apartment for her and Marie to live in. They found a nice two-bedroom apartment in front of the canal and near the university. The only thing now was to apply for a visa for Marie and wait for the course to start, so Noora and her father returned to Dubai.

Marie had never travelled outside Philippines apart from to and from Dubai when she returned home on her annual holiday. She was married and had a family back home, who were being cared for by her husband. Unlike many other Filipinos, Marie’s husband was a good family man who cared for his wife and daughter. He had never strayed or had other women, and Marie had also been completely faithful to him. However, she had once read a book called The Story of O after which she often had dark thoughts and fantasies that she had never discussed with her husband because she knew that he would be horrified to hear her innermost secret fantasies. Marie had never imagined that she could experience any of her fantasies, and they had remained safely hidden away in her mind - until she went to work in Dubai.

Dubai was a whole new world for Marie. Of course, Manila in the Philippines was a modern city of towers and traffic, but Dubai was light years ahead in its buildings, its shopping malls, its pace, its wealth, and its vice. The main vice in Dubai was prostitution, which was tolerated as it attracted a lot of customers from nearby Arab countries, especially from Saudi Arabia where any hint of prostitution was punished by a sentence of caning and prison, and for the Saudi citizens with shame on their families, which would be a major social blow to the man and to his family. So, Saudi men took their wives shopping in Dubai, while they indulged in a little ‘extracurricular’ activity in the bars and with the ladies of the night. Face was saved, and all were happy. Marie first learned about the very active sex scene in Dubai when she was given a day off to go to church. There she met other Filipinas who invited her to go to a bar in the afternoon. Marie had no friends in this new city, so she accepted, even though she did not really drink alcohol much.

The bar that was selected was in a five-star hotel, and Marie was amazed at the décor, and also at the price of drinks! She knew that she could not afford to spend a huge proportion of her salary on drinks, so she slowly sipped a beer while her new friends started to become tipsy. As the alcohol hit them, their tongues got looser, and they started to gossip about other Filipinas who were not present. Marie listened to the stories that they told about how some Filipinas made extra ‘pocket money’ by meeting and fucking strangers. They met these strangers in bars and went back to their hotel rooms for sex. Marie was both shocked and intrigued and wanted to know more. From the gossip, she learned that Western men were especially attracted to Filipinas or pinays as they are called in Philippines. Pinays were more popular with Western men because they were able to speak English well and they were eager to please. Marie’s heart raced when she heard this, as one of her fantasies which she had read about in The Story of O was to please a man in any way that he wanted. She looked around carefully and she saw that there were many men sitting alone or in small groups and that they always looked up to check out every woman who walked into the bar. And there were a lot of women entering the bar although it was very early in the evening. Marie observed the interactions between the women and the men for some time, while all the time her mind was racing. Eventually, she allowed her friends to drag her to another table where a group of men were sitting and drinking.

There were four men at that table, all of them Western men. Marie and her new friends were four pinays, so it seemed just right if the four women hooked up with the four men. Marie was not sure if she really wanted to hook up with anyone because she had always been faithful to her husband. However, the idea of sex with an anonymous stranger was exciting, although it also made Marie feel guilty. The men paid for drinks for the four women and began asking about where they were from and what their jobs were. A few drinks later, Marie was more relaxed and suddenly realized that her friends seemed to have paired off with a man each, which left her talking to the last man. Marie was now feeling tipsy because she really didn’t drink much, but the feeling of freedom that the alcohol gave her was what made her feel good. Suddenly, Marie noticed that two of her new friends and two of the men had disappeared, leaving two pinays and two men. That was when one of the men suggested that they should move to someplace quieter where they could have a private party. Marie wasn’t sure what that meant, but she liked the idea of a party, so she nodded in agreement. Her new pinay friend also agreed, so the whole party left the bar and went to the lifts.

When they arrived at the room, which was actually a suite, the men told Marie and her new friend to sit and asked what they wanted to drink. Marie was feeling tipsy, but she asked if they had something sweet like Bacardi Breezer. After two bottles, Marie felt sleepy and asked if she could lie down. She was told to go into the bedroom of the suite and she could lie down there. In the bedroom, the lights were off, and Marie felt relaxed and sleepy. Just as she was about to doze off, the door opened and in the light spilling in from the living room of the suite, Marie could see one of the men standing watching her.

