Posted: 2025-02-13


Bookapy Author/Agent Rules

  1. Agreement:

    The terms of the agreement are negotiated between the author and the agent in private. Upon finalization, the agreement is submitted via email to Bookapy's management as proof of agreement. Both copies must contain the exact same terms. The agreement must include a reference to the following listed rules and a commitment to abide by them.

  2. Commission Rates:

    The commission rate is established in the author/agent agreement. Bookapy's system distributes royalties in accordance with the agreed-upon rate until the agreement's expiration.

  3. Agreement Duration:

    1. Author/Agent agreements are open-ended by default.

    2. Authors and agents can set a mutually agreed-upon expiration date for the agreement.

    3. Agreements have a mandatory period during which the agent will receive the commission from the author's sales.

    4. An agreement's mandatory period cannot be less than 6 months from the initial agreement date.

    5. The author retains the authority to revoke the agent's access at any time. However, such cancellation of the contract/agreement by the author does not cancel commissions until the mandatory period of the agreement expires.

    6. The mandatory period of the agreement is automatically extended to 90 days from the date the agent uploads a new book for the author. Example:

      • If the last book added to the system by the agent is on March 1st, and the author requests the contract's revocation on March 2nd, the agent will continue to receive commissions until June 1st for all the author's sales.

      • If the latest book was uploaded on March 1st and the author requests the agreement's termination on August 1st (5 months later), the agreement will be terminated immediately as it's beyond the mandatory period.

  4. Resolving Disagreements:

    Disagreements may be resolved through mediation or arbitration, as specified in the agreement. Disagreements between authors and agents should be resolved privately. If an agreement cannot be reached, both parties may request Bookapy for arbitration. During the arbitration process, sales of all the author's books on Bookapy will be suspended until a mutually agreeable resolution is reached.

The above listed rules can be updated or changed at any time if the need arises. Any changes will be enforced retroactively.