
Books tagged with Adult

Life With Donna cover Thumb

Life With Donna

by Charles Fornau

Published: 2021-05-13. 54,540 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Romance » Adult

Having his niece show up unannounced turned out to create a series of life changing experiences. None of them were anything but good. Exciting at times, but very, very, good.


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Jessie's Story cover Thumb

Jessie's Story

by Charles Fornau

Published: 2019-12-15. 32,590 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Romance » Adult

He never thought of pink hair as being all that attractive. That ended the day he met Jessie. Her eyes captivated him. Her looks entranced him. Her smile captured him. Her story didn't change any of that. Not one little bit.


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The Dawn Beyond the Darkness cover Thumb

The Dawn Beyond the Darkness

by Charles Fornau

Published: 2020-01-23. 24,104 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Romance » Adult

Losing a loved one is never easy. Time, and someone’s love, can help ease the pain. Two someone’s love might help even more!


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The Secretarial Pool cover Thumb

The Secretarial Pool

by Charles Fornau

Published: 2018-12-23. 33,600 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Romance » Adult

Charlie finally worked up the courage to ask his father's administrative assistant out. A jaunt through the fields of romance.


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There Was This Girl:  A Collection cover Thumb

There Was This Girl: A Collection

by Charles Fornau

Published: 2020-11-10. 43,422 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Romance » Adult

A collection of stories about romances happening quickly, out of nowhere, and from normal everyday occurrences. Gratuitous sex not required, although at times, it does happen.


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