
CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Ariadne and the Tales of Heroes cover Thumb

Ariadne and the Tales of Heroes

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-02-03. 120,030 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Historical

A Native American in World War 1 ends up discovering that the deities and mythical creatures do exist and more. The story is a collection of stories rolled into one book. It is a story of gods, furry, scalie, and Historical Fiction/Alternate History and Erotic Fiction rolled into one.


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Ayida-Weddo and the Tales of Heroes cover Thumb

Ayida-Weddo and the Tales of Heroes

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-06-07. 202,800 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Historical

Set in 2003, an agent goes into Liberia near the end of its dreaded civil wars in search of the gods. Meanwhile, a native Liberian woman flees her captors to uncover an ancient power. This book has been remastered/revised, helps bring awareness of Liberia, and raise money for charity.


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Gabatrix: Minerva cover Thumb

Gabatrix: Minerva

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-02-04. 95,700 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » AI

Set in 2349 and part of the Tales of Heroes universe, Gabatrix: Minerva deals with a scientist named Ericson, which creates the first advanced AI in over two hundred years. This is the first book of the Gabatrix series set in a specific time frame as humanity expands and colonizes other worlds while the threat of an unknown alien race looms near.


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Gabatrix: The First Peace cover Thumb

Gabatrix: The First Peace

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-07-14. 117,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Military

Set in 2349. Gabatrix: The First Peace continues one month after Gabatrix: Minerva. Humanity is losing a war with the Itreans but one of the clans reaches out in a desire for peace. An old UHN warship is prepped for the meeting and an ambassador must be prepared for whatever is out there. Contains: Swearing, Love, Sex, Male Human/Female Alien, War, Intercourse, Space, Sci-fi, Anthro (Scalie), M/F


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Gabatrix: The Magenta Racer cover Thumb

Gabatrix: The Magenta Racer

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-12-06. 129,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Aliens

Set after the First Peace and before the Violet Wave, a former UHN serviceman desires to go into the career of racing. Meanwhile, he becomes part of the new T'rintar/UWA dating programs, a successful establishment in finding future mates (Marriages) for human bachelors and Itrean alike. Story Contains: M/F, M/FFF, Human/Alien Relations, Scalie (Shark), Size, Anthro, Impregnation, Violence, and War


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Gabatrix: The Violet Wave cover Thumb

Gabatrix: The Violet Wave

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-08-01. 112,800 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Aliens

Set in 2350. Gabatrix: The Violet Wave continues several months after The First Peace and The Magenta Racer. All is quiet for several months for the UWA during their war with the other Itrean clans. The silence is shattered when a Shal'rein clan fleet nears one of the colony worlds of Aphadus. Story has Swearing, War, Violence, Sex, Science Fiction, Space, Male Human/Female Alien (Shark), Size


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Gabatrix: The Silver Rain cover Thumb

Gabatrix: The Silver Rain

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-08-03. 111,400 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Aliens

Set in 2350. Gabatrix: The Silver Rain is set a couple months after Gabatrix: The Violet Wave. A distress call is picked up near the colony of Eutera. The UHN must send a response team to investigate the cause. Story contains Science Fiction, Space, Sex, Female Human/Female Alien (intersex), F/F or F/I, War, Violence, Horror, Action, Survival, Graphic


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Gabatrix: The Terrorists of Batrice cover Thumb

Gabatrix: The Terrorists of Batrice

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-08-14. 137,400 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Aliens

Set in 2350, the Terrorists of Batrice continues not long after the Silver Rain. A brother of a fallen man resides in the great Fort Batrice. Recovering from such a loss, it is quickly shattered as an explosion occurs on the great space station. Story contains: Space, Science Fiction, Future, Sex, Love, War, Violence, Blood, Interspecies, Male Human, Female Aliens, Scalie, Human/Alien, M/FF


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Gabatrix: The Shira Maneuver cover Thumb

Gabatrix: The Shira Maneuver

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-07-15. 111,800 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Military

Set in 2350, the Shira Maneuver continues two weeks after The Terrorists of Batrice. All is well for Shira and Javier on Aphadus, until others make an attempt on Shira's life. Now the couple must live a life of tedium on a vessel as war and threats continue to thrive. Story contains: Space, Future, Sex, Love, War, Violence, M/F. Interspecies, Intercourse, Male Human, Female Alien/Anthro Shark


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Gabatrix: The Warrior of Silence cover Thumb

Gabatrix: The Warrior of Silence

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-09-25. 144,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Military

After the events of The Shira Maneuver, an infuriated marine resides on the planet of Oshun. Partnered up with an Itrean, he must learn patience with this unique individual. The alien woman, meanwhile, must struggle with her own dilemmas while they attempt to defy the criminal underworld together. Story contains Swearing, Violence, Space, Science Fiction, Future, Gradual Romance, Sex, Interspecies


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Gabatrix: The Cipra Campaign cover Thumb

Gabatrix: The Cipra Campaign

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2022-03-06. 164,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Military

Set after Gabatrix: The Warrior of Silence, Operation Desert Shrike is underway. The UHN and T'rintar clan prepare to launch an all out attack on the captured world of Cipra, a former human colony that had been long taken by the Aksren clan. Story contains Sex, Love, War, Swearing, Light Humor, Violence, Blood, Combat, Interspecies, Male Human, Female Alien, Scalie, Human/Alien Sex