From the bed she watched as the other man started to kiss her friend, and the friend responded with passionate kisses and moans. The sounds of passion made Marie feel horny because she had not been fucked for many months since she arrived in Dubai after her last vacation in the Philippines. Almost without thinking, and because she was a little drunk, she began to touch her pussy through her dress that she had chosen as suitable for church. After a few minutes, she suddenly saw that her friend’s blouse was open, and her tits were being sucked by the man. The sight was so erotic that Marie’s fingers just had to touch her pussy without the dress getting in the way. She pulled up her dress and, as her hand slid into her panties, she started to rub her clit urgently.

That was a mistake because the second man moved quickly to the side of the bed and moved Marie’s hand out of the way. Instead, it was his hand that started to rub her pussy. Marie felt drunk from the alcohol and also from the feeling that she had no control over what might happen to her. And what happened was that the man tugged at her panties and pulled them down around Marie’s knees. Then he roughly stuck a finger into her wet cunt. She groaned and pushed back against his finger, and suddenly she felt him kneel on the bed beside her face. Marie heard the sound of his zipper being pulled down and she knew what he wanted. She was powerless to resist, and truthfully, she didn’t want to resist. She wanted to please him, and she wanted him to do whatever he liked to do to her. “Open your mouth” he ordered, and Marie obeyed. She felt his cock pushing into her wet mouth, and she sucked it eagerly. She had only ever sucked her husband’s cock as a treat for him, but now she gave herself over to making this stranger cum. She forgot about her own desires, and she concentrated on making him happy. And it didn’t take long until he was happily cumming in her mouth. Marie swallowed and tasted his slightly salty cum as it slid down her throat.

Marie fell back on the bed feeling slutty, but excited and happy. She had succeeded in fulfilling one of her long-held fantasies, and she imagined herself as part of the group of women who lived with O. Her imagination could not foretell what would happen next. Marie looked over at her friend, and she saw that the man who had been sucking her tits had his cock in her mouth. However, when he saw that the man with Marie had cum, he got up and came to where Marie was lying on her back with her dress around her waist and her panties off. Marie knew she was going to be fucked. He didn’t even ask or try to see if she was wet, but he pushed his cock into her roughly. Luckily, Marie’s cunt was wet from earlier, so he slid in easily. Marie had been faithful to her husband, and he had been the first and only man she had had sex with, so the feeling of being fucked by a stranger was completely new, but also really exciting. Marie knew that she should ask him to wear a condom, but she was so aroused that she didn’t want him to stop. And he didn’t stop. He pounded Marie roughly and she lost herself to the feeling of surrender and of being such a slut wife. She felt guilty about fucking another man, but she knew that this was what her heart desired and that she would want more. The feeling of the man cumming inside her made her groan with pleasure as she repeated the word ‘slut’ over and over in her mind. She was a slut, she was unfaithful, she was a bad wife - but she loved the feeling. And she loved that she had not just fucked another man, but she had sucked one off too.

Marie was in slut heaven. She had sticky cum on her and in her, and she felt wonderful. She knew that now she was free to do anything she wanted, free to fuck as many men as she wanted and free to let her long-repressed slut loose. As she lay back on the bed, Marie knew that there would be many more nights like that night, and she could hardly wait to find out what would happen the next time she was allowed to go out from the house she worked in.

Chapter 2

As Marie settled into her seat on the Airbus 380 flight EK 001 from Dubai to London Heathrow, she wondered how life would be in England. Marie was a Filipina maid working for a rich family in Dubai, and she was travelling to England with the oldest daughter of the family, who was about to start her studies at a UK university. Noora, the daughter, was 18 and she was about to live away from her family for the first time in her life, so Marie’s job was to look after her, shop for food, cook for her, clean the flat they had rented, wash her clothes, and make sure that she didn’t do anything against the norms of her society. This really meant that Marie had the task of making sure that Noora didn’t mix with boys and didn’t have sex. If only the family knew what kind of person Marie was in secret, they would have never chosen her to accompany Noora on this first trip away from Dubai alone. Marie’s secret was that she was a slut, who had already fucked many strange men on her days off while she was in Dubai.

Marie was tired because she had not really slept more than a few hours the night before the 7.45 pm flight. She was glad that the flight to London was seven hours long, and that Noora was travelling in First Class, while she was in Economy. This meant that she had eight hours to rest, and to wonder how life would be in England. She knew that the city they were going to live in was called Nottingham, and that it was totally different from Dubai.

Marie had googled her new home, and she could see that the opportunities to meet visitors in the bars of five star hotels were going to be almost zero because she would not have much time off from looking after Noora. She sighed inwardly as she remembered the first time that she had realized that she was a slut. That was the night that she had fucked a strange man, and she had sucked another one off. Just the memory was enough to make her feel horny. The thought of that night reminded her of another time when she had arranged a meeting with a group of seven men.

