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1,000 words - My enemy or my friend?

Shady Lady Julie


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This is a collection of 1,000-word stories that I write for contests on a website far far away. Each month the writers are given a theme and they must write no more than 1,000 words on that subject. The story is submitted by the deadline and then after a short reading period, it is voted on by the readers.


I have had a range of results ranging from winning through to not even being placed. Therefore, between each story, I have given a summary of where the story you have just read finished and what my thoughts were about its performance. Then I have given an introduction to the next story giving brief details of what the next theme was.


They cover a wide range of genres and topics, ranging from non-sexual through to extreme so in view of that have placed the whole collection in EXTREME. Each story has individual content tags at the start so would suggest you read the introduction and tags first to see if they are to your taste or not.


The title of this collection is, My Enemy or my Friend? When writing to a tight word count sometimes you can pad or contract just by using the right words or descriptions. Other times it becomes cramped to try to get a concept in, developed and concluded before you run out of words.


My first contest story was written in Nov 2018 and the theme that month was "no theme" so with the absence of a theme, I decided to write to exactly 1,000 words.


When I say exactly my plan was to try to leave a cliff hanger at the 1,000 word count.


The story contains a vivid description of forced lesbian sex.




My Name Is... - Nov 18


The neon sign flashing 'Pink Ladies' blinked on and off illuminating the young girl who stood outside the club swallowing nervously wondering if she was doing the right thing. She had read about the club in the LBGT section of a magazine that promised 'discrete meetings for women with similar tastes and outlooks in a relaxed sophisticated atmosphere.' In fact, the outside looked anything but sophisticated, it looked downright seedy with grills on the blacked-out windows and a very secure door.


Celia was always shy during college and didn't make friends easily, her slight frame and retiring personality allowed her to stay in the background. After graduation, she joined a corporate law firm and became a valued member of staff for her hard work and dedication to the task. Celia rented a small but pleasant apartment in a reasonable area and was happy with her lot, but the only thing still to ascertain was her sexuality. At 22 Celia was unsure about her desires, she had occasional boyfriends over the years but had never found them that satisfying and recently had found herself looking at lesbian porn sites. The sight of two or more women locked together in sexual congress pleasuring each other's bodies made her own pussy moisten but at the same time wracked her with guilt as she worried how her parents would react. Tonight she was determined to resolve some of the questions so creeping up to the door she knocked timidly and jumped as the grill slid back and a set of eyes looked at her.


"What?" said the eyes glaring at her like she was an alien about to burn the club down to the ground.


"Please may I come in," stammered Celia wondering if she should turn and flee to go back to looking at porn and dreaming.


The door was thrown open and Celia found herself looking at a much less threatening figure than she had imagined. The woman had long wavy brown hair that was pulled back into a loose ponytail and her eyes shone like diamonds in her pretty face. She had on a pair of black skin-tight jeans and a white tee-shirt that stretched so tightly across her ample breasts that Celia was sure that any second the shirt would tear open like a female version of the Incredible Hulk.


The woman's eyes softened when she saw Celia standing there shaking partially from nerves but also from the cold wind that whipped the thin short dress against her body. Pulling her into the club the woman looked her up and down, and assessing her quickly as a first-timer, smiled to herself as she said, "Have to check you for drugs and weapons."


Before she could protest Celia found herself spun round to face the wall and practised hands roamed across her body. Celia held her breath as the woman's hands ran up each inner thigh almost touching her thin cotton panties before moving quickly away. Spinning her around the woman looked at her as she pinned her against the wall, her arm against the side of her head as she leaned her left hand on the wall.


"Just need to confirm something," she drawled slowly, "Is this your first time here?" Celia just nodded and could feel her heart pounding but at the same time her pussy moistening. "Then you won't need these," said the woman reaching quickly under Celia's dress and in a sudden movement tore her tiny panties from her body leaving her naked under her dress.


The sharp pain of the material tugging against her skin was quickly replaced by an overwhelming feeling of sexiness as the air played against her naked pussy and as the woman went to remove her hand Celia grasped it by the wrist and returned it to under her dress.


