
Finn Sinclair

Crooked Trees cover Thumb

Crooked Trees

by Finn Sinclair

Published: 2022-03-28. 19,000 Words.

rating 4.8 stars (5)

Categories: Fiction » Inspirational

Doober's young life is almost a caricature of life on the bayou with women, beer, and a truck. In an instant, all of it is taken away, plunging him into the abyss of profound mourning. Finding life and the will to live again is an incredible human feat.


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Dark Energy cover Thumb

Dark Energy

by Finn Sinclair

Published: 2021-11-04. 83,000 Words.

rating 5.0 stars (21)

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction

A young boy of ten loses his parents,leaving him at the mercy of Child Protective Services. When he expects the worst, a legitimate foundation swoops in, offering him a new family and a chance to regain his future, perhaps even a better one. Nothing is free in this world though, and no foundation or corporation is completely benevolent, especially one that holds lucrative patents in nanotech.


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Dear Corrigan cover Thumb

Dear Corrigan

by Finn Sinclair

Published: 2023-03-27. 75,900 Words.

rating 5.0 stars (7)

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » General

A wannabe romance writer who has a popular advice column during the end times, seeks love and affirmation without the meddling of an overly involved Artificial Intelligence.


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A Fundamental Betrayal cover Thumb

A Fundamental Betrayal

by Finn Sinclair

Published: 2023-11-28. 85,900 Words.

rating 4.8 stars (33)

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction

To study four years at an ancient seminary with the promise of a secure career in a turbulent kingdom was an unbelievable boon to Zuri, a kid from the docks. All of it was a lie, a terrible soul-crushing lie. The only choice was to run, to live to fight another day. Kids from the docks know how to fight.


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The Library of Ibados cover Thumb

The Library of Ibados

by Finn Sinclair

Published: 2024-08-24. 96,400 Words.

rating 4.9 stars (39)

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Adventure

The Library of Ibados is the greatest wonder in the world. All the nations of the world, their leaders, wizards, and religious orders seek out the repository where even the gods come to dwell at times. In charge of this mythical edifice are the Librarians, a secretive cadre with unending responsibilities and mysteries that haunt them. One young Librarian does not quite fit the mold.


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Madness & Oracles cover Thumb

Madness & Oracles

by Finn Sinclair

Published: 2022-11-11. 70,200 Words.

rating 4.8 stars (8)

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Adventure

Escaping the fall of his beloved city, the last master of his religious tradition, Borner, escapes through the forgotten depths. He flees to an unknowable future, haunted and hounded by his losses. The master becomes the student who becomes the prophet, inheriting a fate he could not forsake.


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Twilight Lands cover Thumb

Twilight Lands

by Finn Sinclair

Published: 2022-04-23. 64,500 Words.

rating 5.0 stars (2)

Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Contemporary

Magical creatures are part of Jack’s daily responsibilities as the assistant manager at a hotel. The guests are demanding, the dragon is pressing, and Jack cannot get a decent night’s sleep. The first resort in the Twilight Lands, across the bridge from the human world, is a challenging job. Still, money, adventure and sex await the hardy human who dares to embrace the the magic. A satire.


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