The memory of being totally out of control for the whole night made Marie shiver with delight, and the thought of how many times her cunt, her ass and her mouth were used and abused that night made her groan slightly. That was when Marie noticed the man sitting in the window seat in her row of three seats looking at her with concern.

“Are you ok?” he asked, and Marie could only nod that she was fine. She quickly checked that her seatbelt was fastened as the huge plane roared down the runway and soared into the night sky over Dubai. Marie had flown from Dubai twice when she returned to Manila for her vacation, but she was not a seasoned traveler. Marie had the aisle seat, but the middle seat was empty, so she could just see out of the window as the plane banked to the right, and the sight of the lights on the towers of Dubai and the man-made island of The Palm made her mouth open in wonder.

“Quite a sight, isn’t it?” said the man sitting in the window seat on her right, and Marie was forced to look at him. What she saw was a man about twenty years older than herself. Marie guessed that he was about sixty years old, but he still looked handsome, with grey hair and blue eyes. Marie could feel those eyes appraising her as the man looked up and down her body. Marie was wearing a knee-length skirt and a blouse that buttoned up the front, and although she knew that she was dressed modestly as was required by the family she worked for, Marie felt as if the man was undressing her with his eyes. She wondered if he could sense that she was a slut, or at least that is what she imagined. Marie carefully smoothed down her skirt, as if she were a shy teenager instead of a mother of an eighteen-year-old daughter, and a cheating wife who fucked strange men.

“Yes, it looks fantastic from the air”, she replied, and that simple exchange between the two strangers broke the ice. By the time that dinner had been served and cleared away, Marie had learned that her neighbor’s name was Peter, that he was a civil engineer, and that his company had sent him to Dubai to solve some problems on a construction project. She also learned that he was divorced, and that he had visited the Philippines in the past on diving holidays. Marie wondered if diving was the only sport he had experienced when he had visited her country. She imagined that he would not have been able to resist the company of one or more pretty pinays, who were always eager to help a foreigner spend his money.

After dinner, the cabin lights were switched off and most passengers settled down to watch a movie, listen to music or sleep. Marie was tired as she had had very little sleep the night before, so she inclined her seat back and closed her eyes to try to sleep. However, she could not seem to sleep perhaps because the images of the night she had been the fuck toy of those seven men kept flashing across her mind.

The thought made her squirm in her seat, and that made her neighbor ask if she wanted to get more comfortable.

“How?” Marie asked.

“Put the armrest up and lie down on the two seats beside me” he replied.

Marie was a typically short Filipina woman, so she was sure that she could curl up on the two seats and sleep. However, she had one concern, so she asked Peter if he would mind her lying with her head against his leg because she was afraid that if she lay down with her head beside the aisle, she would be hit by people walking past. Peter agreed, and with a contented sigh, Marie covered herself with a blanket and made herself comfortable on the two seats beside Peter. Soon, Marie fell asleep, and she began to dream. The dream was one that she had had many times, although it was actually her remembering the night of the orgy with seven men. As she relived that wild experience, Marie’s breathing came more rapidly, and her body twitched with delight at the memories of the most slutty experience she had ever had. She could almost feel how that night began as one of the seven men undressed her and began to rub her nipples.

Marie’s nipples were one of her most sensitive spots, and when they were played with or sucked, she was almost instantly aroused. Suddenly, Marie’s eyes opened as she realized that she was not dreaming, but that her feelings of arousal were being caused by Peter’s hand stroking her tits. She also realized that he had unbuttoned her blouse under the blanket and that her body was now at the mercy of this stranger. The fact that Peter was a stranger was one of the greatest thrills for Marie.

She had fucked many strangers since her first experience so many years before, and it always excited her to know that they were anonymous men who only wanted her body. And Marie was always willing to allow them to do whatever they wanted with her body. For those few hours, she was theirs - she was their possession, and she wanted to feel the humiliation of being used by these strangers. Now, she knew that she could not resist Peter, and that she would do anything he wanted. In fact, she was sure that she knew exactly what he wanted.

Marie moved slightly so that her head rested on Peter’s leg, and swiftly pressed her mouth between his legs. Peter took his hand from Marie’s nipple, covered her head with the blanket, and silently unzipped his pants. Marie could feel the heat rising from his swollen cock, and her mouth nuzzled it trying to make it poke out from his pants. Peter’s hand released his cock, and Marie took it into her mouth. She licked it slowly, and she wanted to prolong the moment before she could take him completely into her warm and wet mouth. Marie’s cunt was almost as wet as her mouth as she sucked this stranger’s cock in such a public place, and she slid one hand into her panties so that she could rub her shaved cunt.