The woman stared at Celia and slowly smiled as she curled her finger upwards and ran it along Celia's pussy lips slowly, teasing her with just the tip.


Celia found herself biting her bottom lip and actually arching her hips towards the finger, trying to let it slip inside her body. The woman leant forward and kissed Celia fully on the lips and the feeling was unlike any Celia had experienced before. Instead of the rough pressing from her previous male lovers, this was gentle, soft and delicate, caressing her mouth as her tongue slipped inside. At that same moment, the woman's finger dipped deep inside Celia's pussy and started to gently finger fuck her.


Celia found herself panting as the woman started to move her hand faster and was gasping for air as the woman introduced a second finger, curling them up into Celia's body. She had moved her thumb so that it was pressing and rubbing on Celia's clit sending her to greater heights as she felt her orgasm start to build. Her dress had ridden up around her waist and she could feel the rough wall rubbing against her ass as the demanding fingers kept driving in, gently but firmly. Celia moaned loudly as she felt herself convulse and shudder as she came, grinding down onto the stranger's fingers in orgasmic bliss.


As the feelings subsided, Celia slowly came back down to earth and as her vision returned to normal she felt the woman remove her fingers and as Celia watched, the woman sucked each one in turn, smacking her lips as she relished the taste. Celia was desperate to push the woman downwards so she could enjoy her no doubt talented tongue.


Instead, the woman looked deeply into Celia's eyes and said, "When you have finished this evening, find me and I will take you home and take you to heaven."


Celia knew that she was hooked on female love and showered the woman with kisses as she breathlessly said, "You have converted me, but please I must know your name as my first female lover."


The woman smiled at Celia as she said quietly, "My name is..."




I started with a cliffhanger that stopped at exactly 1,000 words leaving the reader wondering what her name was. The question in my head was how would the readers take to it and what would their reaction be?


Much to my surprise, the story won but I wasn't yet hooked on the discipline of writing to 1,000 words but the idea was still in my brain. There was something alluring about the discipline of getting a whole story told in a compact manner.


I missed a few contests for various reasons and then in April 2019, I read a news story that horrified me so much I wanted to scream at the world it was wrong.


That month the theme was 'April' so I penned this story in protest.


Strong lesbian action again.




3rd April – Apr 19


Zalfa squinted in the sunlight as she looked at the angry mob, feeling the sweat starting to trickle down her spine. She didn't try to struggle against her bindings but glanced to her left, her gaze meeting with Jannah who was struggling wildly in sheer panic.


"Don't worry my love," said Zalfa softly, "soon it will be over and we will be together for eternity."


Jannah calmed a little but Zalfa could see her eyes darting wildly. With tears forming in her eyes Zalfa spoke soothingly as she said, "Remember our times together.”


Closing her eyelids Jannah recalled how her life had changed when she and Zalfa crossed the line of just friendship that fateful moment a few days before.


+ + + + +


Zalfa stomped around Jannah's tiny kitchen waving her hands around in an agitated manner.


"He has no right to treat you in that way," she shouted as she paced, "he should have his balls cut off and fed to the pigs."


"He is my husband," said Jannah quietly, "therefore he may do as he wishes."


"Which includes treating you like a punch bag I suppose," spat Zalfa with venom and anger, "show me how this animal has marked you."


Jannah glanced towards the door and seeing it closed unwound her headscarf before slipping off her shapeless baju kurung that fell in a puddle of cloth at her feet. She was happy to stand naked before her friend as they had grown up together and had often played naked in the mud at their mother's feet.


Over the years they had stayed close even when Jannah had married last year and moved a few miles away to her husband's village.


Jannah had found marriage strange, as although her husband Ahmad shared the marital bed on their first night nothing happened as his part was floppy, not hard as wood as her mother had told her it would be. Instead of the pain followed by the bliss of becoming a woman that night, Jannah had lain awake wondering what was wrong.


Bliss soon turned to pain as her husband shouted that the reason he could not perform was that she was ugly and deformed. Soon after he began to beat her, not in the face, but on her body so the marks wouldn't show.