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Gabatrix: Legacy (An Erotica and War Science Fiction Story) cover Thumb

Gabatrix: Legacy (An Erotica and War Science Fiction Story)

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2022-10-09. 152,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Military

Set after Gabatrix: The Cipra Campaign, a group of new troubled marine recruits travel to the UHN Lifen. There, a former Marine Master Sergeant and unique Captain awaits them. Many of the past main characters of the Gabatrix series make their triumphant return in this story. Story Contains: Human Male/Anthro (Alien) Female relations, Human Male/Human Female, Scalie, Anthro, Sex, Impregnate


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Gabatrix: Relics cover Thumb

Gabatrix: Relics

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2023-01-24. 110,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Sci-Fi Erotica

Set in 2351 following the events of Gabatrix: Legacy, Operation Reliquary is underway. A small task force of ships is dispatched to the fringes of enemy territory. Their goal: to seek out the Alara'jal, the titans of the Itrean race. A paleontologist participates in this dangerous mission in hopes to seek them out...Story Contains: War, Love, Sex, Anthro, Human (Male), Alien (Female), Size, Sci-fi


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Gabatrix: Force and Vehemence cover Thumb

Gabatrix: Force and Vehemence

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2023-05-22. 109,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Sci-Fi Erotica

Set mostly after Gabatrix: Relics, two Shal'rein prisoners of war learn the truth that humanity carries the cure to the deadly Zilik's Disease. Meanwhile, a defamed chef follows his journey to win the United World's Alliance Fighting Tournament and possibly push into the Itrean Genta Tournament. Story Contains: Human/Anthro, Love, Violence, Sex, Human Man, Female Muscle, Shark, M/FF, Impregnate


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Gabatrix: The Pirates of Palora cover Thumb

Gabatrix: The Pirates of Palora

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2024-01-29. 160,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Sci-Fi Erotica

Set after the events of Gabatrix: Force and Vehemence, The Lifen crew return to confront the criminal elements in the Paloran star system. Pirates and rogues continue to grow in strength while ravaging commercial vessels, corrupting politicians, and terrorizing civilians alike. It's up to Shira, Javier, and Stone to confront these pirates and make the system safe for everyone before it's too late.


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Gabatrix: Veleshar cover Thumb

Gabatrix: Veleshar

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2024-06-05. 130,500 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Sci-Fi Erotica

Set after the events of Gabatrix: The Pirates of Palora, a UHN serviceman finds the woman of his dreams on Cebravis. He's given the choice of joining the UWA/Itrean exchange program to serve onboard an Itrean vessel to be with this alien woman. Story Contains: Space, Science Fiction, Future, Sex, Love, War, Swearing, Action, Fighting, Male Human, Female Alien, Anthro, Impregnate, M/F, M/FF, M/FFF


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The Garden of New Olympia (Erotica Short Stories) cover Thumb

The Garden of New Olympia (Erotica Short Stories)

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2022-08-12. 112,700 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Sci-Fi Erotica

The Garden of New Olympia is a collection of different erotica encounters for each chapter. While it takes place during the Gabatrix and Tales of Heroes universe, the book is strictly erotica, with no heavy emphasis on story. Please read the disclaimers before reading. Each chapter is a separate story and has its own set of tags. Book contains: Human/Anthro Relations, Interspecies, Pregnant, Sex


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Helsing and the Tales of Heroes cover Thumb

Helsing and the Tales of Heroes

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2023-11-08. 184,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Dark

The year is 2012. Earth has fallen into a new calamity. Monsters have risen to ravage the great cities. A lone human woman fights for her people as Paris burns. It will be up to her and the mythics to solve the mysteries that lie from how it started and perhaps save humanity from annihilation. The book contains Female Vampire, Male Human, Male Vampire, Female Human, Love, Sex, Drama, Action.


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Opet and the Tales of Heroes cover Thumb

Opet and the Tales of Heroes

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-03-21. 169,800 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Erotica » Sci-Fi Erotica

Set between 2347 to 2350, during the Gabatrix series, a man born from Aphadus departs to the mysterious colony of New Olympia. His goal is to meet the woman of his dreams on the UHN Opet. It is a story of romance, love, magic, and space exploration. Story contains: Sex, Romance, Human/Anthro Relations, Pregnant, Impregnate, Superfetation, History, Science Fiction, Magic, and more.


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Ryujin and the Tales of Heroes cover Thumb

Ryujin and the Tales of Heroes

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-02-05. 240,400 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Science Fiction » Apocalyptic

Set in 1983, Ryujin and the Tales of Heroes is designed to be a more direct sequel to Ariadne and The Tales of Heroes. The book was originally supposed to be called "The Month that Never Happened." The story is a collection of stories rolled into one book. It is a story of gods, furry, scalie, and Historical Fiction/Alternate History and Erotic Fiction rolled into one.


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Taweret and the Tales of Heroes cover Thumb

Taweret and the Tales of Heroes

by CMed (TheUniverseofCMed)

Published: 2021-02-06. 158,000 Words.

Categories: Fiction » Fantasy » Historical

Set between 1978-1984, Taweret and the Tales of Heroes is designed to be a more direct sequel to Ryujin and The Tales of Heroes. A teen meets and befriends a girl that isn't what she appears to be. The story is a collection of stories rolled into one book. It is a story of gods, furry, scalie, and Historical Fiction/Alternate History and Erotic Fiction rolled into one.


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