Marie knew that Peter would not be able to last long because of the thrill of having his cock sucked in a darkened aircraft. It was not quite the mile-high club, but it was perhaps even more exciting because they could be discovered at any moment. Marie longed to taste his cum as he spurted into her mouth because she had not been able to get away from her work for more than a month. She felt so needy, and she craved the feeling of being used by a stranger, and now her craving was being satisfied in such an unexpected manner. Marie sucked harder and as she licked the underside of his cock head she could feel the tension building up inside Peter’s balls. Her feeling of being a slut was about to be satisfied as he erupted into her mouth. Marie greedily drank down Peter’s cum as if she was a thirsty traveler in the desert. Indeed, she was thirsty for the taste of cum, which she had not had for more than a month because the last stranger she had fucked had wanted to cum on her face and not in her mouth, so she had only managed to lick a few drops as they ran down her face.

Peter slumped forward as he relaxed after cumming. His hands stroked Marie’s hair and he whispered so that only she could hear him, “you are such a good slut.” Marie was so proud to hear those words of praise. She was a slut, she needed to be a slut, and she wanted to be a slut forever. In her mind, she repeated over and over again, “slut wife, nasty, dirty woman, only here for men to use” and she hoped that there would be many more men who wanted to use her as she slowly buttoned her blouse and felt Peter put his cock back and zip up his pants.

Marie looked at the time, and she saw that only three hours of the flight had passed. There were still another three hours at least before people started waking.

Chapter 3

With three more hours of flight, Marie wondered if there was anything she could do to satisfy her desire to be as slutty as possible. She considered asking Peter if he wanted to join the mile high club, but the toilets were beside the galley, and the cabin crew had all gathered there, so it would not be possible to enter and leave the toilet without being seen. Instead, she lay back in her seat and closed her eyes, and let her mind wander back to the time that she had been at her most out of control in Dubai. That was when she had served seven men for one glorious night of depravity.

Marie had read about orgies and gangbangs, but she had never imagined that she would be able to take part in one until she had met Karl. Karl was a German businessman who visited Dubai every few months, and he had attracted Marie’s attention as soon as she had walked into the bar in the Ritz Carlton on one of her regular Thursday nights off. Marie only went to bars in five star hotels because she knew that she would be sure to find a Western man on a business trip who would be happy to have the company of an attractive and submissive pinay for the night - and all for free. Marie was a slut, but she wasn’t a whore. She had often been asked for her price, but she refused to have anything to do with those types of men, and instead she looked for a specific man who she suspected would treat her like a slut and humiliate her while fucking her hard.

Marie was not the first woman that Karl had met in Dubai. He was experienced with prostitutes, and he was also a dominant man. He enjoyed using a woman, humiliating her, and generally treating her like the slut that she was. The usual prostitutes that Karl paid for sex were willing to indulge his desires to dominate them, but secretly they only played along because he was paying them. With Marie it was different. She really craved to be humiliated and treated like a fuck toy. The more someone treated her badly, the more she became excited, and the more she enjoyed the sexual encounter. However, not every man was able to understand what she needed. Some men thought that she wanted to be hurt, but Marie did not like physical violence. She needed to be made to feel like the slut that she was, to be humiliated, to be treated like a piece of meat whose only use was to make men cum and to gratefully receive their cum in her cunt, in her mouth, in her ass, or on her face. If a man would cum on her face, Marie was glad because it meant that he had marked her as his own. She loved kneeling as she sucked his cock greedily and played with his balls, teasing him and controlling her mouth on his cock to make him last longer. When he finally came, Marie always pulled back so that he blasted her face with his precious juice. The feeling of having her face bathed in cum was indescribable, but it was something that satisfied Marie’s desperate longing for humiliation.

Karl understood Marie’s desires and they met several times when he was in Dubai on business. The third time they met, Karl told Marie that he had a friend who he wanted to share her with. Marie shivered with delight when she heard what Karl proposed, and she serviced both men without hesitation when Karl’s friend came to the room. That night was the first time that she tried double penetration and she loved it. The two men were experienced partners in fucking whores, so they knew how to arrange themselves so that one was fucking her cunt while the other fucked her ass. Marie felt so full and she felt even better when the two men filled her holes with their cum. By morning, Marie was sore but satisfied from the many times that she had been fucked. That was when Karl suggested something to her - a gangbang.