Zalfa stared in horror at the large dark bruises before reaching out to try to soothe them as Jannah flinched in pain. One nasty bruise was on Jannah's left nipple where her husband had twisted it savagely and without thinking, Zalfa bent her head and kissed it gently.


"We shouldn't," whispered Jannah as she cradled her friend's head revelling in the gentleness of the touch.


"I can't stop myself," moaned Zalfi softly, "I have always loved you." With those words, Zalfi moved lower and without thought Jannah opened her legs, lying back on the bed allowing Zalfi full access to her body.


Zalfi's tongue was heaven and Jannah soon found her own head buried between her friend's thighs as they locked into a 69 position. Tongues darted deep into each other, sending the other to heights of ecstasy as fingers explored with such tenderness that Jannah wanted to weep with joy.


The two women drove each other to the point, until in a flash of thrashing limbs the two lithe bodies coiled, then exploded in mutual orgasms before they sank into almost a coma locked in a lover's embrace.


The two women were still in that position when they were jerked from the bed. Jannah's husband had returned and finding them together began to rant calling them unnatural and whores, before dragging them from the house still naked and throwing them into the street.


The police arrested the two women and took them away in chains. The trial was arranged quickly though was more of a sham as their guilt had already been decided. Zalfa was determined that she would withstand the penalty of 40 lashes for being found guilty of being a lesbian but worried for her friend Jannah, who was the gentlest of the pair.


A small squeak of panic escaped Zalfa's lips when she heard the judge declare that rather than the crime of same-sex acts they were to be charged with adultery, as Jannah was married at the time they were caught. Jannah looked at Zalfa in panic, not understanding but Zalfa knew the penalty for adultery was the same as sex between men, and much more severe.


The rest of the trial passed in a blur and neither woman heard the words of their sentence, but Jannah found it ironic that her husband would be granted a divorce before the sentence was carried out.


+ + + + +


Jannah was jerked from her thoughts as the crushing pain of the first rock hit full in her chest driving the air from her body. Glancing to her right she saw a rock the size of a man's fist smash into Zalfa's face breaking her nose.


"Sorry," mouthed Zalfa through the bubbling blood as she stared into Jannah's eyes.


"It was worth it," said Jannah softly as she turned her head to her lover but that act meant she never saw the rock that took her life, thrown with such savage ferocity that the blow to the temple killed her instantly so sparing her further pain.


Zalfa tried to blink away the blood that obscured her vision as she wept to see life vanish from her lover's eyes. More rocks continued to smash against her defenceless body until mercifully she slipped into a welcome blackness that saved her from further pain.


The Ketua Kampong, (village head) stood over the lifeless and battered bodies of the two women he had known since they were children and spoke piously, his voice laced with hatred. "In accordance with the penalty laid down by the Sultan of Brunei on the 3rd April those that commit the sin of same-sex acts or adultery shall be stoned to death. His will has been done"




My protest story came second out of 20 entries and I was over the moon.


In case you are wondering how my mind could imagine such a barbaric and cruel act ... it's not my mind at all. If you google Brunei implements stoning to death under anti-LGBT laws, you will get a very interesting piece from the BBC


However, the rules that month stated you could enter up to two stories, so I decided to pen a short story covering bestiality, but still hitting the APRIL theme.




The Confession – Apr 19


Dear reader my name is April Showers and this is my confession.


I knew it was wrong to cheat on my husband but it wasn’t like it was with a stranger so it was almost alright, well that’s how I justified it to myself.


It started a year ago as a bit of playful fun that ended up getting carried away. It was a long hot summer; Ben and I would lark around in the back garden with the hosepipe dancing around the water spray. I would be dressed in just a bikini, which although skimpy Ben didn't seem to take any notice of the amount of flesh it revealed. When I was sure the neighbours couldn’t see I even went topless, an act my husband Karl would have disapproved of, but Ben still didn’t seem to care. In fact, his attitude didn’t change when I started cavorting naked.


Ben would dance around with his mouth hanging open trying to catch the spray on his tongue, then eventually bowling me over in enthusiasm, pinning me to the ground by standing over me as he panted into my mouth ready to start the fun again.


