
Tessa Void

The Midnight Game cover Thumb

The Midnight Game

Published: 2020-11-29. 29,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica

After confessing that she has a rape fantasy, Mary challenges her boyfriend to a high-stakes game of hide and seek. She hides, and if he finds her…he gets to rape her.


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The Time Traveler’s Baby Daddy cover Thumb

The Time Traveler’s Baby Daddy

Published: 2020-09-28. 86,000 Words.

rating 5.0 stars (3)

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Sci-Fi Erotica

When a college girl who’s several months pregnant shows up on Rory’s doorstep claiming that he’s the one who did the deed—but in the future—he doesn’t see much choice but to let her in and explain herself. He never expected to be entangled in her time travel…


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