Marie had read about gangbangs, but she had never imagined that she could be the focus of one. Karl explained that he would arrange the venue and the participants. All Marie had to do was be willing to be fucked unceasingly by all the men. The thought of so many cocks made Marie feel faint with desire and she immediately told Karl that he should arrange it as soon as possible. She had only two conditions. First that none of the men use violence against her, and second that they all produced a recent medical certificate showing that they were free from any kind of STI. Marie always fucked raw, and she never asked for proof that the man she met was free from disease, but this was different. Karl told her that he would be able to find 6 men to join him in the gangbang. He promised that when he returned to Dubai in 2 months’ time, he would have all the arrangements made and the gangbang would happen. The next 2 months went so slowly for Marie, but she also spent every moment that she was awake with her cunt totally wet from anticipation about being fucked by so many men.

Chapter 4

The day of the gangbang arrived finally. Karl had arranged to meet Marie at his hotel and she assumed that they would meet the other men there. However, when she arrived at the hotel and met Karl, he told her that the arrangement was to use a private villa which belonged to a friend of his. This friend was experienced in organizing gangbangs and he was delighted to know that Marie was going to participate as the sex toy for the enjoyment of a group of men.

The drive to the villa was a little slow due to the normal volume of traffic in Dubai, but finally Karl stopped in front of a large mansion on the artificial island known as the Palm Jumeirah. The mansion was right on the beach and it was quite a distance from its nearest neighbor, so no one would suspect that the private party that was about to happen was anything out of the ordinary.

When Marie walked into the villa, she was glad to see that it was obviously not a house that was usually lived in because there was very little furniture and there were no signs of personal items. She was pleased at the evidence that this mansion was not normally lived in because it meant that whatever happened here was usually just for pleasure. Although she was a slut, Marie still had some principles, and the thought of defiling somebody’s home with a gangbang made her feel uneasy.

Karl led Marie into the large living room. There was a couch, several armchairs, a few low tables with bottles of alcohol and water on them, and not much else in the room. That is apart from the six men who were waiting expectantly for Marie to arrive. Marie looked at them and shivered in anticipation of the event that was going to happen soon. Karl introduced his friend, Alex, who was the person who rented the villa just to hold his private parties. Karl did not introduce the other five men, and Marie knew that he was making a point of showing her that she was just an object for the men’s pleasure. From the size of the villa and the price of renting properties in Dubai, Marie knew that Alex had to be rich. Alex was a man of about 45 years old, and he did not seem to be anything extraordinary, but he was obviously in charge of the night’s event.

He invited Marie to sit on the couch and asked her what she wanted to drink. Marie did not drink much, but she felt the need for some alcohol to relax her before the action began. Alex asked if she wanted a beer, but Marie knew that if she drank beer, she would have to go to the toilet often and she did not want to disrupt whatever was going to happen to her, so she asked for a brandy with some water. The drink was strong, but she could feel it warming her throat and soon she felt more relaxed. By the time she had drunk a second drink, Marie was ready for whatever was about to happen.

Alex looked at Marie and asked if she was ready. Marie nodded, and he told her to stand up and also motioned to the other six men to stand in a circle around Marie. Karl stood in front of Marie and he moved forward slightly and kissed her. That kiss sent a tingle through Marie’s stomach, and she knew that the night was going to be one that she would remember forever. Then, she walked slowly round the ring of men, kissing each one passionately. The kisses showed Marie that she belonged to this group and that was the seal of their ownership.

When she returned to Karl, this time instead of kissing her, he slid his hands beneath her dress and spread her legs. Marie could feel a hot flush of shame on her cheeks at being violated so openly in front of the group of strangers. At the same time, she could feel that her pussy was starting to become wet. Karl ordered her to take off her dress and her bra, and Marie hurried to obey. Now she stood in front of the group wearing only her panties, and with her breasts exposed to the gaze of all the men.

Karl pushed Marie’s shoulders slightly and at once she knew what he wanted. She knelt in front of him and waited eagerly as he unzipped his pants. Marie could not wait for him to take out his cock, so she reached inside his pants and freed it for him. She licked her lips at the sight of the beautiful uncircumcised cock just inches from her mouth. Opening her lips, she licked it slowly wanting to taste every part of it. Karl pushed forward and his cock disappeared into her mouth. Marie sucked it with pleasure as Karl thrust back and forth into her mouth. It had been many weeks since she had tasted a cock because she was saving all her energy for this night, so Marie was like a hungry lioness devouring her prey. She gazed up at Karl and was happy to see how his face twisted with pleasure as her tongue and mouth worked their magic on his cock.