Perhaps I should have mentioned earlier, Ben is a 3-year-old chocolate Labrador, full of energy, with the cutest eyes you have ever seen and although I didn’t know it at the time, a truly wonderfully huge cock.


It was one of those days as Ben stood over me slavering onto my full 40C breasts when I noticed it for the first time, his cock was starting to show and emerged from its hairy sheath. Maybe it was because Karl hadn’t shown me any attention for months, maybe it was because it was hot, I don’t really know, but I reached out and gently stroked his cock.


Ben stood stock still and to my delight his cock started to grow in my hand and drips of pre-cum emerged like pearls at the end of his cock, before dripping down and slowly forming into a puddle on my tummy. The thing that amazed me was not just the hardness of Ben’s cock but the heat emanating from it as it grew bigger in my hand, far exceeding the size of my husband’s cock.


I don’t normally suck Karl’s cock, not because I don’t want to, but for fear that he might cum before he has had a chance to fuck me. I somehow knew with Ben that this would not be the case and that he was going to be Karl’s champion, which in my head was perfectly acceptable as after all he was Karl's dog.


Sliding down a little I positioned myself under Ben with his cock still in my hand and my mouth very close to the angry red rod. Opening my mouth, I allowed a drop of the pre-cum to fall into my mouth and the taste was like nectar as it hit the back of my throat. Without further thought, I lifted my head and started to suck on his cock letting my mouth be like a pussy around his hardness. He almost choked me when he started to move and I quickly realised that unlike a man, he could very well choke me if I wasn’t careful.


Almost by instinct I rolled onto all fours, assuming a position I hoped would remind him of the bitches he might have covered. It was at that moment that I wondered if perhaps Ben was a virgin, I hadn't seen him with any female dogs so maybe this was his first time. As my mind pondered these thoughts he started to sniff and then take long licks at my pussy which was soaked.


Now dear reader, I don’t know if you have been licked by a dog before, but their tongues are the most wonderful rough raspy long things in existence, just thinking about it is making me squirm on my chair, but on with my story.


I had my head pressed to the grass, my naked ass high in the air and my knees splayed enjoying Ben’s ministrations as I gave him a lot of vocal encouragement when suddenly he stopped. In that moment I whimpered like a small child at the loss of a favourite dolly but my sadness was short lived as I felt him rise up. His paws fastened around my waist as he started to hump with his pre-cum covered cock trying to find my willing pussy.


I was unsure what to do to help and tried unsuccessfully to reach to guide him home but to no avail as he slipped off and started to lick again. Then the second time he rose, again starting to jab, seeking my pussy and I braced, holding myself still and praying that nature would guide him home.


Oh it did, superbly it did. I felt the red-hot tip enter me and Ben must have felt the same as with a pull of his front paws and a thrust of his hips he drove his cock deep into me. I orgasmed as he entered me but Ben wasn’t concerned about my pleasure, all he wanted to do was breed me. His frantic thrusts drove his cock deep in me each time and I could feel a protrusion banging against my pussy lips. I later learned that was his knot that on that occasion he didn’t manage to force inside me, but since then he has done often.


That was our first time but not our last. We enjoyed many summer days fucking in the garden, and in the kitchen as the weather grew colder, in fact whenever Karl is out, we are at it. As time went on my need has become so great that I sneak down at night; like tonight as I am writing this, so that I can be with Ben.


I hope you have enjoyed my confession but now I must go as I hear my master whining for his bitch




It came 2nd ...to last... garnering just 2 votes out of a possible 21.


To be honest I was little gutted but extreme stories don’t always please the readers.


I missed the May contest due to a variety of reasons, but the next story was for a contest in June 2019 and the theme was as follows (and I quote):-


Choose a word that begins with the letter J and make that word part of your title, and have it be a central theme in your story! LIMITATIONS: You cannot choose a name, like Judy. It has to be a word that would NOT be capitalized normally in a sentence!


I decided to go with the word 'jump' and built in a tribute to the parachute regiment - "Utrinque Paratus"


The story does have people remembering a sex scene involving a woman and multiple men.




Jump – Jun 19



That was a preview of 1,000 words - My enemy or my friend?. To read the rest purchase the book.

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