However, she knew that she should not spend too much time on him, and reluctantly she removed her mouth from his cock. By now, the rest of the men had removed their pants and some of them had also removed their shirts and underwear. Marie’s eyes shone as she looked at the different sized cocks that she was going to serve that night. Karl and Alex told the others to stand in a circle around Marie, and to be ready for her to suck them. Marie sank to her knees and faced the first man. He was about 40 years old and he was not circumcised. Marie preferred a circumcised cock, but she was not about to refuse what was now offered to her mouth. She wrapped her lips around it and pumped swiftly up and down with her hand on his shaft as she sucked. After a few minutes, she moved on to the next man in the circle and repeated her worship of his cock. This continued until she had tasted all seven cocks and she was now desperate to be fucked by all seven.

Standing up she moved to the couch in the middle of the room and quickly took off her panties. She lay back on the couch with her legs spread open, and she could feel the juices leaking from her cunt as she waited for the first man to ram his cock into her. That privilege went to Alex as the organizer of the party. Alex was the prefect first fuck of the night for Marie. He was rough with her and slammed his hard cock into her with force. The sensation of him fucking her roughly made Marie feel so sure that she would never forget this night. He drove deeper into her wet cunt, while also squeezing her tits. The sensation was intense and Marie urged Alex to fuck her harder.

“I’m your slut, Alex” she moaned. “Please fuck me hard.”

And Alex obliged by fucking her even harder than before. Marie’s legs wrapped around his back as she tried to pull him deeper inside her. Marie’s cunt muscles squeezed Alex’s cock tight and it did not take long before she could feel him stiffening and then feel the sudden gush of hot cum inside her. Alex rested for a second and then pulled out, making way for the next man. Marie did not even have a chance to see who was going to fuck her next before she felt his cock slide into her cunt that was totally lubricated with her own juices and Alex’s cum.

Marie gasped with pleasure to feel a second cock enter her cunt so quickly after Alex. She had often had to wait for a man to become hard again, although she had fucked two men one after the other, but now she would be able to fulfil her greatest fantasy - serving so many men as a group.

The next hour passed in a blur of cocks, sucking, being fucked, cum filling Marie’s cunt, mouth and ass. Marie lost count of the number of times she had cum as her orgasms all blended into each other. By the end of the first hour, Marie was in a sort of trance where she was aware of being fucked, but she was not able to distinguish which of the seven men was fucking her. Indeed, she did not care who had his cock stuffed into her cunt, just so long as she was being fucked.

Marie was out of control, and she knew that she had achieved the greatest affirmation of being a slut and a sex slave - serving a group of men was so degrading yet so liberating at the same time. Marie had no inhibitions left - she was finally the most defiled and humiliated a woman could be by allowing herself to serve as the fuck toy of a group of strangers.

After hours of being pounded, Marie’s cunt was numb and her jaw ached from sucking so much. Her tits were painful from so many hands squeezing them, but Marie was in a state of euphoria. She was drugged from the number of times she had been fucked, her mind was floating somewhere else, although she was aware when one cock was substituted by another.

Finally, even though they had all taken Viagra, the group of men were unable to fuck any more. Marie lay back on the sofa with one leg raised over the back to allow a man easy access to her cunt, but there were no takers. The gangbang had at last ended. Marie was unable to move until Alex and Kurt helped her to stand. She staggered and slipped a little on the cum-soaked floor. The sofa was also stained and wet with cum and her own juices, but Marie’s only thought was to shower, go home and sleep.

When she woke again, she realized that she had fallen asleep while remembering the gangbang, and the plane was coming in to land at Heathrow Airport in London. Marie smiled with pleasure at the recollection of her most slutty behavior and she wondered what new dark and humiliating adventures she might find in England.

Chapter 5

After two months in Nottingham looking after the apartment, cooking, washing clothes and watching daytime TV, Marie was bored. She had plenty of time on her hands because Noora, the girl she looked after, was busy with her lectures at the university most days. Marie had become familiar with the local supermarket and she knew which bus to catch to go to and from the centre of town. However, she had not done anything apart from housework, food shopping and watching TV, and her desires to be fucked by some stranger had returned to torment her.

Living with Noora meant that she had no opportunity to be free at night until one weekend when Noora announced that she was going to London for the weekend. Marie could not believe her luck when Noora told her that she was going with some friends from university and that Marie would have to stay alone for a few days.

The next day, Marie searched on her mobile phone for terms such as ‘fucked by strangers’ or ‘gangbangs’. That was when she found sites that described dogging. This was something new for her, and she was intrigued. She read with interest that dogging was having sex outdoors in some quiet place such as a wood or even in the corner of a deserted carpark while strangers looked on or even participated if invited. Marie’s pussy was wet as she imagined herself fucked by a stranger in such a place.

Marie had already planned to find someone to fuck her and as soon as Noora had left for London, Marie started to put her plan in action. First, she used some of Noora’s cosmetics to make her face look more attractive. Then she put on the one sexy dress that she had brought with her, and that had often helped her to attract a stranger in Dubai. Finally, she headed for the centre of town to a pub that she had noticed on one of her shopping trips.

Outside the pub, Marie hesitated for a few minutes, uncertain whether she would look out of place inside. But as soon as she pushed open the door, she saw that she was not the only woman there. Nevertheless, she was the only woman alone as all the other women were in groups. Undeterred, Marie found an empty table and sat down, waiting for someone to come and serve her. After five minutes, she realized that this bar was not the same as the bars in Dubai - there were no waiters, and all the customers went up to the bar to order. She was just going to get up to order a drink when she heard a man’s voice asking her a question.

“You’re not from here, are you?” he said.

“No” Marie answered.

“I could tell from your face and also from the way that you just sat there without going to order a drink. Are you waiting for someone?”

“No” replied Marie. “I’m not waiting for anyone.”

Marie turned and looked at the man who had spoken to her. He was sitting at a table beside hers, and he was about 45 years old. His hair was starting to turn grey, but it was still mostly black. His eyes were dark brown, and his face was slightly tanned. Marie could see that he kept himself in shape because his body was slim and muscled. He looked friendly, so when he asked Marie if he could sit with her, she agreed at once.

The man introduced himself as Tom and said that he thought that she was Filipina. When Marie asked him how he had guessed that, he laughed and told her that he had been in the police in Hong Kong until 1997 when China regained control of the British colony, and that there were many Filipina maids working there. He had left Hong Kong after that and he had spent more than two years visiting countries in Asia. He had been to Taiwan, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines and Thailand before returning to live in Nottingham where he had been born. For the last six months, Tom had been trying to decide what to do for a job as his savings were starting to be used up.

Marie found Tom to be very easy to talk to, and after a few drinks she felt completely relaxed in his company. That was why she was bold enough to ask him which country had the most beautiful women.

Tom smiled and replied “Philippines.”

Marie smiled also and soon she discovered that Tom had spent several months in different parts of the Philippines including her home city - Cebu. When he described different areas of the city that he knew, Marie began to feel emotional, and her eyes filled with tears as she thought of the family back in Cebu that she was working hard to support. Tom saw that she was on the verge of crying, and he put his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. Marie sighed and relaxed against his shoulder.

“Sorry if I upset you by talking about Cebu,” said Tom.

“It’s ok” replied Marie, drying her eyes.

“What did you like most about Cebu?” asked Marie.

“The women” Tom replied without hesitation.


“Because they are so pretty and…..” - Tom paused, “and because they are so submissive.”

Marie’s heart began to beat fast when she heard the word ‘submissive.’

“So, you like submissive women?” she asked with a smile.

Tom’s arm was still around her shoulder and he tightened his grip slightly as he replied that he liked women who were both submissive and interested to try new things. Marie knew that she had found her latest partner to satisfy her desires as Tom looked into her eyes for a sign that she was not disgusted by what he had just said. Her smile and her hand on his leg told him that he had finally found a woman who understood what he needed, and who he knew what she needed.

Tom and Marie left the pub and at Tom’s suggestion went to a restaurant nearby. There they slowly discovered more about each other, and about their true natures. Marie was hesitant to admit to Tom what she had done in Dubai, but as he described some of the women he had been with in Cebu, and how he had spanked, tied up, teased and humiliated them, she grew more confident that he would accept her for what she was. She was a slut and that is what Tom wanted. At last, Marie told Tom about how she had discovered that she was a slut and also about the gangbang that she had participated in.

Tom was fascinated to hear about her meetings with strangers and even more interested to hear about the gangbang. However, he told Marie that although he would like to see her fucked by a group of men, he did not know enough men in Nottingham that he could trust to take part and to remain silent afterwards. Marie was pleased to hear this because she was afraid that she might meet some of the men in the future, and that could be awkward for her if she was with Noora.

Tom asked Marie what fantasy or desire she had not yet fulfilled, and at once Marie thought of dogging. She told Tom how she had read about dogging and that was something she would like to try. Tom’s eyes lit up when he heard this because he knew of a site near Nottingham that was a famous dogging rendezvous. Before they had finished their meal, the couple had agreed that Tom would take Marie dogging on the next night. Marie told Tom that she would prefer to go home alone because she had never told any of the men she met in Dubai where she lived. Tom said that he understood and they arranged to meet in the same pub from where Tom would drive Marie to the dogging site.

Once she arrived home, Marie could hardly contain her excitement. She could not believe that on her first night out in Nottingham she had met a man who understood her needs, and who was capable of fulfilling those needs. Marie’s pussy was throbbing and soaking wet with anticipation and Marie shivered with the thought of taking part in this new sexual adventure.

Chapter 6

Tom was waiting in the pub for Marie the next day at 5 pm. Marie had told Tom that she could only be free on Saturday and part of Sunday, although she had not told him why or who she lived with. In Dubai, Marie had always been careful not to tell the men she fucked where she lived, and apart from Kurt she had very rarely met any man more than once in order to keep her identity secret. By meeting Tom, Marie knew that she was taking a big risk, but she was desperate to continue the lifestyle she had explored in Dubai. Marie needed to be fucked and used.

Tom greeted Marie with a smile.

“I wasn’t sure you would come” he said.

Marie replied, also with a smile “I always keep my promises.”

What Marie did not tell Tom was that she had been so desperate and horny all day waiting for the time she could meet Tom again that she had rubbed her clit to orgasm twice. However, instead of decreasing her desires, her masturbation had only made her more horny, and eager to see what would happen at the dogging site.

Tom invited her to sit and have a drink while he explained what might happen at the dogging site. First, he would drive them to a small wood some distance from Nottingham. There they would park and see if there were any other cars parked nearby. Even if there were no other cars, Tom would flash his headlights to alert any men hiding in the trees that he (and Marie) were available for action.

As Tom’s car drove along the small track that led to the wood, Marie started to wonder if she was doing the right thing. She had only met Tom the day before and now she was alone with him in a strange place, and nobody knew where she was. Suppose Tom was a killer? Suppose he became violent and beat her? Suppose he fucked her and abandoned her in the wood? How could she get home when she didn’t know where she was?

These were some of the thoughts that flashed through Marie’s mind as she saw that they were approaching the wood. However, she tried to remain calm and reminded herself that she had often been with strange men in their hotel rooms in Dubai and she had never had any problems. Even when she had been the object of the gangbang, she had not been physically abused by the group of men.

Tom parked his car on the edge of a small clearing in the wood, and Marie looked around. It was late autumn, and by 6 o’clock it was already almost dark. There were no other cars in sight, so Tom flashed his lights. Marie wondered if this was going to be a disappointing trip, but Tom pointed to some bushes on the opposite side of the clearing.

“Look” he whispered. “Can you see that they are moving?”

Marie looked and indeed the bushes were moving and it was not because of wind. Someone was behind the bushes.

Tom flashed his lights again, and this time, Marie saw that a man had stepped out from behind the bushes. Then she saw another man, and then another. Now there was a small group of men looking at Tom’s car. Again, Tom flashed his lights, and the men started to move closer to where Tom and Marie were sitting waiting.

“What would you like to do?” Tom asked.

Marie was uncertain about what might happen, but she knew one thing for certain.

“I want you to fuck me.”

Tom smiled at the thought of fucking this sexy, submissive pinay especially with the group of strangers watching. Tom knew that if he fucked Marie, she would be willing to do more than that, and that would give him pleasure.

“Ok,” he said. “This is what we will do.”

And he explained that they should move to the back seat and Marie should remove her dress and panties. Then she would lie on her back, with her legs out of the car, and Tom would fuck her while he was standing. Marie nodded her agreement to his order, and the two of them stepped out of the car. Marie hesitated at first, but as Tom opened the back door, she quickly took off her dress, followed by her panties and placed them carefully on the front seat. Then she lay on the back seat with her legs raised and her knees pressing against her tits as Tom had instructed.

Now Marie was naked except for her bra, and Tom was aroused at the sight of the almost nude woman lying with her legs raised and her shaved pussy exposed and waiting for his cock to enter. He quickly unbuckled his belt and dropped his pants and underwear around his ankles. He shivered a little as the cool night air blew softly over his cock and balls, but the sight of Marie submissively waiting for him was more than enough to make his already hard cock even harder.


That was a preview of Marie the Pinay Slut Wife. To read the rest purchase the book.

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